CRank: 5Score: 75530

Yeah right, everyone was excited for it until it became an exclusive. Now everyone hates it and bethesda. Such a joke. Just people too cheap to have both consoles. And I thought fallout 4 was garbage but try telling anyone that before the acquisition.

Just wait until it's actually released, it will be good and one of the first exclusives maybe worth getting.

391d ago 13 agree17 disagreeView comment

Those are all "asymmetrical" which is why they're trash. If they were normal games they would be better.

391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of those games are great but most of them are definitely overrated with bloated campaigns, easily an extra 10-15 hours of tedious puzzles and walking sequences with banal exposition that could've been trimmed down. Not everything needs to be 30+ hours. And any of them would've been even better with some kind of multiplayer, even if it was a seperate mode. Tsushima did that right.

391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their first party studios are great but the lack of multiplayer isn't, not everyone wants only 20+ hour "narrative" games with tons of walking sequences/exposition.

393d ago 9 agree51 disagreeView comment

Now they're going to become just a publisher? You're delusional.

393d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

People want this to fail because its an exclusive but just wait until it comes out and is actually decent, then what? It actually looks pretty good except for the overly stylized main charactrs.

393d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

What about forespoken? And like I said, an inane comment on EVERY article. Seems like you're afraid of the acquisiton and gamepass...if it wasn't a threat then why are you always commenting?

And again if redfall was multiplatform or a PS exclusive you wouldn't even be criticizing it. Just like if PS was doing the acquisition you wouldn't have an issue with it.

394d ago 6 agree31 disagreeView comment
397d ago Show
403d ago Show

Why are they always over stylized and lame like this?

416d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

This game was such overhyped trash. The mining stuff is terrible, the menus etc are just copied from destiny and the different planetz were nothing special. If it didn't start as an exclusive it never would've gotten a pass from people for how much they lied and overhyped it before realeasing a game that was less than 6gb.

Maybe its better but I just can't understand why no one cared how blatantly fake their marketing stuff was.

452d ago 3 agree75 disagreeView comment

Tired of "narrative" games, especially recent sony exclusives, of using walking or vehicle sequences for exposition. Would be great if they actually try to do something different.

500d ago 9 agree36 disagreeView comment

If it was reversed everyone would be saying "sonyy making bossz moves!" and none of you would be complaining about the acquisition.

548d ago 19 agree21 disagreeView comment

All I know if it was reversed you'd all be saying "sony making bossz moves!" and none of you would be complaining about the acquisition.

549d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Such corporate scum. It should either be sperate dlc or nothing for a single player game.

552d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

You guys are a joke. What salt? If you can only afford one console thats your problem. I've played all of those games and own a playstation. Just tired of unnecessary padding like boring walking sequences. I've beaten every god of war and the only good boss in the last game was the dragon on the mountain. I'm just not impressed with the bosses in the last two. Sorry i have an opinion you don't like. And notice how none of you have anything to say to refute what I said....

558d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They should've been dropped after halo 5 which was horrible. Also the coalition shouldve been dropped after gears of war 4 which was also really bad. Whoever is leading those studios is just not good.

558d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Walking sequences are too prevelant in Sony exclusives honestly. Uncharted 4, this, and Last of Us 2. Really drags during those. Othwerwise the only major flaw is the human type bosses like baldur, freya, etc. I miss the much more intimidating and awesome bosses of earlier god of wars. A shirtless guy with tatoos and an overweight thor are just kind of lame.

558d ago 1 agree23 disagreeView comment

Sony Exclusives=masters of third person walking sequences. Ex. Uncharted 4, Last of Us 2 and now this. The beginning on the sled was cool but then walking through a forest with Freya? Okay. Why do they love walking sequences through forests so much?

559d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Totally agree Professor Chaos.

560d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment