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It'll never die, especially as games are becoming more and more of a narrative form. Technology is advancing rapidly.

2219d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

The writer makes points but at the end of the day also fails to recognize so many others that validate single player games. Remember when EA said single player was dead? Yeah how did that turn out for them with their shitty battlefront games? I like to have articles on my site that disagree with my personal opinion and it does make logical arguments but it neglects so much.

2219d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony’s proved this with god of war and horizon among others and Nintendo dominated with Mario and Zelda. So much more from Sony and more on the way!

2219d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

no single player is plenty profitable and there are people who prefer it and don't play online and only play campaigns in "multiplayer games". it's not as uncommon as you think. the most critically acclaimed games this year and last have all been single player. they sell very very very well. why would american developers stop? that's just fallacious logic..

2219d ago 26 agree2 disagreeView comment

@porkChop I agree it could come back but if EA tries to push multiplayer on it again the game will suffer. I loved ME3 and the MP was okay but EA rushed the game out and there was so much that was cut...

They will never do a remaster IMO, but it would be so cool to do one and have all your choices carry over. I'm just glad I can play the originals on my XB1. Andromeda was a disaster though. I still can't believe they cut the SP DLC because it did so bad, lol.

2219d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

and yet then EA decides to finally put.a campaign in battlefront 2, though yeah it's still a multiplayer game. honestly they're the worst and it's their fault that the mass effect series, one of the best ever, is in shambles and never returning. it's very sad because those games are some of the best of all time.

2219d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

streams are fun to watch, especially when you can play with the streamer, but that doesn't make single player obsolete by any means. people will always demand single player and there is a profit to be made. nintendo alone proved that last year on the switch.

2219d ago 50 agree3 disagreeView comment

I actually disagree with the premise of this. Single player games will never become obsolete because I feel the model is changing with DLC; I mean even Nintendo is now doing single-player DLC for games like Zelda.

Horizon Zero Dawn came out initially, then came out with DLC, then came out with a GOTY-like version. Tons of games do this (single-player). I bought it initially, sold it, then bought the ultimate edition. I did the same with FFXV, and now there are going to be M...

2219d ago 102 agree4 disagreeView comment

LOL BotW, seriously?

Ocarina of Time.

Xenosaga 1 and 3. Xenoblade 1.


Skyward Sword (the opening scene is magical regardless of what you think of the rest of the game)

Bioshock Infinite

There are a lot more but this list is pandering.-

2219d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some. It really depends.

2220d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything points to an E3 reveal and most people have maybe guessed, but NO ONE knows Microsoft's plans or even their game lineup and exclusives. This comes from someone with intimate knowledge. have to be careful what I say.

2221d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

it was expected, like black ops 4, but, we have first hand knowledge it is happening definitively. it's not just guess work.

2221d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

I can't really divulge any information about our source, but we have verified his access to this knowledge. It is extremely credible.

2221d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


2221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my bad for some reason i thought it was ps exclusive. probably because of 1.5 and 2.5 didn't come out on xbox, i dunno. if they get some original jrpgs like they did with the 360

2221d ago 0 agree35 disagreeView comment

that's a fair point but i see it as a process, they set up an infrastructure and then the exclusives come once it's optimized for the hardware. microsoft will surprise at E3. they had some great exclusives until the end of 2016. 2017 was a disaster but it can still be rectified. and i think it will be.

2221d ago 1 agree45 disagreeView comment

Sony's doing great now but we don't know if they'll be on top forever. I mean in this point in its history the switch is outpacing it. if pokemon comes out in the fall sales will explode, especially with smash as well. if microsoft has a good E3 and cuts the price of the X by about 50, I think, while they won't catch up to sony, they'll do incredibly well.

2221d ago 3 agree65 disagreeView comment

@dark eventually sony is going to have a drought or launch a new console and start from scratch and microsoft will still have the one x. that's when they may start worrying. I honestly don't think this console generation is going to end; it may be the last with continuous upgrades.

2221d ago 12 agree152 disagreeView comment

gears 4 was one of the best in the series. combine that, a new IP, QB2, and two more exclusives (i don't even like Halo) and maybe some exclusive JRPGs and they'll have a great year.

2221d ago 1 agree58 disagreeView comment

portable is the japan. microsoft is always at a disadvantage because of eastern sales. the xbox one x has so much potential, and it's best for the gaming industry to be honest that the system thrives.

2221d ago 3 agree39 disagreeView comment