
CRank: 5Score: 48300

That makes it even worse in my opinion. They have had success with Crossfire and decided to put this game out there with what seems like minimal effort.

It's the similar thing Take2 did with the GTA Trilogy. It shouldn't have come out in this state.

840d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

That wouldn't benefit Sony. They would be taking a significant loss on that unless they also brought it to PC at the same time.

840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is awesome, I've taken part in similar programs before and it always feels great to contribute. There is no sign of slowing down as far as destruction of ecosystems goes, it's quite unfortunate.

841d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've got too much other junk taking up space at the moment but this does look real nice.

841d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Platinum Games are a risk with the way they operate, I don't think anyone else is looking to purchase them and if they are, there would be some changes made.

I love Platinum but they are incredibly inconsistent and spread themselves to thin with all these projects when they could achieve great things if they just focused down.

841d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys seems to focus on these negative reviews way too much. 95% of the reviews are positive and the 3 articles that are way off the mark are now representing this game on N4G when you look at the main page.

Read the review and make up the mind for yourselves. From what I've been reading the game is bigger and better in every aspect, personally I couldn't ask for more.

842d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game seems to be reviewing well, looking forward to it!

842d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can only speak for myself but I have nothing against the game, it's the same article being written every 3 months that's getting a bit old. There are pleanty of other great games out there that have inspired genres that get barely any recognition.

I think the game did a good job about streamlining some aspects but if it didn't have Zelda in it's name some of the weaker parts of the game would not have been forgiven as easily.

842d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

They are already working on post release content. Some accessibility options as well as a harder and easier difficulty. Perhaps this is one of those to come back to down the road once they flesh it out.

They did talk about about the unlocking nature in an interview and that part was intentional to get you to revisit the levels and craft your own experience.

844d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's insane, Spider-Man IP has been delivering on all fronts lately.

844d ago 39 agree0 disagreeView comment

My enjoyment of a game was never impacted based on someone else not being able to play that same game.

844d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought you mentioned you were a union representative. Weird to see you jumping in this quick to damage control for Microsoft on this issue.

844d ago 19 agree8 disagreeView comment

Those articles also depend on the publisher giving them access to the game. They all handle it differently, Ghostwire: Tokyo for example had a 40min behind the closed door gameplay video basically where they just got to see the gameplay.

Other time they get codes for a preview version of the game that they can play. Whichever one it is, there is usually a document saying what they can and can't talk about. Sometimes it pertains to the story because they don't want ...

844d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They already had fast travel, this is a mount that will be available in certain regions and the way first game worked, you had to unlock the ability to tame some machines so it's probably won't be unlocked at the beginning.

844d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game came out yesterday, reviewers were not given any codes ahead of time so they were not able to play the game yet.

Depending on each game, reviewer will get game months ahead of time sometimes to give them enough time to finish. If a publisher is not confident about the game quality they don't give out any codes because the reviews would push people away.

844d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

They did mention that it's one of the things they wanted to do but couldn't. They never said that given another 2 years they would not be able to figure out a solution.

Treat anything you hear in game development and technology in general like you would treat science. It's a constantly evolving thing.

Each generational leap is just another problem to solve. There is a fascinating interview with one of the Naught Dog developers on Giant Bomb t...

844d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment

That ending though... how did they keep that a secret for this long?

845d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I first heard about this and was almost giving them a free pass but after thinking about it for a while, I asked myself why Remedy gets a free pass on this.

I haven't heard much about the campaign other than the mess around it not being available to people. I like Remedy but I don't think they should just get a free pass on this, their name is on the product.

Edit: Original comment was edited.

845d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That seems to be the common reaction to the game I've been seeing. Didn't even bother with the campaign though? Remedy worked on that if I recall, might be worth a shot.

845d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't even get what a certain time in the year has to do with it. It's not like Xbox had a packed 2020 or 2021 holiday season if we take Halo out of the equation.

Jumping one mental hoop too many today. I appreciate your input on many things Orchard but when it comes to Microsoft and Xbkx your points tend to mislead, gaslight and tend to be inaccurate.

845d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment