CRank: 5Score: 10330

Cell is a better processor, but it is in a system and overall architecture which has serious bottle necks. The cell will never be fully realized in the PS3. Too little memory, and graphical limitations. Smaller environment and streaming are necessary to compensate. It is still a fine machine and delivers some truly nice 1st party games.

The daughter die on the Xenos eliminates some serious GPU bottlenecks and makes it the better overall game system this gen. Not to mention mor...

5575d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fact is no matter how powerful the cell is, it will always be a bottle necked system on the PS3. The graphics will always be neck-n-neck between the xbox 360 and the PS3. Sorry to burst some people's bubble. The more graphic intensive things the PS3 does, the less it will be able to do with AI, particle effects, and physics. MS did a m ore balanced approach which will yield similar results at a much cheaper cost per machine. MS outwitted Sony this generation in hardware capability per the...

5576d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree, Too Human is a good game. Played it twice. GTA4, I own it and played 4 hours....not touched it since. Go figure?

5582d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The next MS console:

2 Core Larrabee 2.5 (64 X86 ea. Total 128 cores) 3D design with EDRAM 72MB Free X12 AA
250MB removable SSD Drive
Option USB3 optical Blueray/HD-DVD drive
Motion Controller
Game Streaming enabled from xbox live marketplace
BC enabled only with Optical drive attachment (think some xbox360 components inside)

MS contracts with Intel to do thermal design and layout of new console.
NEC tapped again for...

5621d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

There will be no disc media on the main device unless you buy the USB3 addon. expect a large SSD HD and XBL marketplace for full game releases. BC will be thru USB3 DVD/Blue-ray/HD-DVD addon device w/BC hardware acceleration. Expect to pay $$ for the addon device.

5642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really like Too Human. I have played through it 2.5 times and replayed many levels multiple times. The control scheme is very advanced and likeable. The story is very good and original. The only downside to this game is it is short and the reduction to 2 player coop from 4 player. Now the engine is worked out, I doubt it would really take more then a couple of years to make another game. Here is to hoping we get another one of these great SK games soon.

5645d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ZOMBIE MODE COOP. That is not in COD4. COD4 is great, but COD5 is a better shooter and better package.

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DVD-DISC/XBOX Live bit torrent. While playing the game the parts of the levels will be downloaded in the background and streamed for game play. There is no space issue. Intelligent disc/ download ratios can be established.

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA will not make a console. They make take the next xbox720 and add an EA logo on it or something. MS always wanted to commoditize the industry.

5706d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My xbox has been sent back twice. I think they actually replaced the mobo and GPU this time around though. I agree MS rushed the xbox to market, but I think they ran it too hot expecting big things out of the PS3 Cell/RSX, which never happened. I think they could have gimped the CPU speed down to 2.1 ghz, and the GPU at 475 mhz and still been more than competitive graphic wise with the PS3. Hind sight is 20/20. I think the 512mb of ram made a huge difference too, as opposed to the fragmen...

5706d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game is a nice change of pace and flavor. Regardless of the rants and based on my personal review of the demo I am buying this game. Have a nice day!

5762d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the only 1st party MS game I haven't bought I Perfect dark 0. Most of them are pretty good. My favorite on the Wii is not a 1st party game, Resident Evil iv Wii edition. The only game I like on the PS3 that doesn't exist on another platform is a 3rd party title MGS4. To say MS 1st party titles are weak is not correct. Wii first party titles are good, but not something I yearn to play. the line up of PS3 1st party titles is starting to look promising. I just hope all this compet...

5772d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The demo was fun and I would give it an 84/100. But I may have been a little short-sighted because it was only the demo and a small cross-section of the game.

The controls take a little time to master because old habits are hard to break. Once you are able to overcome habits formed from other 3rd person shooters from the past, it does become much easier to play and the camera easier on the eye.

I will be buying this game, and I hope it is successful so we can get ...

5775d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the game runs on a Windows OS, it is not neutral and it is a win for MS. This is why PC/XBOX360 games are many. It matters not really to MS. The royalties may be slightly higher on the xbox 360 though.

I find it hard to believe LBP will make it to PC. There is no way Sony would let this go to PC....but who would have though Square would go xbox crazy?

5776d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

If your going to be passionate about something, be passionate about something that matters.

5777d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've got the best the Wii has to offer. Iv'e got the best the xbox 360 has to offer. I have played with a PS3 and I like it. I have even set up Ubuntu PPC version on the PS3 for my nephew...pretty sweet when you go off to collage.

In my opinion the xbox 360 is the best console this generation, hands down. I would expect (Guess) MS will launch a smart multi load DVD version at some point to counter the storage issue, which will offset the benefit of HD storage (Blue Ray). It ...

5779d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both the XBOX 360 and Cell are PPC based processors, and if both stick with current, upgraded options with some new IBM tweaks both will scream. I know IBM is toying around with some full PPC 6+ghz processor speeds. Strip down to PS3 Cell or Xbox 360 PPC units and these could even be higher. By the time either launch they will be even more multi core. As long a branch prediction can be improved on the Cell and larger CPU caches on both, and at least 1GB of memory they will both be interes...

5785d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Assassins Creed used the Splinter Cell: Conviction Engine. Then Splinter Cell Conviction was put on ice to complete Assassins Creed. The Engine was further developed during this process.

I'm not exactly sure what good the current engine will do for the Splinter Cell franchise. I can see why, it may be overhauled. I wouldn't doubt it goes back to it's stealth/espionage roots.

5855d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Splinters Cell: Conviction, Halo Wars, and Alan Wake are others that may, or may not ship this year. With those and the ones you mentioned, I know of at least 8 XBOX 360 titles I will be buying this year. I will also pick up Viva sequel for my wife and kids; they play the crap out of that game. I simply can't see any compelling reason to buy a PS3 this year. Perhaps in 2009 when the PS3 is cheaper and the so called AAA titles are selling for $29.00 or I can buy them for even less, then I m...

5857d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think we may see some interesting future tech on the next gen platforms, but it may be possible to really shrink these suckers down into a tight space using Thermal Acoustic Piezo Energy Conversion for cooling and better energy efficiency even on this gen equipment.

5863d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment