
CRank: 5Score: 3280

umm guys...hate to break it to you. but there isn't an insanely swelled hype building around halo odst. everyone is fine with an fps being an fps. but the ps3 fanboys made this game (killzone 2) to seem like it was going to change the way we play fps, it was supposed to be revolutionary (according to the hype).

and some fps are revolutionary. like both half-lifes. fps is just the perspective. a game that defines itself by style is what makes it unique and sets it apart. not...

5586d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

you can't go around saying this is the best game ever and ground breaking and revolutionary, and whatever other buzz words you have used to describe this game for the past 2 years or so; then when a magazine admits it's pretty but doesn't live up to the hype, you can't just change your tune. for years i've been listening to you ppl build this up to be the greatest video game at all time. even though it looks like exactly what they said. pretty game, nothing special outside of graphics. no...

5586d ago 18 agree32 disagreeView comment

i got it, def worth the 20 bucks. probably not enough for a 60 dollar game since gta multiplayer sucks. but it does stand on it's own as a good gta.

5587d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

owning both systems has nothing to do with what i'm talking about. it's the game sites and forums. i haven't heard of any 360 fanboys threatening to kill themselves cuz they lost an exclusive. i haven't heard of 360 fanboys flooding websites with threats of boycotts and sometimes violence cuz their newest most over hyped unreleased title didn't get a 10/10. and in fact, in the case of killzone 2, xplay gave it a perfect score and they still did it.

you can't be an objective o...

5587d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

maybe ps3 fanboys should just stay the hell out of xbox only articles. i don't know why you troll in these forums.

also, to the guy that said you look forward to ps3 games and don't think they are the second coming...WRONG. actually, you may be right, i don't think ppl would over hype the second coming nearly as much. i have a ps3 and for months i looked forward to killzone 2. but then day after day i read articles on here about how amazing it is. so amazing, in fact, that o...

5587d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

i almost agree with you except....360 fanboys don't over hype their games. no game, including halo, has reached this level of bs articles and over hype. in fact, no 360 game has been overhyped as much as LBP, MGS4, Resistance 2, Killzone 2... the ps3 fanboys can't just shut up and wait. now we have 2 more titles coming for ps3 that the fanboys will hype way beyond what can actually be achieved.

this is why 360 "fanboys" aren't reacting with hostility towards the rev...

5588d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the game has to be in the drive to play it. so the dlc will only work as long as the rental.

also, i'm live now and can't find it in the market anyone actually d/ling this yet?

5588d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

yeah, all those things exist...ON PC! now on console: the guy is right. halo set new standards for console fps that haven't been matched.

and all those things you highlighted that other games do, killzone doesn't. killzone, COD, Resistance. they are basically barebones versions. so they add in a gimmicky leveling system that forces you to play longer just to fully enjoy the game (to unlock features that should be there from the start) how innovative.


5588d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

He said who cares about it going multiplatform. He didn't say anything about being upset about the business deals or the negotiations. He told the fanboys to stop making it into a war. Now here you are flaming on about it. You stink of fanboy and you deserve to be called one.
As far as I can tell from what he said, he never even said he preferred 360 over PS3. That must be the "illogical fanboy" part he was talking about. Way to prove him right.

5607d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

moron...that's not what he did at all. like he said, these are the numbers. and 2 million in a week vs less than 1 million in 3 weeks isn't something you can argue.

and don't call him the fanboy. he said right in his statement he was disappointed in gears2. the fanboy statement you made is the hypocritical one where you accuse him of being a fanboy for making a balanced statement. you can argue what you like all day, but that doesn't change the TRUTH ("reality"). ...

5681d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

to the comment about WWE having a lot of gaming ads. i never thought about that, but obviously the gaming industry sees that a majority of WWE fans also play a lotta games. makes me sorta embarrassed to be a gamer...

5684d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

they noobified the game, pure n simple. trying to reach a broader audience (money money mone) at the expense of the hardcore.

5686d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

another article completely unrelated to PS3 filled with PS3 fanboys accusing others of being trolls... this hypocrisy is getting old, fanboys.

back on topic. the shotgun isn't too weak. it's too inaccurate. it's a useless weapon now because it's basically a dice roll if you will hit a guy from the hip.

and another issue not addressed. the grenades SHOULD NOT be proximity mines when you place them on a wall. it should just increase the length of time before expl...

5686d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

"only the truth here people... "

that truth're a fanboy.

5687d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i can't believe this is a top story on N4G. i didn't realize fanboys had time to worship actors as well...

5688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the point is the higher the number doesn't mean ANYTHING. If you have 60 STDs, does that make you better than the guy with 10? so stop hiding behind the number 60 like it makes the game.

and ppl are entitled to their opinion. but trying to change their view because you like to say "60 man MP OMGWTFSAUCE!!!" doesn't make you right and them wrong and will probably fail to convince anyone who doesn't already have a chub for this game. if you like playing games where to...

5689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he didn't praise a sony exclusive!!! OMG!!! HE MUST BE A FANBOY!!! OR...i've got it... MS bought him off. it has to be. it's impossible for anyone to just think Resistance (or any other sony exclusive) is just good...or okay.

5689d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

total fanboy comment. what do you know about the industry, game design, or development to make a ridiculous claim like that?

grow up

5689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

both games look pretty bad.

not sure why you ppl hold uncharted to such high standards. it's one of the worst games i've played in the last year.

5689d ago 3 agree32 disagreeView comment

except i wasn't defending microsoft or the magazine. that wasn't even the point of what i said. but again, leave it to the fanboys (you) to take words out of context or just add their own meaning to other ppl's sentences. and i dont' defend the actions of any fanboys. but this isn't 2006. and NOW, there is a plague of sony worship going on on this site. and chances are ( i wasn't here in 2006), that it really wasn't that bad and being that you are only capable of seeing things from you...

5690d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment