
CRank: 5Score: 14700

love that pc is already doing things ps4 and nextbox will never be capable of

2560x1440, 2560x1600...lol....never, EVER happening on ps4/nextbox

heck, bf4 is only going to be dirty 720p on ps4

4077d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

i'll RENT last of us and be done with it in 12 hours.....you'll talk about it for the next 4 months and cry when it comes out and is covered in jaggies, screen tear, sub hd textures, horrible performance like every ps3/360 game

face it, last gen ps3/360 games look bloody awful

and ps4 is ALREADY far behind pc

when ps4 games like bf4 run at a dirty 720p at 30 frames........lol.....don' t cry too hard

pc will be playing...

4077d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

i also hear people saying things like;

"dude we sh!T all over you"

-does this mean fecalphelia is going to go rampant all over the great white world?

i constantly hear male gamers saying to other male gamers;

"suck my di@k"

does this mean widespread homosexuality is going to erupt?

and even if 2% of those that say these things actually did the things they were saying ...

4077d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

i'll grab both eventually....when there are enough exclusive games to their respective platform

95% of all games next gen will be on pc and way, WAY better on pc (my pc at least)

once a nice handful of exclusives i really want pile up i'll be on board

4078d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

pc version please

i'd rather have the option of 2560x1600
8x anti aliasing
60 frames
and mods??? maybe??

i imagine ps4 destiny will be sub-1080p
2x anti aliasing
30 frames
zero mods
day one dlc

4078d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

pc, like always

the most exclusives
the best graphics by far
backwards compat
way better prices
way better performance
bigger/better/dedicated servers
better online chat options (steam/vent/teamspeak/in-game
community projects

also, anyone else think it will be freaking hilarious if the xbox 720's specs completely curb stomp the ps4's?

it wouldn&...

4078d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

cool that they have 7gb ram to work with

uncool that they have a 1.6gz cpu and a crappy laptop gpu

lol, but they sure won't use up all that ram, the cpu with be stressed at 100% just loading up the interface

temper your expectations kiddies, the ps4 is a low-mid spec machine at best

i am being totally serious, i know you are soaking in all the hype and the fake videos shown (all of which were running on pc's SUPPOSEDLY cl...

4079d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

holy crap......those graphics look TERRIBLE in that vid on ign, does the console versions of far cray 3 really look that bad.....jaggies everywhere and such low res textures, honestly...far cry 1 on pc from 2004 looks 10x better, well honestly, far cry on pc is better looking than most ps3/360 games

literally....a 2004 pc game looks better than 95% of ps3/360 games


they really don't care what outspoken nerds like us have to say, if billy-trailer park-murca jr. keeps buying it every 10 months, then hey, thats all that counts, the almighty imaginary dollar

4090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

silly brittish and your extra u's

its rumor

the u is rather FRIVILOS, where, in that case, it is not
frivolous needs the u

4090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm is an expansion pack for 2012's StarCraft 2 and contains new units and features."


lol..it came out in 2010

and um...its the BEST multiplayer game ever created on earth, or any other hospitable planet!

4090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

come out in september in the us please...

we NEED new consoels so bad, should have come out in 2011

4090d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

pc version please

4090d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

pc version will be the definitive version once agian, more players, better graphics, dedicated servers, 60 frames and better controls

cannot wait for bf4!

4091d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

just like last time, basic model $499, but premium will have a bigger hd and a year of plus for $599

honestly, thats pretty cheap....i know people who spend that on a weekend drinking and partying....get a grip, if gaming is your hobby, whats $600 for something that will last you five years of enjoyment

i know chicks who spend that on a purse, literally

4091d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment


battlefield 4 won't even be 1080p on ps4
its pretty much confirmed to be native 720p @30 frames on nextgen consoles

4k...get real...lol...you kids

ps4 has a laptop gpu and a tablet cpu...literally
its not even close to capable of 4k....only pc's have that power

if 50% of the games over the entire life of the ps4 even achieve 1080p native i will be totally suprised, and its probably not going ...

4091d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

too bad its not anywhere near a 7870

its between a 7850m-7870m




its a LAPTOP GPU!!

its not even 1/10 of a gtx 680

seriously.......you think sony would put a $500 gpu in a $500 console

its got a laptop gpu and a tablet cpu

ps4 is a beefy ipad...

4091d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

amd definately offers super cheap, crappy hardware nvidia saw no profit in!

hey amd.....why is your stock six times lower than nvidias if you are capable of delivering "what nvidia couldn't"?



why is nvidia STOMPING you into the...

4091d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

it doesn't have always online.......it was removed LONG ago in a patch, then made it even easier to jump in and play....

from patch 1.05 notes;

"•When starting ANNO 2070 in offline mode, additional login in game is not required any more"

great game.....awesome graphics, WAYYY more complex than sim city....way better looking.....this is also a much more difficult game to wrap you head around than simcity....which honestly.....

4091d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

there will be a lot of games coming with codes for multiplayer or even singleplayer to unlock dlc/acievements and "premium features"

used games will be "allowed" early on...then by the end of the first year there will be "online activations" for you game

within 2 years of ps4/nextbox launch....no more used games

4091d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment