Edge of Contemplation Ready to Act


CRank: 7Score: 25170

Actually, VINNIEPAZ, I'm a huge SEGA, Atari, Nintendo and PlayStation fan. General gaming enthusiast, mainly, you could say. But, yeah, no, Microsoft doesn't make that list. The business-only-focused executives are ruining XBOX and hurting the game industry.

But, since we're on the topic of blind-fanboyism, if you weren't so seemingly taken hold by it you'd be able to see just how toxic MS is to the industry you would likely claim to be so indentured to....

2254d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed ,MakoD

One reason why gaming has surpassed movies is because it's so affordable. One game can last for half a dozen weeks or twice as long. While a movie is watch once and that's trypically it—at least for a couple months or so until you are watch it again.

2254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have to be blunt: Microsoft forcing fifteen year old games down gamers' throats is starting to make me hair-trigger nauseous. 🤮

2254d ago 6 agree23 disagreeView comment

Was kind of hoping for some constructive criticism for this analysis...

2254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the point was to pick one, though.

2254d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah—now you're playing my jam: Psychological manipulation for desired commercial result.

Regardless if you like something because it was specifically designed to be likeable—Macarena....aiggght—o r because it's simply amazing doesn't distract from it being liked.

Or, as the scientists like to explain: Receptiveness + (predictability-surprise) + (melodic potency) + (rhythmic repetition x1.5) = Addictive Overt Enjoyment


2254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have to agree. This guy is superbly sobering. A blunt intensity carried on the heavy weight of oddly-serene dialogue.

Psychopath extraordinaire.

2255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But, um, isn't it only thirty-seven bucks on PlayStation....

Cold move, Hello Games. Cold move.

2255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The demand for a GAAS console feature doesn't seem to be there for PlayStation fans—thankfully. I think if subscription-based gaming were of a mainstream viability it would have already become hugely popular on PC—and Steam would have capitalized on the interest.

Game Pass is a feeble attempt by Microsoft to regain revelancy in the industry. Nothing more. The service might as well be on an Ouya.

2255d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, not sure how to process that claim. Though, it does seems possible EA might be the reason Bioware does get closed down. I'm pressed to consider the possibility Andromeda would have had been a good game if EA hadn't been lurking over Bioware's shoulder whispering sour everythings the whole time.

2255d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

A great question.

I'd think if you are trading in a base model PlayStation 4, then yeah, go for it. Or, if you're trading in an XBOX One it's a good move.

On the other hand, unless you don't plan on being a launch day PlayStation 5 adopter—in a little less than two years—I'd wait.

Anyways, dropping three hundred and fifty to four hundred bucks is a lot this close to the end of a console cycle.

2255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are some great games, sure, but if you looked hard enough I'm confident you'd find it is missing some great, deserving titles.

2255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, man, as much as it chaps your backside: Money talks. We can shout all that we want to that we love this, or we love that, but at the end of the day whatever games society are buying the most of are the games they enjoy the most.

Important to note that's just a part of the formula—suggested off the top of my head— to determine anything. Besides, let's be truthful: It's one hundred times better than whatever system IGN writers are relying upon now.

2255d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Could. Not. Put. Down. This. Game.

This is the first Metal Gear Solid game I played for longer than an hour—and I've tried nearly every one since Metal Gear on Nintendo Entertianment System.

The precision and tactical feel this game has graciously delivers the expectations of what espionage should feel like. Game controls and movement feels tight and purposeful. Each step Snake makes follows a well-oiled rhythm. In fact, every limb is in sync with the...

2256d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


I'm going to start utilizing that phrase, "argue-bait." It's perfect for a lot of stories on N4G, lately.

Like, "Should PS5 be disc-less?" Harharhar. Flipping imbiciles.

Though, I think any time a COMPANY publishes an article—and not a op-ed piece—about something like 'one hundred greatest games' it should be done so on an aggregate. Statistics such as sales, long-term cultural and industry i...

2256d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Astounding how even though so many gamers have a PlayStation 4 that it STILL sells more than XBOX One—a system that has never sold anywhere close to how well the PS4 has.

2256d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Surely there's a Top One Hundred Games list that bases the order from a formula consisting of units sold, Metacritic/critic ratings, 'timelessness'—element s like that...

If not, there needs to be.

2256d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Posted this for a laugh. Halo: Combat Evolved is like number nine, while Final Fantasy VII is number ninety-nine. Lol 🤣

2257d ago 38 agree15 disagreeView comment

Pleeeeease bring this to PlayStation VR.

2257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only threat God of War has for game of this generation is Death Stranding or Last of Us: Part II.

I loved and had deep affection for Breath of the Wild, but not enough so that I think it beats other amazing current generation titles—especially the upcoming two aforementioned ones.

2257d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment