
CRank: 5Score: 26880

To me, taking into account the original statements;

"So we asked BioWare's Matt Atwood directly about the possibility of the game coming to PS3, to which he responded, "We've only announced 360 and PC. At this point we're really focused on those platforms."

We understand, Matt, but what about the intellectual property itself? Does EA own the Mass Effect name? "Yes. EA owns the rights to Mass Effect." And so, as far as exclusivity between Mas...

5227d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But who would decide as to what constitutes a bad act? You enter a gray zone when "potentially harmful" things are thrown in with the lot.

Murder and rape are and have been banned (read: illegal) for a long time in most places, but they do not cease to exist. Censorship is not only unproductive since things exist whether people know about them or not, but it is also very harmful for that very reason. Fear and ignorance of things does not help against "evil", k...

5234d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, for starters, you are asking for censorship in a news story that clearly depicts where the slippery slope of censorship leads. If everyone could have whatever they dislike (no matter how valid their reasons) censored, I'm quite sure pretty much everything would be censored.

People get offended, rightfully so in my opinion, when someone tries to force upon them a belief. Not to be confused with narrow-mindedness, merely free choice.

5234d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, as the song goes: "No matter who you vote for, the government still gets in."

Younger generation, older generation... I wouldn't hold my breath. Ever noticed how people with real ideals seldom get into positions of any of power?

What people can do right now, however, is not allowing themselves to be bribed/bullied into turning on each other. People passively observing and "good citizens" are what allows fascism, in whichever form/name, to r...

5234d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

How fitting that the source should be an Australian site. People should be paying attention to this, because it's not "just China". Things like these are very evident in the so-called free world as well, just not as blatant as in China perhaps.

If you need examples, merely look at the censorship in Australia or political correctness in Canada.

5234d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also, in the words of Blizzard's Paul Sams: "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you...especially not to you."

5265d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft claims that reports that ... have been greatly exaggerated."

Uh-oh, this is not going to end well.

5282d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still waiting for a developer to promote their upcoming DLC as "boring and not worth buying"... sigh, some day perhaps.

5287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see fanboy and fan are still being considered as the same thing. I believe there is a reason for "boy" being added to the word, in order to indicate extremism. It's perfectly possible to be a fan of something without hating the competition.

For all the (unintentional) good fanboys do, like pointing out faults (always with the competition mind you) that people should be aware of (RROD, YLOD, abandoned core audience etc), they are still not in any way "needed"...

5297d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"... and can judge sex and approximate age from their appearance."

I can just imagine the wave of shattered PS3s when 13 year old boys get misstakenly indentifed as girls. It's bound to happen.

5302d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did not suggest that everyone should act like Jesus, I merely wrote that paragraph to illustrate how things are justified by ignorance; people often justify an eye for an eye because it says so in the bible, ignoring the fundamental teachings they supposedly believe in.


@ phantom disagrees: care to argument why? Everyone stands to benefit from different points of views.

5331d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

If only you guys realised that "an eye for an eye" is the reason he was set on fire to begin with... (read the article).

An eye for an eye is the dog eat dog world solution, which is also indecently one of the big reasons we have a dog eat dog world... circles don't end unless broken. Take a look at the Israel-Palestinian situation and consider it for a moment.

The phrase itself is even used out of ignorance most of the time. Basically, the phrase is most...

5331d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

... also playable on PS3 /dream

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There can only be one...? is this the Highlander or what? There are plenty of evil empires of gaming out there, some of them just go about it more cleverly, at times, *seemingly* caring about their costumers more then they do about money.

One of the big reasons evil empire*s* can pull of stuff like Activision is doing now, and like EA used to, is because people just watch the current baddy. So when someone else pulls off their evil genius schemes, people just go "Huh? I tota...

5333d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, actually the ME(1) link goes straight to the ME2 site, so who knows what's going on with their site?

Any new Bioware game would be welcome to be honest, be it NWN3, JE2, KOTOR3 or a completely new IP.

I just hope Bioware's psycho trend (Subject Zero, Marilyn Manson music in Dragon Age trailers) is just a failed marketing gimmick, not the "new and improved" Bioware (which coincidently started after the EA acquisition).

5335d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Indulgences, internet style.

5336d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just finished watching, must say I enjoyed it. Sure, the acting and dialogue is a tad cheesy, but let's be honest, that is the case in the games at times too.

Where they really succeeded was capturing the feel of MGS, with the setting, plot, non-glorification of war, music and also, Snake sounds like Snake. All in all, definitely worth a watch, top notch for being a fan movie. Actually excited to see part two now.

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5346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I find that you allow someone to name an alliance \”Nazi\” very offensive. If you want people to join the Evony community then you need to hire someone to do some prudent censorship. You want us to write a review? How about if someone wrote a review that you allow hate speak and anti semitisim on your servers? How would that be for a review?! I should not have to accidentally stumble on to this. There should be some filters already in place."

This is all a bit ironic, ...

5347d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully they mean VC2 coming to PS3 as the "definitive version", like Fat Princess is going from PSN to PSP. If they are merely talking about VC3 in 2-3 years from now, that will be a rather bland teaser.

5373d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You sort of have to wonder how and why they get this, private I might add, information.

"Right now, it's primarily male," said PSN director of operations Eric Lempel when asked about the PSN audience. "The average age is 28 years old, in usually the middle- to higher-income range. They over-index against those with graduate degrees. But it's expanding."

Of those things listed, only age (gender is optional) is something you fill in on the PSN regis...

5373d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment