Gamers, UNITE UP!
CRank: 7Score: 200250

Couldn't Platinum have bought the rights?
That or couldn't Microsoft have given permission, since they're playing nice with Nintendo right now?

1931d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I say it should be called a Puzzle Royale, personally; sounds more accurate and separates it from Fortnite and other games like it.
Plus, I think there could be some neat tricks that devs could pull, if they borrowed this new genre tag for other existing puzzle games.

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo: Royale, anyone?

1932d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's called abusing the rating system, my friend.
Being a bad game in many people's opinion doesn't make the game a technical mess.
If we're not going to use the 1-to-10-scale fairly or correctly, and instead let it stand for the insipid opinions of everyone regardless of how they match up to the game's actual merits or failings, then there's no point in having a 1-to-10 rating scale at all.

This is a matter of reviewer integrity....

1933d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Many people have been saying that the switch would not take off simply because it would not have those supposedly big-hit games.
They were wrong.
It's taken off regardless.

That kind of commentary has been wrong for a very long time now; the switch does not need every single big-hitting third party title in order to be a big hit system.
It already is one, and will continue to be so even if it misses out on a few graphics-focused third party ti...

1933d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

Okay, hold up for a second.
I get that a game can be terrible compared to its predecessors and relatives, and that most people can hate it for microtransactions, bad plot, and many other reasons.
But a 3.0 out of 10?
A 3 is reserved for games that have major technical issues that make the game difficult to play, let alone finish.
If Crackdown 3 doesn't have those kinds of horrible technical issues, then I'd say a 3 out of 10 sounds like a hate-fille...

1933d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

You do realize that the new Zelda remake is pulling directly from the style of the original, right?
Compare Link's eyes between the original and the remake, and you'll see that the remake is extremely close, for one example.
If anything, 3D Dot Heroes borrowed from an updated form of LA's style [and other games] when it decided on its graphical style, not the other way around.😂

1934d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Marin singing at the end of the LA announcement got me crying.
Other high notes were Daemon X Machina showing some good potential, and Astral Chains looking like a sick new IP.

1934d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The type of game it is alone says it shouldn't be."
Pfft, no it doesn't.
By that crazy logic, I could go and say that the Resi 2 remake shouldn't have been full price because its over-the-shoulder style emulated the unpopular Resi 5.

It being top-down has no bearing on whether or not it deserves to be a full-priced remake.
If this were just a port of one of the original two then I'd agree on a lower price b...

1934d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Resident Evil 2 says otherwise, and if I cared enough then I'm sure I could cherry-pick a bunch of other examples just like you have.

It's a remake that's been a long time coming, new assets and surely new surprises will be added in.
Its been long enough since the originals released that a new version should be forgiven a new-game price, just like Resi 2, because for many it WILL be a new game.

Now if it were just a straight port of t...

1934d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

What a lot of people [looking at you, people who point at other new games getting discounts left and right] aren't taking into consideration, is that this remake is also going to be the first time a lot of Switch owners will experience this entry of the series.
Many weren't around for the previous releases or didn't get them, and for those that were/did, this is a remake most have been wanting to see happen for a long time.

If they were ju...

1934d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think calling this a Puzzle Royale sounds more accurate.
Regardless, looks like a great time.

1936d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This and Daemon X Machina are two of the best things to come out of this Direct.
I'm hoping both sell very well, because they both look amazing.

1936d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are you really saying that, after all the hype people have given to the remasters for RE2 and [the still unreleased] FFVII?
Remasters can be megatons for the right fans. Helps that this is a remake though.XD

1936d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Know what you're feeling?
WW syndrome.
And just like the ill feelings people had towards "Cel-da" The Wind Waker, I'm sure the bad tidings will blow over here too.😂
It won't be hard to get used to.

As for me, I'm not even mad.
Granted, I'd have preferred the Link Between Worlds style more, or at least a little white around Link's eyes, but you gotta keep in mind two things;
#1 This is obv...

1936d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pour out a cold one for this dude; we know your pain, man.
We've all been "Mario Karted" at least once.

1937d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm going to crank up Macross Frontier's "The Wings of Goodbye" every time I fight a boss in Daemon X Machina.
It's gonna be one of my sleeper-hits for this year, and normally I don't play mech games that often.

1938d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

If your standards, and those of the others that share your arrogant opinion, really were that high, then the original Bayonetta wouldn't have struggled to sell over 2m on a combined userbase of over 90m between two popular systems, and you all wouldn't have review-bombed and boycotted Bay 2 just for being on a system you didn't want it to be exclusive to.
Ride out of here with that stilted high-horse you came in on; you don't have Jack squat to say here...

1938d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm probably one of the minority who is going to just play a game or something during the Fire Emblem portion.
Not a fan of pure tactical/strategy-RPG's. [Though I DO love much of FE's music.]

1938d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I refuse to believe this is actually gonna happen until I see it in a Direct.

1939d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sadly, in some areas, it's really the only dedicated gaming store to go to.

There is a real lack of competition for them in this field, unfortunately.

Which is probably why GS gets away with so many scummy decisions; there's very few, if any, other dedicated gaming stores to give GS a swift kick in the rear.

I mean, places like Best Buy do a good job, but that's not a place that's 100% gaming-dedicated, nor are most othe...

1940d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment