CRank: 5Score: 10330

Most likely a slim model using upgradeable flash drive technology for storage. Perhaps MS will keep the current external hard drives at the same embarrassing high price and then phase in the flash drives at the current price, thus making it look like a good deal?

5875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

12 Core IBM CPU w/6MB cache - slightly more after analysis proved more was needed. CPU will be tweaked a bit.

4-5 ATI Core GPU W/O EDRAM; capable of ray tracing and physics. 4.5-5.5 times more shader ops.

Optical BUS 120MB per second between all components.

2GB DDR400+ memory

No Optical Drive, but attachable DVD or Blue-ray.

100% BC with attachable drive.

W/controller, will come a motion sense devises.


5880d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

For gaming I think this proves which is a better platform as far as development and graphical prowess. Imagine if they used the same resolution on the xbox360? No pop ins more shtuff happening on screen. It is clear they coded for the least capable machine, the PS3.

5888d ago 22 agree31 disagreeView comment

an arcade title!

5910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the PS3 has serious bottleneck issues the the xbox360 was able to mitigate using the edram, not to mention the divided memory in the Ps3 is not so good either. 1/2 of it is pretty darn fast though.

5931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What if the DLC is multi player options...would that make a difference to which version you will buy? I think the Achievements is what hooks me on the xbox version the most though.

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will buy the xbox version for a few reasons. 1. It will arguably run better and look better( Past history of ports and the xbox was the lead platform). 2.Achievements. 3. DLC. It will be the better version even if 1. is not true. Now if the xbox version looks worse and runs worse then that could be enough to persuade me to run with the PS3 version.

5936d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Microsoft wants the control. They would settle for no less than the OS on the console.

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft still wants to commoditize the console business. It will be an xbox 720 with an EA tag on it, "EA games powered by XBOX720". Could be a basic unit that just plays games. In order to get into the Japanese market, Panasonic, Hitachi, Samsung, and other may do the same with little tags "Powered by Xbox720" logos.

5937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTAIV is bundled with a new XBOX360 slim addition. Supply chains were purposely drained IMHO.

5943d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If and when M$ needs more capacity they can do a firmware update to make the drive HD-VMD capable. I don't care about movies.....HD-DVD and Blueray. Neither of those are going to win anyway.

Sorry about the double post

5991d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

If and when M$ needs more capacity they can do a firmware update to make the drive HD-VMD capable. I don't care about movies.....HD-DVD and Blueray. Neither of those are going to win anyway.

5991d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

M$ can care less about the format war. As for disk space for games, all they have to do is a firmware update on the current red laser DVD drive to make it HD-VMD compliant. This will provide more space than blueray or HD-DVD for games. The developer can use the HD-VMD disc if it needs the space. So far I have been impressed with the compression tech devs and M$ incorporated into DVD-9 disks.

5991d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

By then the next XBOX will be 5 years in development. MS has stated they wanted a 4-5 year life cycle. PS3 may catch up, but it will be going up against another incarnation.

6005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But if space ever becomes an issue there is a HD-VMD firmware that can be applied to all existing red laser xbox360 dvd drives. This tech puts Blueray and HD-DVD to shame using yesterdays red laser dvd drives. mdplayer.aspx

I think MS would do something like this quietly so as not to disturb the HD war. MS has a lot riding on HD-DVD. I think the HD-VMD would be data only...for games.

6006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The incentive is not to have to build the software and the back end server infrastructure. If MS released a new sku, which they won't, then all they have to do is install an internal HD-DVD drive and bump up the HD capacity and they will have a high end High Def DVR. In the long run, MS knows there is no real money in hardware and is smart to license the xbox tech out to the Toshiba's of the world. The profit is in the peripherals and the software.

6006d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There will be no more SKU's. MS is commoditizng the XBOX hardware. MS sku will remain the same, if not phase out, while other hardware companies will include xbox hardware into their rigs. Toshiba will be the first with the inclusion of a HD-DVD drive, Large HD, and various input and outputs.

Also take note: SBC will offer a form of XBOX with their DVR functionality for IPTV.

Prediction: XBOX live(Gold) will be free as soon as MS gets kickback for IPTV subscri...

6006d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

9-12 processors 3-4 MB Cache
3-4 GPU/w EDRAM for 12 X FSAA; GPU can be used for Physics
2 GB unified Ram

100% BC with XBOX360 games because gated for same architecture just 3-4 times more power.

They will focus on game play innovation...motion sensing, 3D type stuff. Taking a play from Nintendo book. I mean really how much more photo realistic do we want games?

6054d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you must also factor in the quality of the mult-platform 3rd party titles in your choice of which console you buy. If you have multiple game systems, then this is still a valid argument when choosing the platform you will be buying the game for? It is clear which platform is the best to date.

6077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

60GB version is the only one that gets my attention. I like the BC with tons of games I have. I better go buy one of these before they are all gone.

6078d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment