
CRank: 5Score: 3280

sounds like a couple ppl tryin to get a handout, if you ask me.

5690d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

cuz i'm not some idiot fanboy praising sony with every word i type??? gimme a break.

this thread is proof enough that sony fanboys are a plague to this website.

5690d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

just because this one is affiliated with MS, doesn't mean all the others have a bias as well.

and if you just google sony scandles, you'll see that they've been caught on more than one occasion paying for reviews and even making up reviewers that don't exist. they've also been caught paying radio stations to play sony produced music more than others.

so don't act like this is a one sided thing, OR anything new. the problem with your point is... who cares about Vari...

5690d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

"Child found dead, parents blame themselves."

5690d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that makes no sense. you are calling him a xbox fanboy because he gave a sony exclusive an 8/10???? are you retarded? that's a good score. YOU are the fanboy for assuming every sony exclusive automatically deserves a 9 or 10.

did any of you fanboys consider the possibility that it actually deserves this score? plus reviews are opinions. you don't have to share the reviewers opinion. he gives you the score and he gives you his reasons. how you somehow are able to derive an ...

5691d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

and in my experience the PSN is slow all around. it's not a very high quality service. but it is free, so i can't complain.

and i can and did complain about live being down at least a few hours a day for a few weeks around xmas. but that one guys is right. they did offer us a few free live arcade games. and beyond that one month of lousy service, Live has been pretty perfect. it's a much more solid service with much faster download times, easier update system, better connec...

5691d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

i think your emphasis should have been on the word any...not have.

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears of War doesn't take place on earth.

i do agree with the way you sum it up. all shooters can pretty much be summed up that way. halo, resistance, gears. aliens attack, you save the day. just not sure what your point is?

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


speaking of fanboys. what would you call a person who claims a game is the best FPS this year while in the same post also admits he hasn't played it yet.

and @everyone else in this thread.

the guy who said 8/10 is a good score is right. it is a good score. i don't see how saying that makes him a 360 fanboy???

i don't understand how you can be so hypocritical. you are clearly fanboys and all you do is accuse others of b...

5691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ everyone in this thread. none of you, including action, have a clue what you are talking about. the bailout didn't give any control back to the government. oh, and government being in charge of the currency, printing of money, banks, etc....that's a GOOD thing. that's NOT what happened here though.

the private banks in europe own our currency, they print our money, and they are charging us incredible amounts of interest on the money they print for us. it's called the Feder...

5692d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i was hoping to find a video that demonstrates how lousy of a service youtube provides.

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're a ps3 fanboy in an article about a game that has nothing to do with your system. you're just trying to start some bs argument about which system has better titles.

if ps3 had such great AAA titles, you'd be playing them, not in an article for a 360 exclusive trying to run your mouth.

5693d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are thinking very one dimensionally and you sound like a puppet for the corporations. what about the people who sell the games? the retailers? they have to make money too. and if stores like gamestop had to rely solely on NEW sales, they'd go out of business. if you're so concerned about companies making big big profits, don't you think you should broaden your thinking a little bit?

additionally, there are tons of games i'd love to try but don't think they are compelling...

5694d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

you'd have to be a real mindless idiot to support what these corporations are doing. there is no excuse for this. if you spend x amount of dollars on a product, that product is yours. therefore you can give it away, sell it, whatever. it's YOURS. this is simply greedy stock holders wanting more money out of their investment. and that's FINE. but you can't step on the rights of the consumer to get there.

and it isn't like reselling games is something new. in fact, resellin...

5694d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, that's about 410 hours more than i'd wanna invest.

spending hours upon hours trying to rank up a class in an FPS seems absolutely insane to me.

a game being 20 hours long is a good selling point. a game being 5 hours long is a bad selling point. a game being 420 hours long is psychotic. just play wow or something. at least then, ranking up actually means something.

5694d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but if they are bought out by microsoft and are just giving good scores cuz they are corrupt, then wouldn't they be letting 360 owners down? don't you think for a magazine to maintain credibility they need to be somewhat honest with their readers?

5696d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

this is really getting old. this has nothing to do with you. this article has nothing to do with resistance. it's just a review from a website about gears. nobody cares about your opinion about your system of choice.

this article isn't a comparison. nobody that wants to get gears of war is at all interested in your personal preference. and for those of use that have both systems, we can play both games AFTER they come out and decide which is actually better. when you mak...

5696d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

this thread is a joke right??

how did an article about a review turn into some ps3 fanboy running his mouth about 360 fans?

cmrbe, obviously you're a fanboy, what you say makes no sense and you're clearly in favor of one system. so since you don't have a 360 and have no plan to get this game, how about you stay out of the article.

here you are criticizing 360 fans for no reason in an article that has nothing to do with ps3 or wii and you have the nerve ...

5696d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

i don't think you're in any position to call anyone else a fanboy.

5697d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

if that were at all true, you'd have less than 5 bubbles. it's is quite clear on this site that if you are anything but a sony loyalist you are going to eventually lose your bubbles.

i had 5 bubbles 2 days ago, i've said one thing that was against sony and NOT pro 360 and i've lost 2 bubbles. in fact, i didn't even go against sony, i went against fanboys who hold loyalty to a corporation.

this site (and the majority of its members) is a joke.

5698d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment