CRank: 5Score: 75530

I really like this game but the heavy classes with the hammer are bulletspongey garbage and the smaller classes are also ridiculous.

It should've been Mature with destruction, more weapon customization with attachments and not had classes.

Or they could've just made a Bad Company 3 style game instead and called it something else since EA doesn't seem to want to do it

140d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Biased PS fans with the disagrees, what a joke. Hi-Fi Rush was great and if it was on PS there'd be zero disagrees.

141d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree it should've been a guy or someone totally different. A girl avenging her father going against another girl and taking out her father figure. Really contrived.

182d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

Zaslav is just as bad as Jim Ryan. Both make these awful, clearly corporate scum mentality decisions.

196d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A seperate disc drive is a joke. Should've either been part of the console or not. Every decision jim ryan made was trash. Can't wait for sonys live service games!

Also the original design of ps5 should never have been approved. Horrible, oversized and white for no reason. It should have at least been black and blue like the PS2. Missed opportunity that this is still the same color.

196d ago 7 agree34 disagreeView comment

I agree I actually like Jack also. Reviews were so critical but the jokes aren't any worse than all the marvel stuff people love so I'm not sure why it was so heavily criticized for the story etc.

197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really is. It's too bad because the controls and graphics are solid but they really should've been more creative with the enemies and story. Also it's M but should have been a lot bloodier and more intense. If it was more Hexen style could've been a gem. You can tell whoever developed it tried though because the game itself and the magic/shooting is pretty good. Just needed more creativity aesthetically.

197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Prey shouldn't have been connected to the original, they should've changed the name. It looked good and had decent exploration but it was way too long and the ending was trash. Definitely gets more praise in the comments than it should.

203d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure I agree, metal gear 4 and 5 were both average compared to 1-3. And the story choices jokima made as well as firing Hayter weren't good either. And having his name before each mission was absurd and ridiculous arrogance.

If Konami just hired someone really inspired to do a new metal gear and brought back some of the leads from the earlier titles it could easily be better than 4 or 5 at least. Definitely not as good as 1 or 3 though.

207d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

People who make comments like this have always been a joke, so anyone who doesn't like something must only like simplisitic trash like fortnite? I didn't read this review but unless he made those comparisons you're just condescending someone who disagrees with you.

Also Alan wake 1 was pretty average overall with the reptitive flashlight combat, being rated Teen, and awful possessed objects and vehicle sequences. This sequel is what the first should have been bu...

207d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

Completely agree, always better when they do actual improvements. Funny how this doesn't apply to Ragnarok which changed almost nothing as a sequel but hey its a Sony exclusive so no criticisms apply.

213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is with the overly positive articles for Konami lately? Especially when they put zero effort into these remasters.

214d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

What happened to all the "Konami are the best at remastering their games" nonsense from a few months back? Such a joke. Of course this was rushed. They didn't remaster twin snakes. They could've done a next gen version of vr missions even. All they did was port the remasters they already had for full price. Not sure why there were a few overly positive articles and comments about konami recently when this is what they always do.

214d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

They need to get rid of the dollar signs after taking out an enemy, those were never in the original. Has anyone commented about that? Also the early screenshots of this remaster looked wayyyy better.

And where is Sin Reloaded?

234d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shouldn't have been a roguelite, pretty sure it wasn't when it was first announced. They probabaly turned it into one since they only have two levels after such a long development cycle.

235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly the way Sony handled it Microsoft should've just made it an exclusive. Jim Ryan is a joke. This whole process of them fighting it was pointless and made them look weak and also revealed that they're more dependent on revenue from a third party studio than their own exclusives.

They're also hypcorites for making an issue out of exclusivity and acqusitions while they acquire a massive company like Bungie and make Marathon exclusive. They have always had (...

313d ago 15 agree40 disagreeView comment


313d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


318d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
339d ago Show

Hi Fi Rush is not indie at all. Of course the one excellent, single player exclusive that was released this year by Microsft to almost universally good reviews is completely ignored so everyone can criticize Redfall. We need more games like Hi Fi Rush. It was different while also being single player only and fun without box puzzles or an empty open world or an overly long campaign etc. It also has a really unique and memorable style and the difficulty is well balanced which is way too uncommo...

376d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment