CRank: 5Score: 14140

worth it if ur a splinter cell fan, otherwise hell no, for me the reason i got my xbox was that ninja gaiden 2 was exlcusive......i was lied too lol.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

im not bashing xbox owners cuz im an xbox owner. im telling u from what i see customers do. countless times they come in for an arcade without knowing they need a hard drive, i then tell them everything they need and they either look for the now standard elite, a used pro model or they get a ps3.

while yes there are SOME who dont care bout SD because they have normal tvs the majority of gamers now a day have an hdtv, come on they r cheap now. isnt it sorta backwards thatt the 3...

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lmao wtf wow, poor 360 owners get the super crappy, sub hd with compressed video and sound spread across 3 disc with worse graphics and a huge install. damn man that sux

and guys about the arcade, we all know what it was really made for.
1) morons who dont know they need a hard drive
2) people who dont wanna wait 2 months for their rrod 360 to come back so they buy the unit without harddrive and use that one.

in essense the arcade is a De...

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS charges them for each extra disc thats why :/ im sure its due to both of their money grubbingness

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment man. wow sux and then u got morons doing this over it.

this is a result of no disipline.

im sorry but when a child needs to be beaten then i say go for it. heck i was a horrible kid, i was beaten with extension cords, belts, slaps, shoes, brooms, beaten all infront of a mirror to see how pathetic i was and then punished.

this time out crap these days is retarded, me and my 4 brothers came out fine after our disiplines and i still love ...

5214d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah dont make it on 360 at all.

honesstly, why the F is odst 2 disc............

only way to get around it is to compress it, make worse graphics, worse gameplay and cut content, thats how u deal with dvd9 and thats whats been happening.

even if the xbox was possible of ps3 exclusive quality, it cant happen because of dvd9 and MS. even gears 1 had a bunch of cut content which made its way to the pc with all content included.
the system and M...

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf, well not buying this game now. thank god i have free rentals forever :) (gamecrazy employee buff)

u knnow what, im gonna say it

360 SUX!!!!!!!!!!!

this is proof, its screwing up this gen, besides screwing gamers out of money for charging wifi and online and expense of buying new xboxs when u get a rrod or it laser burning ur disc when u move it the 360 also cuts content on both consoles!

freakin amazing how crappy it is, freakin...

5214d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

crisis core quality graphics with new cinemtaics is the only way guys, and honestly i wud luv that alot more than it not happening at all. wud make an awesome psp or psn game

5218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u dont even know wat ur talkin about. u dnt even play pc games do u?

ALL pc games install, ALL OF THEM, and they take a damn long time to install too, thats y they dont need blu-ray, the dvd is a forrm of distribution, u put it in comp, install and thats it.

second alan wakes graphics dont even compare to uncharted 1's.

while i cnt wait for alan wake it doesnt mean that the graphics r amazing. and i dnt care aslong as its fun but for u to rant th...

5218d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol and all the fanboys said that bluray was useless and standard dvd is the best or not bad.

poor morons lol, same idiots that thought the 8 new models of the 360 wud be rrod proof and that there wouldnt be a problem with disc storage :/ sux for ya lol. i mean thats like Snes using the original cartridges, no crap they wud run out of space

why is the 360 using ps2 dvds lol. if a ps2 game is multi disc wat made MS think that a next gen game wouldnt?

5218d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

im guessing ur meaning the towns thing? eitherwway what ever it is the 360 version is still alot worse, i think they shud lower 360 version to 55$ to compensate ya.

and dunno if u know but like i said, Versus xiii has towns and world map, and its ps3 only, u cnt deny 360 caused a change in ff13's development :/

5219d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

o they shud make dlc free, o they shud make the game multi disc,

stop jumpin around the fact that the 360 keeps on screwing up games, example the first gears had crap load cut out because it didnt fit in the disc, xbox is was easy to use back when it came out but we all know as a console goes further into the gen cycle devs learn to make better graphics, better gameplay etc etc, but when MS keeps limiting themselves they get screwed.

it sux cuz i bet the xbox has...

5219d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

imagine if the game had towns, lmmao.

this is the reason square said it was impossible to do HD towns, i mean think about it, Versus which is ps3 exclusive is getting towns, a world map, flying over oceans and mountains, and 13 which got cut up do to 360 runs/ looks like crap on 360 and they have no towns in game.

square just didnt say it in a flamebait way, but we kknow the real reason there was no towns is cuz the 360 wud have 5 more discs.

come ...

5219d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

freakin tard. yeeah velvet assassin , too human, are just some of their amazing games................lmao!!!!

everyone knows 360 had like 1 good exclusive last year, they barley have any at all, and we all know the wii has most exclusives......the most crappy exclusives lol.

360 owners r stuck playin halo, cod, or gears, and sadly its mostly cod.

this yr looks good with alan wake and splinter cell, and mass effect was jjust released but thats goi...

5220d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

has to ff8's map. dummies lol he didnt say they removed the world map, he said they changed it. so ff8 will prbly be wat it resembles.

i dont care aslong as there is a world map. :) o flying over mountains and oceans, nomura didnt lie :) good to know i can still trust him. hes the last good dev in square enix.

and guys ff13 had no towns because of the 360.

come on think about it, 360 is compressed like crazy and is 3 disc without towns, it is impos...

5220d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

awesome, now to debate whether to get it on ps3 or my comp.....hmmm if me and gf get it on comp we can play in same house, but cnt if we get it on ps3.....tho then we wudnt have to worry about her running on max settings without slowdown......hmmmm choices....dammit!!!! i guess if its played with a keyboard still will be what determines it lol

5221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have a wii just for that game, never got it cuz its to expensive for my horrid budget after basically losing my job *sigh.

luved odin sphere, if u didnt play that yet play it, its on ps2, same creators

5221d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think u fail to realize it was made on ps3 this time and ported to 360 which is normally the reason for 360 games to slightly being better. which mind u that slightly is the fake non-native 1080p support.

this time its a big difference from the ports, when downgrading from wat ff13 is, they had to compress the F out of it for xbox, i think they shuda just made it 4 disc on xbox so it wudnt be compressed but o well.

that and we all know the whole impossible to d...

5221d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

um wats talk about advent children sucking? while it wasnt amazing story wise it was amazing fanservice wise.

anyone see the complete version? it actually makes sense and the new scenes are kickass!!!!!! especially thee end fight

anyway, im buying ff13 anyway, i know i will still enjoy it, just like i enjoyed vesperia, star ocean, infinite undiscovery, valkyria, demon souls....basically all jrpgs this gen but eternal sonata and blue dragon lol. while some may no...

5221d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

while i luv valkyria, WKC was and is garbage. bad story, bad graphics, boring gameplay that doesnt even close to resemble the original concept from he e3 demo, ur character isnt even noticed to the other characters, vERY VERY SLOW gameplay, enemies that hit u with a poke from a field other words....CRAP.

VC is Awesome tho :3 *tackles Selvaria* lol

and yes i sadly own WKC :( forced to beat it since i bought it lol. part 2 shud be good tho, just needs ...

5221d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment