Gamers, UNITE UP!
CRank: 7Score: 200250

Sadly, no. At least not in the short term.
Some people are already way too invested in Fortnite to toss it away for a newcomer.
But if EA doesn't do anything to screw it up, it can become a staple hit in the BR genre, and it might indeed surpass Fortnite in the long run, in popularity.

1941d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Like others have said, does it really need to be explained at this point?
You could probably make a decent PowerPoint presentation, for a college business course of some sort, out of all the ways EA has screwed up lately and how to avoid repeating their mistakes.XD

1941d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ages 18-24, is the general age range of the majority of Switch owners.
And all of them are more mature than your comment.

1941d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

Preferably one better than Triforce Heroes...

1942d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want one very much.
The original black&white version on the game boy was my first taste of Zelda on-the-go and holds a special place in my life; a remake, or even better a direct sequel, would set my heart soaring.💗
Especially if they gave Marin and Link the happy end together that they deserved.

1942d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is why so many people are not on EA's side anymore...

1942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

720p 30fps would be fine. Graphics whores want to pretend that that's a horrible base standard. It's not.

1942d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

More deals are always a good thing.

1944d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

A solid 30fps is not unplayable; pretending it is, is just shameful.
If you're going to list an example of an unplayable game on Switch, go with Ark: Survival Evolved, which doesn't even run well on PS4 and XB1, yet the devs still had the audacity to release it in this poorly-ported state at nearly full retail price.

1944d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

This article says it's getting a redesign.
Nintendo says it isn't.
Until that changes, this article is based on a lie.

1944d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Just admit you really enjoy playing the same games over and over and the whole thing would be squashed."
No one wants to hear that from the fanbase that swore the Switch would fail to break 15m because it lacked "hits" like Call of Duty.
Take your jacked-up hypocrisy and shove off; you know just as well as anyone else here that Sony fans are just as guilty of every label you've stuck onto Nintendo fans' shoulders.
No matter how much you...

1948d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I'm guessing you haven't even seen it, let alone played it."

You'd be wrong. Very wrong.
My family owns their own PS4 Pro, and my best friend owns a high-end gaming PC he built himself.
I've seen the limits, and I'm telling you now; just because you've personally been so easily and overwhelmingly impressed by graphics doesn't mean everyone else is.
There's more to immersion than eye candy, and I loath spa...

1948d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

"If you want a quality home system, and have NO use for mobile gaming at all, whatsoever.... it is terrible aside from Nintendo's exclusives."

Most of my time with the system has been in docked mode with indies and third party ports/new games, and it's been wonderful for me.
Far and away from "terrible", it's easily become my main system, and I'm getting more than my money's worth out of it.

The majority of...

1948d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

They just hit 32M+ in the second year of the system's life, and Smash hit sales speed records that other fighters wish they had even half of within their first 2 months.
I even remember a couple of particular people on this site [for the sake of peace I won't name names, but you know who you are...] who outright said things similar to "I don't expect Smash to hit super-high numbers compared to multiplats like the upcoming Mortal Kombat".
So much for tha...

1948d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I hope so; that's part of the reason why I didn't get a ps4 day 1, so this would make me want a ps5 sooner if it supports all ps4 games.

1949d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

And it has not tanked its sales.
That and devs keep making good games for it despite the narrow-of-taste crying "drought".

1949d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Do what needs to be done, in as much time as you need to take; it's not like we don't have games to play while we wait.

1952d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And this article has a very click-baity title.

1953d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

What Neonrider said.
Also, just because subjectivity is implied doesn't mean others can't voice disagreement to the sentiment, nor that one has to be offended to do so.

Or, to use a turn upon your own phrase; "No reason to be offended that someone doesn't agree with your opinion of their opinion."

1953d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

No, they are great. You just don't like them.
And that's okay; it's okay to have preferences.
But that doesn't make the games bad.

1953d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment