
CRank: 5Score: 151180

This is hilarious, the denial of any common sense from some is something to behold.

There has been almost complete radio silence from the usual offenders for the most part whilst the worst of the rumours were swirling. But as soon as they have the slightest BS from Phil that they can latch onto they are on the comments section in full force again!

If they honestly believe that there is anything other than damage control going on and that MS aren't s...

109d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't understand why a sentence displayed on a loading screen for a few seconds can make people lose their marbles so much?

If you are not sensitive to the content then the warning isn't aimed at you, move on with your day.

112d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Yeah, these adds are pretty egregious, I know the site needs to make money, but these ads make the site borderline unusable.

112d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As someone who stopped playing online games about 10 years ago (the original Destiny was the last game I played), I tried this game as a massive fan of the 1st game.

I have to say, I am all the way back into online service games, this one seems super fair with its economies and progression and the gameplay is absolutely stellar, I cannot believe how good this game feels to play!!

112d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nobody saw it coming from Sega back in the day but it happened.

This is more apparent with Xbox, this thumping in respect of market share isn't new, people need to appreciate they have been getting thrashed for 3 generations now and worst of all, they are going backwards each gen, they are not closing the gap.

112d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I suppose they get to cover it in a longform format and importantly, they don't end up with a YouTube video with a few hundred thousand negative votes and comments from the usual hard-core head cases.

They can control the narrative more with a podcast and they know the people they want to reach will tune in regardless of the format. Its probably a smart move, but it does make me wonder just how far reaching the changes are if they are taking this route rather than a st...

113d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Ryebread, the recent poll on Pushsquare really illustrated just how little PS only gamers had missed over the last decade or so. The votes were all fairly spread out too with no one game actually dominating the vote.

113d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

Playing on PS5 squire. To be fair, since the patch it's been much more stable, I did have one instance where I completed a mission and the credits/XP weren't added to my total and my level displayed as 0 during loading, but otherwise, its all been great after another 8 or so hours. It's bloody brilliant, I haven't been hooked on an online game for the best part of a decade, but thus game just resonates with me for some reason.

113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had that too for a good 2 hours. It gave the chance to go back and finish Lies of P, so not to much an issue for me, but frustrating nonetheless.

114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's a fab game, buy I've lost XP to crashes around 4 times in about 5 hours of gaming.

114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved Warhawk, but I reckon Helldivers 2 might edge it out as a better game.

I cannot believe how much fun the game is.

114d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is the first online/service game I have bought since Destiny, I just rarely play em.

But seeing the gameplay and being a fan of the first game, I just had to try it. Blimey, it is absolutely chuffing awesome!

My only gripe is the stability, I dunno how many 'support' messages I have sent to Sony now after crashing out.

114d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The documentary says nothing of the sort mate, just poor 'journalism' by this writer. They touch on the level structure of Bloodborne and how they initially considered implementing something similar before quickly realising it didn't fit their plans for the game. It was a small comment that has been turned into a nonsense story.

The documentary is flipping great by the way, well worth checking out.

120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seeing the comments section makes me so glad to live in the UK, workers rights seem non existent in the US and you have some folk who seem just fine about it.

127d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd be happy to buy a model that's just a little box to plug into my TV, never play it handheld.

128d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because some berk out there hasn't contacted PETA about Pokemon I guess?

The reality is, PETA are not seeking out games to comment on, these stories arise because some fuckwit decides to seek out a comment from PETA and then generates this kindsof story to generate heat and frustration when PETA are obliged to respond to the question they have been asked.

Of course, PETA could say, animal cruelty in video games doesn't matter, but do you think tha...

129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They weren't worrying about fake animals, this cockend reached out to them for comment so he could manufacture an issue to get you worked up, you have been played dude. The shame is, this is what happens every timw PETA crop up in a story on N4G and it all it does is distract from real animal welfare issues.

129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go read the story, the guy contacted them for comment, they would never have issued a statement in the firstplace if this anus hadn't contacted them.

129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PETA would never have commented on this, but were obliged too the moment this utter joke of a 'journalist' contacted them for comment. I would be very interested to see exactly what he wrote to PETA in order to get the response he wanted just so he could manipulate you into getting frustrated. It's the oldest trick in the book, make up a story that would never have arisen if you (the journalist) hadn't started the narrative in the first place.

129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course, you read the article where this arsehole contacted PETA just so he could write this pathetic non-story to rile people up. You are falling for the oldest trick in the book and have been completely manipulated.

If this bellend hadn't contacted PETA they would never opined on the game, but if a 'journalist' reaches out for comment then they are going to respond. I ask you, what do you thing they are going to say?

129d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment