12 years of trollin' now


CRank: 5Score: 94350

Until it can be used freely on all tracks, this crap remains a gimmick in GT

Forza Motorsport employs this tech on all tracks, all modes, offline and online. Lets wait and see if T10 can actually make this more than just a four week "special event"

302d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

The game is only okay. Not bad but not brilliant either. Pushed to a mythical level because there's bugger-all else to play on next-gen consoles.

If this released during the PS2 era (where exclusives released on PS2/Gamecube/Xbox weekly) it would have been forgotten. But these days, "console exclusives" get bigged up so much because they are so rare (like, two or three or year) that they become mythical status even if they aren't that great.

302d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Certainly a wealth of wrong information

302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Square Enix are so dumb

302d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you've got the space and budget, then you can't go wrong with Kinect Sports. Otherwise, if you want the cheap option, Blood borne ain't bad

302d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Chasing the live service genre is a huge gamble. If they get one hit that's on par with today's heavy hitters, then the investment will be worth it 100x. But history tells us that a huge % of these titles fail - even ones from established studios with AAA budgets.

Over the last two generations, Sony have excelled in making brilliant cinematic single player games. Those games helped them to be the number 1 publisher for both revenue and profits and by quite some dist...

303d ago 21 agree5 disagreeView comment

My memory of this game was that the gunplay was the best I've experienced. I've not seen a single person ever mention this so it's probably just me. I just remember feeling the weight of the weapons, the sound engineering was amazing, each gun felt unique and different. Maybe it was the cinematic nature of it, but I don't think I experienced cover shooting as good before or since.

I feel that a lot of people pine over older games with nostalgia glasses but i...

304d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"A good deal for those who want a console with games."

Like what? After all that bravado, the only game you could name was one that isn't out yet (Spider-Man 2)

Don't get me wrong, the XSX lineup in pathetic. But lets not pretend that the PS5 is any better. You can count the number of console exclusives for both on one hand.

If you're looking at games announced with release windows, there's only one console to ...

304d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Played it at the time, got the 1000G. It was certainly a bit of a grindfest at parts but enjoyed it on the whole.

If you liked the PS1 era FF games, you'll love this, because it plays in a very familiar way to those; albeit the characters and overall story are not as engaging as those three classics. Having said that, I felt the last part of the game was so weird/random and kinda comes out of nowhere, it does make up for where its lacking earlier on.

304d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As they are NOW... ABK are hardly the shining light of the games industry.

Most of their games already have MTs and as for MS "usual standard" when it comes to budgets.. weren't you guys saying Halo Infinite cost $500m..? :D

As for losing revenue by making games exclusive.. well yes but what's your point? If Sony made their games for Xbox they'd make more money too. The whole point of exclusives is to create a USP for your platform a...

304d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

re: the physics downgrade:

Wasn't that intentional? A lot of people complained about the realism in IV and _most_ people preferred the style of the PS2 era games more. So whilst you may be correct, I don't think it can be used as evidence for Rockstar cutting corners

305d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'd love to know the story behind this game. Maybe once the dust has settled somebody will talk about it.

The real question is - did Zenimax force them to make a live service game or was this all on Arkane? (remember, this was in production years before MS owned them)

It just seems weird that Harvey Smith - one of the industry's greatest - was writing and directing this trash. The fact he is still pretty active on X but not posted a single thing ...

307d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have an adblocker so it's the first time I seeing this, but that is a shambles.

I use to mainly use this site on mobile but now it's unusable. Like literally unusable. There's a black banner which I'm guessing is supposed to be an ad but it seems to be on top of the site stopping access and there's no X to close it. Before that, when I could actually access it, I stopped due to auto playing ads that were NOT muted.

Combined with the...

307d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've raised many doubts throughout my comments history about Embracer. I think we will continue to see them trimming the fat.

Their CEO is a well known business flipper. It's been obvious to me that they are hoovering up as many IP and heritage studios as possible to later flip to the highest bidder in one convenient package. Their site suggests they own 900 IP and 150+ studios now but with the exception of Saint's Row (which wasn't even good), I can't n...

308d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I really wouldn't say that MS have let Rare franchises die. They've just had the freedom to create new IP in Sea of Thieves and Everwild. MS are currently developing a Perfect Dark game, licensed Killer Instinct out, Rare themselves released several compilations and several Banjo games as well as PDZ in the past.

I'm not sure what else you could want. They can only make one game at a time. You can't say MS let all their franchises die but also be annoyed tha...

308d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

"I fully expect all these popular franchises to be killed off by Microsoft. Just a matter of time."

Based on what?? Microsoft usually gets stick for releasing too MANY games in their franchises, to the point where it's quite a long-running joke - one I'm sure you've partaken in before.

Pretty much all of their major IP has had releases in the last five years or have upcoming releases scheduled so I see no evidence whatsoever for thi...

308d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

Sales seem to matter a lot when it comes to PS5 v Xbox. Funny how suddenly it's not a metric when we consider the Switch.

"If the Switch didn't have Zelda or Mario, it would've flopped and no one would've even considered buying it."

Obviously it wouldn't be as popular without the established Nintendo IP but what's your point? If the PS5 doesn't have first party games like GT and GOW then it would be... like an Xbox.

312d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

Percentage is as good a metric as anything else.

Xbox has half the install base so I don't see how you can go on pure numbers and come out with anything sensible.

312d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

They can't just cancel the S. They made a very public commitment saying that all games this generation will release on both X and S. If they went back on that, it would be even more of a disaster than it already is.

312d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I get that it doesn't look great. But calling it an advert feels a bit disingenuous

Load up a PS5 and go to the store. The very first thing you see is a massive section labelled "Top games being played in your region".

I know the response to this will be something along the lines of this being okay when Sony does it because it's in the store. And whilst I agree the store is the best place for that, it's still a "feature" th...

312d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment