CRank: 5Score: 29070

MS lost Mass Effect because Bioware was bought, SK embezzled their money and gave them shit. Alan Wake was delayed pretty much doomed to only have one game this gen. It is not all MS's fault.

People give them shit for Kinect. But guess what, MS did what you want a company to do, try something new, bet big on it, and back it up with support (in this case games). Kinect was a success and now MS knows which games work and don't work with Kinect.


4106d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should add paddles in the back like Scuf Gaming controllers. After you get used to them they are great to used, plus I always felt the controller needs more buttons for more complex games to take advantage of.

4122d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Love how no one complains about Sony milking this franchise. But are always up in arms about new Halos, and Gears

4124d ago 4 agree45 disagreeView comment

Actually excited for the next COD. Don't really like Treyarch CODs, next generation, wonder who is developing it (IW, Slegehammer or Neversoft)

4138d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

What a dumb ass list. Do people even realize that no resources is taken away from the single player to make these multiplayer components. They increase the budget and hire new people.

Consumers are getting something for free and they complain. SMH. Patcher has a point that sometimes gamers just want to cry and whine over nothing

4144d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if the campaign will be 30fps or 60fps on next gen consoles. Hmmmmm

4158d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I was not talking about Frostbite v. Any other engine.

I was just saying that is was smart of EA to have all their studios working with one engine for logistical and business reason. Before the switch to Frosbite, all their major studios were using different tech.

Internal studios can now help each other out, that's it. Plus they wouldn't have to pay millions in licensing fees to Epic.

Smart move all around

4164d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pretty smart move, besides the sports games, almost all the studios will be using Frosbite. Which will make it easy for teams to help out one another and with so any engineers working on one engine any advancement one studio makes, another one can benefit.

4164d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I loved the campaign. Some boding parts but it is well paced for the 10+ hour of gameplay in it

4164d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every top tier Pub will be in a bidding war to get this game.

4174d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fuck Kotick. If COD was a prostitute, Kotick turned it from a $10000 a night escort into a 100/hr hooker. Five, five fully staffed studios are working on COD games right now. SMH

As much joy as the franchise has brought me, can't wait until the COD bubble burst.

4177d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

I won't be buying.

4185d ago 12 agree16 disagreeView comment

Calling it now, the will be the best shooter of the Spring. Even better than Infinite. Crysis 2 was so close, and it looks like the devs learn from there mistakes.

4188d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Epic engine business is so profitable because it is a multiplatform engine. Would MS really be ok with for developing an engine for use on the WiiU and PS3/4.

I don't management will view it the same way they view Office on Macs. The engine business would be pocket change compared to what MS makes with it's Apple software. And back then MS was way and away ahead of Apple. Not the case in the console business.

Gearbox makes sense because they are the ...

4189d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Buying Epic makes no sense. The price would be ridiculously because of the Engine business. But MS would have to gut the engine business when they gain control. Buying a company like Gearbox would make waaaaaay more sense.

4189d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

MS is no where as troubled as Sony, no where near. Windows 8 turned out to be another Vista instead of a another Windows 7. And just like when Vista bombed there are these doom and gloom articles about MS. Added to the the bomba with is the Surface RT (aka Zune 2.0)

The OS business is still extremely profitable, Office is still extremely profitable. They have billions in savings.

Xbox/XBL is extremely profitable and next year the "Xbox 720" will be ...

4190d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

MS is investing in another AAA shooter franchise and people are actually upset. I get that all these sequels got people jaded but think back at big a deal the original Gears and Halo was. How new and refreshing they were. And now MS believes they have a new franchise that can be on the level of HALO and GEARS.

People should really get excited about this. MS doesn't like having franchises that are similar to each other. That's one of the major reasons the cited for no...

4195d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling that IW is going the next gen edition, Sledgehamer is going the current gen edition.

Neversoft is also working on a separate COD title, which will probably be the 2014 COD.

Then they shift to a 3 year/3 team cycle with Treyarch, IW, and Neversoft switching off.

Slegehammer goes back and makes a action adventure title, a

4199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping May. March is way too stacked, they would numerous delays if it releases in March, everyone would be running for cover.

4236d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

lolol. Since COD started in 2003, 2004 was the only year a game didn't release.

4239d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment