Gamers, UNITE UP!
CRank: 7Score: 200250

I doubt it will be picking up anything more complicated than neural impulses for motor controls; you imagine wanting to look down at your hand, for instance, as a reflex and not an active constant thought, and the VR unit will detect those impulses, which will make your character and viewpoint do them.
You want to walk forward, the character will detect the impulses that would normally control your walking, and your character will do it.

It probably won't even ...

1881d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

A cartoon exaggeration doesn't prove any valid point; VR, as it is now, is naught but first-person camera helmets.
Not everyone is so easily-impressed, let alone more immersed, by nausea-inducing swivel controllers operated by one's neck.
The wait for the next step will be worth it, and 10 years minimum is not that long a wait at all for tech advanced enough to let us feel virtual objects, at the very least.

Current-gen VR is vastly overrated.

1881d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Still not impressed, just like I am with every form of VR thus far.
Get back to me when we have VR we can control with thoughts.[not that far off, believe it or not]

1882d ago 10 agree86 disagreeView comment

Bunch of negative nancies in here...

I think it looks great; brings back good memories of Order of Ecclesia, and the music sounds wonderful too.

1882d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, not all games are for everyone.
There are plenty of games that aren't going to suit the tastes of plenty of gamers, and that's not a sin!

The "git inclusive" crowd has started becoming just as toxic as the "git gud" crowd can be.

Normally I could ignore that...

But what pisses me off, BIG TIME, is that, recently, there is a small but vocal minority of very >not-disabled< gamers out there, w...

1883d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it's to focus on their backstories in relation to Sparda, Dante, and the ongoing conflict, then sure.
Spare a section to let us play as them. Maybe a secondary mode, even.
So long as they aren't the sole main focus of the game, that's fine.

But if it's because "waaah, mah wahmun, mah repwesentation, mah incwusivityyyy!!", then no.
Get shredded like the rest of the demons.

1885d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nice deflection, there.
Why not just say the truth; both companies' refund policies suck, and are in need of improvements.
Don't pull the "but at least" card; just say that they both need to change and be done with it.

1887d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Considering this game is 6 years old, yet still does its loot system better than many other ftp loot-shooters that have come out recently, I think he's not giving the game, his team, and himself enough credit.

Sure, it's not perfect [Melee 3.0 is still under construction and is kind of a hot mess in some areas, for instance], but its rng is still miles more generous than 99% of other games of its type, while still demanding, and rewarding, actual player effort.

1887d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

None of them have.

1890d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll take Warframe instead, thanks.

1891d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whether this is true or false, it doesn't change the fact that Warframe is still the better game here by comparison.

1891d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Any list like this that doesn't include Bravely Default, is an incomplete list.
Full stop.

1893d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Y'know, I'm getting REAL DAMN TIRED of that false "games-drought" narrative that certain people, with narrow taste in games, keep trying to accuse the Switch of suffering from.

No one who actually gives the Switch's library a fair rating, still believes that Switch lacks good third party games at this point, of which indies also count.

They'll move the goalposts by crying "ports don't count cause we've played them be...

1898d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, it does not.
The only reason so many companies are pushing hard for this is because it represents a firm step towards an all-digital future, where companies control everything and consumers own nothing they've bought unless companies say otherwise.

The majority of major countries, heck even cities, in the world, don't have strong enough infrastructure to support this in the way people think they can.
This is targeted more towards t...

1900d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Global internet broadband infrastructure strength being too weak, alone, already kills any potential this has of replacing consoles, dude.

Even with an unlimited data plan, you'd hit high data use so quickly that you'd only enjoy a few hours worth of gameplay before an isp would throttle your data speeds, because you're using too much too fast.

They're putting up streaming as the forefront of the future of gaming before the strength of our...

1902d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The presentation and the attitude of the men as women behind this, have already lost the interest of the majority of the core gaming community.
They couldn't win the hearts of the most important consumers of all.

That in and of itself has squandered what little potential this has.

That's not even mentioning that putting streaming as their first priority in a console/gaming service, during a time when global network quality/strength is not...

1902d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

As long as it's not a slap-chop disgrace of a job, done by feminists/sjw's for no reason other than "representation", it's fine to be more inclusive.

The problem, here, is finding the right people to introduce said content, people that won't listen to the loonies when making and distributing that kind of content in games.

1904d ago 31 agree13 disagreeView comment

Because not only do these "children" want to literally eat your face, these "children" are also PIXELS.

1904d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Outside of the removal of any sex scenes, ya mean...

1906d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That no-slipping-in-rain mod is one I'd gladly use.
Actually, I wish that had been the 2-star set bonus for the climbing gear instead.
Or a 4-star bonus.

1908d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment