
CRank: 5Score: 3280

this scene is the reason half of you are gonna buy this game. and it sucked. oh boy, pixelated boobs and you have to push up to turn the light on and down to turn the water off. exciting! i did have to laugh though when they prompted the gamer to shake the controller to dry off. i guess the developer figured that would be the movement most gamers' hands would already be doing during this scene.

...bye bubbles

5217d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

wii fit is the halo killer huh?

wii fit has probably sold more than ALL sony exclusives combined.

so lets revise your statement:
wii fit...the Sony killer.

5526d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sheva's ass looks great in both versions.

5531d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Her acting in LoTR was laughable at best.

She's also pretty homely.

Nerds love Morgan Webb

5531d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

good point about gears of war. in fact, throw in killzone and you still don't match the sales.

but i also agree with the guy below you, gears 2 sucks. it's a buggy, laggy mess. and sales =/= quality. but using your same example, i don't know anyone (not even 5 ppl) that play resistance 2. i don't know anyone who still plays LBP either. and killzone has only been out a month and it's already dying down huge. i can't stand it personally.

but look at COD 4 or hal...

5532d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This does look like a pretty great engine. but you can see some obvious made-for-console changes to the engine. the biggest one i noticed was the draw distance. on PC, you can see the actual trees that you can interact with from a thousand yards away. it is an incredible game in terms of scale. on the console version in this video, the mountains in the distance are bare. that's because the consoles can't handle that much real time data.

@superM: i own both and i'm actuall...

5532d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

eagle21 said "360 owners have waaaaay more things to worry about. LOL "

how does this F*cktard have any bubbles???

grow up you pompous idiot

that statement doesn't even mean anything. you just knew you had the support of a buncha ps3 fanboys to make up more of their unfounded claims. nothing you said has any basis in reality and should be left in your dreams.

5533d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agreed with you on the first part. it is a bland shooter with nothing to offer. but you said it had unique multiplayer characters?? i'm guessing you never played team fortress? cuz KZ2 is a blatant rip off. a heavy? an engineer that can repair turrets? a spy? a medic? you kidding me? what's unique about anything in killzone?

i have a ps3 and i can tell you, the only reason people who only own a ps3 think killzone is anything other than average is because as far as F...

5534d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's the point!

ps3 fanboys never present actual evidence to support their outrageous claims. you just attack the credibility of other people despite the fact that you possess none yourself.

XDF said, here's an article that says otherwise, please show me an article that backs up your BS. but you couldn't do that, you just had to add more BS.

5535d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

another pointless blog written by a complete moron.
where are all the gamers this generation?!?

@gamersden (below me): you have disagrees because you (like the guy that wrote this blog) are clueless. a lot of actual gamers (not ps3 fanboys) think killzone is lame (myself included). it's an average quality shooter that doesn't look nearly as good as people like you like to pretend it does and it's controls are horrid.
the reason your agrees outweigh your disagree...

5546d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

you're completely missing the point. The problem is that Killzone is being hailed as the best looking game ever on console and ppl are praising it for "expanding the genre." but there are those of us who don't feel this way, and if this is the new standard for gaming, a lot of don't want to have any part of it. This game is not any where close to as good as ppl have hyped it to be. and that's what this article sets out to do. it needs to be put in it's place because if you aren...

5546d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

xbox 360 news and yet the forums are again plagued with ps3 fanboys bragging about their underwhelming shooter, killzone 2.

i must admit, when i played the demo of halo wars, i thought it sucked. but i rented it when it released (got the last copy) and gave it a few skirmishes, and it turns out, it really is the best console rts i've ever played. very good send off by Ensemble.

as for killzone 2. i went to midnight launch for that game and i was one of two ppl wai...

5551d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

go away! too much of the same old thing. infinity ward and their sister company treyarch need to be bought out and shut down.

5552d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

you're so up the butt of sony you're blind. killzone 2 is not an impressive game. i brought pc up because the dunia engine really shines there. and since i'm a real gamer and not some sony slave fanboy, i have to take into account all games i have access to. and i have a ps3, 360, and pc, and there isn't a single game on either console that touches their pc counter-part. and lets speak hypothetically from a console only gamer's perspective. if i forget about the monster pc i have in my ...

5552d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

you are absolutely out of your mind if you think Killzone 2's engine is anything close to farcry 2. the dunia engine is amazing. and if you haven't seen it on pc, you don't have a clue. the dunia engine rivals the cryengine 2 in a lot of ways (not all ways). and while it doesn't compare to the pc version, the console version of farcry still looks amazing, it is easily the best looking console fps to date.

@ the nub above me: halo had universal praise too, and not one sony fa...

5553d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment
5560d ago

that this game was nothing special. and it's not a huge graphical leap either. character models are nice. and some of the smoke and lighting effects are good. but it feels and plays just like call of duty, no original weapons, no original story telling ideas, no unique puzzles. just a good looking typical console shooter. it's a dime a dozen game and the only reason it's getting praise is because it's an exclusive and cuz it looks good. big deal. 70 sounds about right. especially sin...

5560d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

@Sonyslave3: You're a jerk.

@tocrazed4you: You're a moron.

5564d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

i played the beta forever. but after that i had enough. it's a really good game but gets old very quick.

5564d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

rivals crysis. cryengine does some things better still, but in alot of ways it can't keep up with Dunia.

the unreal engine 3 and the cod engine both need to go the hell away.

and the reason why the gta engine is so good is not because of how many polygons it can pack into each character. it's how much is going on on the screen and how realistic it feels. don't knock that engine. although i will say that i hope they move on after the next gta to a new engine.

5565d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment