CRank: 5Score: 14140

yeeeaaaah ur almost right, tho i dont care for move i do see one huge difference.

ps3= next gen console, wii = last gen console.

also its optional for the ps3, while wii just focus'ss on this and whindes up with tons of shovel ware,

whats nice about next gen is that it looks nice, plays nice and we get to see sonys 1st party devs use this stuff, like naughty dog and media molecule.

come on dude, oblivion with Move wud be awesome. ...

5195d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

natal is just the new wii, its gonna be a fad if it succeeds, while move is just some optional add on most people wont buy anyway since they think its a wii-rip off.

honestly im not getting any of them, i like real games, not stuff that makes me dance and wiggle my toe.

although playing a new elder scrolls game wud be amazing with MOVE :p drools, thats its only use for me lol

5195d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol u guys, well i dnt care wat system its for since i have all and a gaming pc, and play this on my pc anyway since its alot better aslong as u havin a high end pc i guess ;p

i do wish not so many 360 games were also on pc, wud make me use my 360 for more than gears and halo and fable :/

5195d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

the plan for mass effect 3 is gonna be 80$ worth of dlc on launch day, to continue bioware tradition......just kiddin guys calm down lol :)

5195d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

one can only wish :(

my gf is freakin out wonderin wen doa5 will come lol.

tho bak on topic, yeah bioware seems to be shovin dlc down throats of their customers, i mean they always have tons of day 1 content, like that crazy 25 bucks worth of dlc for dragon ages launch, guess they takin advantage of the dlc bandwagon aswell :/

5195d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

haha fanboys, 360 fanboys r delusional tho, they think theres nothing wrong with a system that has over 50% failure rate and uses ps2 disc format for a HD console :)

ps3 fanboys were created because the 360 fanboys became delusional, this lead to the ps3 fanboys becoming obssessed with proving the 360 fans wrong.

in essence.....the 360 fanboys created the ps3 fanboy, because sony fanboys were no where as bad last gen

5195d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

everytime i c a title with the name kasumi from this game i get semi hyped its dead or alive related......then my hopes are shattered when i see the mass effect picture lol

5195d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well yeah its fine if u like it lol, i oddly liked bullet witch alot.....dont laugh lmao,, liked it cuz of the destruction in it, having sky scrapers fall down on u after casting meteor is awesome ;p

but yeah, thing with pc games is the graphics are always better with mods/ max graphics. but kz2 technically is amazing because the ps3 isnt as strong as high end pc games and yet the ps3 still challenges them.

i think thats the basic arguement or shud i say defense. <...

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ummm, crysis did look nice, especially the vegetation, but if ur a pc gamer i think ur forgetting the 2 major differences between KZ2 and crysis......crysis sucked, sucked bad, looked nice and thats all. it wasnt fun at all and had to many probs.

sux to say but im not even lookin forward to crysis 2 unless they fixed everything that was boring about it, in theory it was good but that wasnt the final product, sorta how fable says how good its ggonna be and doesnt deliver on its pr...

5195d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think everyone knows its not gonna look like that.

tho it wud be nice if the gears series had some trees and more color than grey and brown/ red.

maybe the game will look like this on the next xbox.

i mean gears 1 filled the disc and they had to cut content, and gears 1 didnt even have that much content, so no way it wud look like this.

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think fanboyism changed alot, it used to be people were fans of games, that lead to people luving a console because that game started on that console EXample: mario (nintendo) xbox (halo) ummmm maybe ff7 and onslaught of jrpgs that left nintendo during that gen.

but now fanboyism is stupid, people forget to be fanboys of games, now its, O my 50 bucks a year is better than ur free cuz we have cross game chat!

or we have more quality exlusives tthan u!, ur system...

5196d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

aslong as the armor looks nice, sexually or just visually im fine, unless its just a stupid bikini......

shows alot of skin, yes, but still awesome outfits, and my gf luvs the way they dress and looks forward to playing this game :3

5197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u know i was wondering how did they pull that lvl off, to have it loop constantly but change as u progress seemlessly, i was like wtf, wud make sense if there was a time limit but there wasnt, so i have to say i was really impressed

5197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf r u smoking lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! modern warfare has highdef pixels, just look at the floor, the walls, the vehicles, i dont know wat ur talkin about,

tho in essence a game that is 2.5 yrs older shud look atleast better than a 2007 game from a developers first gen game lmao

5197d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

it is 60fps, u never read the whole article concerning the frames, the slowdown was done on purpose, its not lose of frames.

that and ok 50% sounds crazy yes, but how do u explain 360 games looking almost the same from launch as they do now and ps3 games constiantly beating each other in awards, graphics, gameplay etc????

why do games keep getting better graphically atleast yet they stay the same on 360?

gears 1 and 2 are the best looking games on ...

5197d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

lmao!!!!! and 360 cant even get uncharted 1 graphics yet.....let alone the demo buold of gow3 hahaha......sad times indeed

5197d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

yeah, luckhy for MS sony doesnt have enough consoles to keep up with the demand, and sony is still outselling them lol. everywhere u go u cant find a ps3, and when best buy or gamestop does get like 10, they r gone within an hour.

guess people are sick of rroding lol. that and the newer price point is sexy for the ps3

5197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol ofcourse they still matter,

gears halo and cod are all 360 fanboys play. the real gamers own all the consoles and play all the games they enjoy :3.

5197d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

thnx dude :P

5198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

um how the F do u play LBP with that, sounds like super multitasking unless another playing is controlling the wand lol

5198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment