
CRank: 5Score: 14700

"the Great Console vs. PC Debate"

ummmm....dude......there is no debate

pc DESTROYS console in every imaginable way, you can't even claim the convienience card anymore, since console games are WAY more of a hassle than a steam game, put the discin, dl the patch, install the patch, wait forever for the game to load, agree to terms and service for online, wait forever to find a match of crappy peer to peer with 12 other people playing on sub-h...

4160d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

new consoles coming very soon, hopefully out this summer, but i doubt it, probably fall, 10 more months people, and we will FINALLY have some new tech.

it is so past time

there is nothing visually impressive about any game on ps3 or 360 or wii or wii u, the tech is so ancient, its like watching a new movie on vhs on a black and white tv, thats how terrible the game look on ps3 and 360

jagggies, screen tear, pop-n, sub-hd, awful shadows

4186d ago 5 agree53 disagreeView comment

lol.....not a SINGLE console game should even be mentioned

almost any game on pc from the last 5 years maxed out makes last of us, god of war ascension, gears judgement, beyond or ANY game console gamers keep saying look so amazing, look last gen.

it gets SOOO boring to hear people say "last of us, last of us, BEYOND"

lol....it will looks as bad or worse than uncharted 3 , which looked worse than uncharted 2 by far, reason being, they wil...

4186d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

first one ran great on pc :)

freaking looked AMAZING too, 2560x1600p, 8x aa, 60 frames per second

yes, on console, at 20-30 frames, with 880x624 or whatever diarhea resolutions they had to use to get the game to kinda run, and all those jaggies, lol...zomg...there were sooo many, more than the normal console jaggieness, i mean a metric ton.... it was an awful mess, but what do you expect with 8 year old hardware?

hopefully all these good gam...

4194d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

wish they would just wait for ps4, maybe they will re-release it, looks so low res, maybe its just the video feed.

this game could be so much better realized on hardware thats not getting close to a decade old

still looks awesome, and definately buying it

4194d ago 4 agree40 disagreeView comment

neuter and spay the poor and stupid!

seriously though, you need to obtain a liscence to go fishing or have a garage sale, but any putrid wretch of society can shit out a kid, neuter all humans at birth, only reverse the process for people deemed worthy!

4195d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

skyrim runs and looks awful on ps3 AND 360, it was made for next gen consoles, the only platform it is stunning on is pc!

Todd Howard came right out and said it in many interviews that skyrim was built (on pc like all games are built) with next gen consoles in mind;


when they realized ms and...

4195d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

skrillex produces musical feces

4196d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


1080p @ 30 fps with dx11 sets ZERO bars

thats ps4 trying to catch up to a 3 year old mid-spec pc and failing because the pc would do 30-60 frames

next gen consoles will blow no ones minds except those that have only ever sen last gen ps3/360 games

to a pc gamer it will be a downgrade in every possible way!

4196d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

99.9% of every AAA pc game made in last 6 years is great, the people who have problems usually have outdated drivers, awful integrated cards or virus' on their pc's

compared to the console counterparts, multiplat pc games are freaking amazing, the console games always run terrible (sub-30fps) look terrible (jaggies, screen tear, sub-hd ect...)

in recent memory the only game that was awful on release was gtaiv, and within two weeks rockstar had fixed the mem...

4196d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

wait for the pc version, it will be $39.99 and come with all the dlc and also not look like complete and utter feces like the hideous looking console version

4196d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

buy a pc instead, way more exclusives, better game prices, insanely better graphics

ps3/360 are 7-8 years old, they look awful in all games, low resolutions, jaggies, screen tear, sub-hd, all games on all consoles look downright last gen, wii u included

and ps4/nextbox will look last gen compared to how pc looks right now

i may buy next gen consoles a few years after they are out for the exclusives, but i know the graphics and performance will be t...

4196d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

“Console-Quality Games" means nothing, in fact, it is an insult, we have been playing “Console-Quality Games" for 8 years now, they look like crap, I want “PC-Quality Games" on a console

“Console-Quality Games" is a huge downgrade from every AAA game on pc from the last 5 years, everything on console looks low res, covered in jaggies, screen tear, terrible performance

when i hear “Console-Quality Games", i hear, awful graphics, poor perform...

4196d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


Aliens: Colonial Marines wii u may be the best console version maybe...., the pc version will make the ps3/360/wii u versions look like psp games

lets be realistic, no console game is ever the best version of anything when pc is involved

pc brings a nuke to nerf war!

4196d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

pc, 1600p, dx11, 8x aa, ssao, better than anything ps4/nextbox will ever have

then, like, 2 genarations behind, replete with all the jaggies, screen tear, pop-in, sub-hd, muddy textures, agitated awful shadows and dismal performance are the ps3/360 versions, looking exactly the same

4196d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

its a very good game, vergeing on epic greatness

Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 for pc are infinately better
The Witcher 1 and 2 are infinately better
Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 are infinately better
Jade Empire is infinately better
KotoR 1 and 2 are infinately better
Devil May Cry 1 and 3 are infinately better
Mass Effect 1 and dragon age 1 are infinately better
MGS 1, 2, 3, and 4 are infinately better
Crysis 1 and WArhea...

4197d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

pc has OWNED this gen, WAY more exclusives, better prices, better graphics, mods, better online, better patches, better everything, second place would be ps3, but its a distant second

4197d ago 14 agree43 disagreeView comment

ps3 and 360 barely run this engine, it looks awful on console, doesn't maintain 60 frames at all and is 880x720 native res with jaggies

what engine could they do and what would be the point? consoles cannot even run this engine properly

we needed new consoles in 2010, sh!ts been going on for 8 years now, WAY too long for a console cycle

game looks freaking epic on pc btw, 1600p, 8x aa, dx11, makes uncharted 3 look like a psp game

4197d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

since they will be a huge DOWNGRADE from the pc i play on right now, no, i don't really need them, but i still want them

i want new fresh console ip's (i still get them on the pc all the time) but my consoles don't even get turned on more than 3 times a year, why would they, 95% of the games are multiplat, they look 10x better on pc

i did play halo 4 for a week, and starhawk for a month, that is the extent of my console gaming this year

4197d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

dedicated servers mandatory
1080p mandatory
4x AA mandatory
30 frames with v-sync minimum
dx11 and all of its amazing pc features
better d-pad
free online play, gold for perks and discounts and cross game chat

4197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment