
CRank: 5Score: 14700

all the BEST graphics in the last 20 years have been on pc, it will stay that way for the next 20

consoles always start out a full gen behind

4054d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

a high end gaming pc from 2011 is already FAR more powerful than ps4 dude, don't know what you're on about

pc gamers just think its funny console gamers think ps4 will be anywhere close to pc

a $500 toy with streaming, bluray, motion controls etc....half that $500 is spent on useless crap....its not even mid spec by any means

4054d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

ps4 is not even close to a high end gaming pc from 2011

games like crisis 2, metro 2033, far cry 3 in 2560x1600 will blow away every single ps4 launch title

eventually ps4 will have games with slightly better on screen graphics than those games, but they will be in very low resolutions like 720, 800p, 900p etc.....

plus, judging from the trailers, which I admit is not really enough ground to make firm judgment, there are still going to be tons of j...

4055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

play them all for free if you own the originals on pcsx2 in native 1920x1080p, way higher and with better framerates (60) than the ps3 would ever be able to achieve!


4055d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

sony, just try to be more like steam and you will be heading in the right direction

that's all anyone who wants to get in the game business needs to do

high lord commander gaben can show you the way to gaming nirvana

oh, also, but a better gpu in the ps4, and a WAYYY better cpu

4055d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

the witcher 1
guild wars 2
baldurs gate 2 shadow of amn
fallout 1 and 2
fallout 3 and vegas
icewind dale series
neverwinter nights series
starcraft series
dark/demons souls
dragons dogma

4055d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, in other countries they only use chemical weapons on their own people, don't allow women to vote, go to school, no free speech, people live in shacks, kill each other at soccer games, work in sweatshops for pennies a day, have 10 year old prostitutes etc.

man the usa sucks cause a few psychotics kill people every now and then

the usa is still the best damn country in the world, most freedom, best jobs, hottest women, best video game studios, best co...

4056d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope the nextbox is way more powerful than the ps4

the ps4 cpu is really bad, the gpu is kinda bad and the ram is just great

I hope nextbox is twice as powerful as ps4, I want at least one console to be able to play exclusives somewhat close to my pc 2 years ago

4057d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

final fantasy vaporware

4057d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

part two is called sewer pickle hunter

it comes out the day after this piece of work releases seeing as both games take all of one day and one moron to make

wow vita......its not looking good for you at all

4058d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

screen tearing and jaggies everywhere.....why????

4062d ago 2 agree33 disagreeView comment

all xbox needs is a better cpu and better gpu and it will crush sony

the ps4's cpu is way weak at 1.6 ghz, and the gpu is a mobile laptop gpu....

it would be very, very easy for ms to announce hardware much, much stronger

and i also think it is very likely that they will

4062d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

these better be console shots, looks way worse than the pc version of arkham city

4062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol....how does it help pc, pc is already far, far beyond anything ps4 will ever do

call me when ps4 does crysis 3 level graphics in ultra in 2560x1600.....

ohhh....it never, ever will

bf4 is only going to be 720p on ps4

get over the fake hype

it has a TABLET cpu for petes sake, and a laptop gpu

it literally couldnt even run bf3 in 1080p in ultra

4076d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

what console only gamers are calling nextgen;

720p-1080p at 30-60 frames

is LAST gen to pc gamers

we've already moved on

1200p, 1440p, 1600p

60-120 frames

ps4/nextbox are already last gen, before they even launch

4076d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

i'll be getting it on pc, along with every other multiplat.....consoels are only for exclusives, they make it worht the way lower resolutions and lack of proper aa, which ps4 and nextbox will both still have sadly

many games won't even be 1080p

and 1080p is already old

i like my games in 1440p or 1600p

4076d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

i'll wait till its $5 on steam, shouldn't be long...its about what its worth

nice to see them try soemthing a little different though....maybe i'd pay $7.50

4076d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment


totally with you man

the witcher 1 and 2 are the best rpg's in 10 years!

4077d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

biowares last very good game was jade empire

their last great game, and actually one of the best rpg's ever made, was baldurs gate 2

the witcher 1 is better than jade empire and up their with bg2

it CURBSTOMPS every mass effect and dragon age game ever made

the witcher 2 is almost as good as the witcher 1, it is freaking amazing and destroys every me and da game

4077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope the next xbox comes out and smashes ps4 specs

not because i want either console at launch, or care who wins, just becasue it would be hilarious

so many sony fans think the ps4 is this ultra powerful, almost close to a high end pc machine (hint...its not even as good as a high end laptop from 2 years ago)

it wouldn't be hard for MS to stomp sony with specs

the ps4's cpu is horribly underpowered, its literally ma...

4077d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment