

CRank: 10Score: 48380

While not particularly stunning, this game looks fairly well put together. The fighting seems to take cues from Batman: Arkham Asylum and the platforming seems to take from Prince of Persia/Assassin's Creed.

4987d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Surf around and look at pretty much every single Mega Man related post on this site and most any others with active comment sections. Legends 3 pops up at least once, if not more.

4998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, Wipeout HD had a platinum trophy and was DL-only at launch...

5000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's hoping the PSP2 can do next-to or at-PS3 levels of quality. Imagine playing PS3 PSN games on handhelds...


5000d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep, apparently they're very much real. The notices are going out to more and more people, as per Bulbagarden's facebook update on the matter.
Related Twitter update confirming it's actually them: http://twitter.com/Bulbagar...

Quoting the update:...

5008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at the 720p video when you get a chance. It looks like this game *finally* has HD Sprites! The animation frames also seem a bit more detailed, which is a definite plus.

5010d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you on about? If anything, selling very well on the PS3 would encourage downloadable title devs (usually small companies who need to choose their consoles) to make more games simultaneously for the 360 and PS3..

5026d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

NISA were the ones who said they were almost done with a localization deal. Since this is a Compile Heart game, it's to be expected that they would get dibs on it.

5032d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hackers have found ways to spoof real firmware versions to access PSN and the PS Store. It's too risky to try it with this generation of PSP systems.

Maybe during the next generation, if they go haywire and beef up anti-piracy on levels that are beyond what's in the PS3.

5033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The easier way out is to just keep it in and patch it out through an online update in the first place. Then again, if the game hasn't gone gold yet there's still time to fix that in the first place.

5036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's probably because this release's main game is a remake of a GBC game, while the other bundled game is a slightly more polished version of the same PSP release from a couple of years back.

Basically, this game is remake-city. I sincerely doubt many people bought the game because Phantasia was part of the pack. Most people bought it because it has a remake of Nakiri Dungeon (which never really were that popular).

5047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah, Catch-22 is usually personified by "No matter what you do, you lose."

Beating up 7 crazy ex-boyfriends is a simple full-frontal confrontation. A real Catch-22 in this situation would be if the girl wants to be with you, but defeating her exes would make her not want to.

Thus if you choose to fight them, you lose. If you choose not to, they'll fight you anyway and you lose.

5047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see how you can agree with MHTri. It uses the same online system MHDos and MH/MHG used on the PS2 and I didn't see anything wrong with that.

The fact that the author mentions friend codes just goes to show that he didn't even play the game. The online allows for jumping into random online whenever you want and keeping track of friends isn't any different from back then.

If you mean how much it would have sold on the PS3, THAT I agree ...

5049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

On your edit: They've been creating sequels for a LOT of key IPs lately. Street Fighter 4 was the first key release in the franchise since SF3 came out nearly half a decade before, while Mega Man 9 came out ten years after Mega Man 8. Bionic Commando (not Rearmed) was sort of a sequel to the original, while Rearmed was a reboot. They even went back to 1942 and HD-ified it.

Capcom's done a lot to please their old fanbase and it still hasn't yielded rewards, nor ...

5049d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's more like the cost of the development teams' salaries since I'm sure the canceled games were never announced or hinted at. If you look at how much money was lost straight-up, it might be the equivalent of a five/six-man dev team.

Had the games been announced and slightly promoted, the costs might have been far higher.

5052d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interestingly enough, the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia sold more than the 360 version in Japan. Since there's no comparative sales figures for outside-of-Japan PS3 sales (there are none, basically) we'll never know which system was truly best for the game.

5053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because the team making the title is a brand new indie startup. Not to mention they were supposed to release this game on Wii/PSP, so the announcement of a release window for a PS3 version when the others don't have one yet is kind of surprising.

5060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're finally fixing the Vanderbildt Leisure Liner! I'll be able to complete my vehicles list.

5069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want Sega to go back and localize all episodes of Shining Force 3 (not just the first scenario).

5088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sakura Wars not ever coming back is disappointing, but was pretty much expected. What really got me sad was how the game didn't even sell to their expectations, which further solidifies the game never finding a niche here.

As for Prinny races... They're hilariously awesome. NISA are awesome for being gracious enough to localize that Home space, since they're still among an extremely short list of devs who have done so (Namco have interestingly done so already, w...

5090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment