CRank: 5Score: 14140

sony is making money on ps3s now even at this price, the ps3 sells so much its hard to find now, why the hell make it cheaper?

the xbox shud drop to 250 if anything

5221d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

while gears cover system was introduced and it helped industry im sure someone would have done it if they didnt, just gears did it first.

gears 1 and 2 were boring IMO, ya hear that? i know ya like it, i just didnt, only beat them cuz i needed an offline co-op game lol.

otherwise i cud have lived with out ever hearing the games name

5222d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

since it has its name it will sell way more than it shud.

while i own a halo edition 360 halo 3 dissapointed, so did all the other games after it. truth is 360 gamers have nothing but halo and gears to fall back on wen it comes to arguing in the console wars while they sit back on COD till those sequels come out.

i have owned a ps3 since launch and always find my self playing something fun, always changing and if not changing the games always deliver with except...

5222d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment
5222d ago

360's and ps3s r also 4000-5000$ cheaper than a highend gaming pc :)

and dont bring that build ur own for 2000 crap cuz we all dont have the time nerds or comp technicians do to learn that crap.

while i have a 2000$ gaming pc u do realize high end pcs arent for casual or normal working people with children, lives and a woman?

thank god i have a gamer girl and no, just realize that consoles have a MUCH bigger target than gaming pc...

5222d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

heres difference tho, ff8 is a blocky, pixely mess of crap lol.

we know how double edged people are, while wanting the game they want it in full glory, while me and u wudnt mind advent quality cloud near a tiny midgar there wud be tons and tons of people complaining and not getting game because of that, especially new comers would complain, make it a fail to anyone that isnt a hardcore fan like ourselves.

square would have the burden of catering to us and the new...

5222d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ur comment sorta contradicted it self "All I want is the exact same version of the original but with ps3 graphics"

it wont happen simple cuz ps3 graphics wud look stupider on the world map. Imagine HD cloud strife on world map bigger than the city he is standing next too. it wudnt be acceptable sadly. i see only 2 types of remakes. one full remake, new cameras, fully realized game OR, ps2 (kingdom hearts 2) quality graphics remake. in those graphics a giant cloud wudn...

5222d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

lbp is awesome and water adds a ton.

u see alot of diff lvls, some really classic to platforming with wierd contraptions and some that look totally realistic, i just luv the variation.

i my self used to make wacky lvls not caring if it looked realistic or not then switched to "NO IT MUST LOOK REALISTIC!!!!" lol

if curious to try it out "Edens Tear" is the name of my lvl, almost everything is realistic, from the swinging, flying ...

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

where is my sackeroth!

i want my lbp ff7 costumes along with lvls and sword attack power-up!!!!!! sword can cut certain material like sponge and anything soft even wood with enough cuts. would be ccool i think :)

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just takes like 10 mins to get used to lol. the only complex thing is the changing tiers thing that new comers dont get otherwise its easy to play. :)

a full sequal woul be awesome, ive really been hoping for more powerups, maybe somethin to add to platforming like grappling hooks, maybe have certain grapple points with the item and have to swing and time jumps, i think that wud be awesome., even addiing hook points to items to pull, maybe pull a tree down to make a bridge etc ...

5225d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks really good, good thing i didnt sell my dusty 360. cnt wait to dust it off to play this game, im actually really impressed with this game, looks good graphically and story wise, voice work so far seems slightly weak but it still has time.

hurry and release :D!!!!!

5226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*nods, a shower wud help that u stinky guys :D

5226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have a gamer gf, she has a psp, ps3, 360 and gaming comp. met as an anime fan and her luv for anime got her into final fantasy and other j rpgs, then to dead or alive, ninja gaiden, now we play LBP together, RE5 and any game we can.

if u dont find her in RL then ur screwed, thats all there is to it, cyber gf's are for desperates, sorry guys

5226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nomura says he wants to bring back the flyin in ships over seas and mountains, says they already have vehicles and such. the game is a KH style game but will be big. i really cnt wait for it


lmao at random Mass erect 2 comment

@edit due to lack of bubbles lol" again at below.

Oooo wait so he does? lol o crap but it was a trilogy, o well wasnt gonna play anyway. wow they spoiled u on those games? wtf those f'n loser...

5226d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

linked, very very slightly. completley diff area, but still has to do with fablousis crystal somethin is all. diff universes and chars will never meet. so seperate i suppose :)

5226d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

versus cant go multiplat unless nomura is a liar, i dont trust SE but i trust nomura, he said he wants it exclusive and he wont work on it any other way. if it turns out multiplat i will have lost hope in all of square, even nomura which is the last trust worthy guy there. besides the ingame graphics for versus are higher than MGS4's so its def not on xbox lol

5226d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

wat does that good 10 year old system have to do with this article lol.

tis true tho, wud be dumb if sony kept focusing on ps2 and not ps3. its 3 yrs ps3s been out get one :)

if u never played rpgs on ps2 then u still have a reason to keep it. theres like hundreds of good ones lol

5226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

odd cuz wii players only play smash bros or animal crossing the majority of the time because there is a lack of good games. while there was some good games there isnt enough, new super mario bros was the last fun game i plaayed on wii after muramasa but there is barley anything i cud say "CNT WAIT TILL THAT COMES OUT!!"

actuually there is nothing, and no there are no new ideas, the best games on wii are the ones u dnt need a wii mote for. i hate that motion crap

5226d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

i just laugh cuz they think the situations they r in are serious, i mean i cracked up at the whole thing with don and his wife. besides the bad acting i just didnt give a crap and the way they delivered it was halarious

5227d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the normal difficulty is how game is meant to be played, i wud never play a game twice if i didnt enjoy it which i didnt, i played it co-op cuz friend wanted too, and the end boss was wtf, i was like cool he died now the big boss is gonna come out....instead it was credits. i just dont think it was fun, campaign atleast, but hey its my opinion, its popular for a reason right?

(violence lol)

5227d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment