
CRank: 6Score: 49110

This is something I knew a ways back and thought that Microsoft would explain that to the masses. They never did and it's obvious this is "HUGE" news to those who think that "RAW" power means anything.

Microsoft has been showing & talking about the next gen games, while Sony has been talking about the numbers.

Maybe now people can stop talking about numbers and let the "GAMES" do the talking.

I know thi...

3919d ago 92 agree87 disagreeView comment

Your exactly right. It's a major revolution not just in gaming, but entertainment & lifestyle. Those things you mentioned are exciting. MS caught a lot of slack for doing MORE than just gaming. But, I look at it as BONUS features that change the way we play & view games & entertainment.

Microsoft has shown with the xbox one a commitment to putting out great games & a commitment to changing & evolving the game!

How do you only have ...

3919d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It seems everyone who has played it, even with it being 6 months away from releasing, has LOVED the game.

This is what gaming should be about. Pure Gaming FUN!

This is definitely the game I'm most excited for in this next generation.

Though Forza is a close 2nd. That's another game that everyone who has tried it, loves it!

I'm actually waiting for "ONE" person to say something that's not "FAN...

3919d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Maybe you have 30 minutes to play with to make a 5 minute "Highlight" of your game play. I'm not sure exactly, but who really wants to upload 30 minutes of gameplay?

To me 5 minutes is just about right. Youtube used to have a 10 minute limit, but rarely did anyone use the full 10 minutes.

3919d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is exactly why I haven't pre-ordered one game for the xbox one. Me & just about all of my family and friends are going ALL DIGITAL for the xbox one. On Day One I have a $400 dollar budget for game downloads.

While a good amount of gamers didn't like the all digital future that MS had in mind, I believe that there are millions who do want it. Once people see the benefits of going all digital, it will become more poplular.

1. Game sharing ...

3919d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Next gen gaming is 2 months away! I've been ready for this for the last 2 years.

3919d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is one of the strengths of Microsoft. Software & Services. Everything I have read about the Xbox One Operating Systems & dashboard has me very excited! This is always an area that we know Xbox will be strong!

November can't come fast enough!

Xbox One Day 1

3919d ago 24 agree13 disagreeView comment

Your point? the entire article is opinions. I disagree with every point to why the ps4 is better according to author.

Ps4 does not have a snap mode or anything remotely like it.

3921d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment


Excellent points, Well said but let me add to your list

11. kinnect 2.0

12. hdmi input

13. wifi direct

14. 4k resolution ready for GAMES

15. 1080p 4 people conference Skype

16. TV integration

17. Halo television series by Steven Speilburg

18. 3d scanning of face & body to put in games

19. IR Blaster

3921d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

Not so fast kiddo!

On Amazon only the xbox one standard edition is even in the CURRENT top 20 best sellers list.

And though you and others give off the impression that Microsoft is dead, xbox products are still outselling sony gaming products 2 to 1 in the USA.

Truth be told, yes Sony may have lead early on with pre orders, the closer we get to the launch, Xbox one is leading in pre oders, but most likely not caught up yet.


3921d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Come on News for gamers Sony Fanboys...sign the petition. LOL...LOL....LOL.....

This is the funniest yet saddest thing I have heard sony boys come up with. LOL...LOL...LOL....

So far their are 25 signitures...Yall can muster up more than that. There are at least 250 sony fanboys that troll this news for gamers site...

Let's get the signtatures up to at least 300....LOL>>>LOL>& amp; gt;>>LOL

Yall are blin...

3921d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment


I know we are not alone by any stretch of the imagination, though on this site the loudest and most vocal gamers would attempt to make it seem that way. I'm a self admitted graphic geek...And my eye test tells me up to this point the games look as good or better up to this point on the xbox one. But, listening to the many developers who have spoke out on it, it seems the differences will be less in the hardware and more in what the developers do with each con...

3921d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Who counts indie games honestly? For every 1000 indie games developed....1 or 2 end up being good or great. Sony fans can't be serious with this...This has got to be a joke. Since when does console gamers care about cheaply made, a dime a dozen, indie games that 1/100 end up being OKAY? LOL....This has gotten absurd and it's at an alltime low. Who the heck buys a next gen console for indie games? LOL...

LOL...I guess sony fanboys preferences are different than mine a...

3921d ago 13 agree12 disagreeView comment

$100 dollar price difference....

For that price difference this is what you get!

1. A console that recognizes you & your controller and anyone else who plays with you on your console

2. A console that you can connect your cable tv to and you can seamlessly switch between tv, to game, to Skype, all with your voice. That includes changing channels, receiving game invites while watching tv or a movie and instantly snapping to them....with y...

3922d ago 12 agree25 disagreeView comment

It's called constantly evolving & growing...Not Unfinished. Is it a concept to complex to grasp?

The download is not needed to completely enjoy the game. It's EXTRA stuff that they are adding up to the time of release. And like the previous Forzas they have a history of offering free cars deep into the life of the game.

Who complains about free extra stuff? LOL...

3922d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Anyone who turns this into a negative is a clear cut FANBOY!

It's pretty simple and pretty amazing what they are doing!

1. The game is complete, tracks, cars, career mode, etc...Day 1 no download.

2. They have been working tirelessly to add new content up till the last minute...What that you get EXTRA tracks, cars, etc...FOR FREE and all you need to do is download it DAY 1.

Who can find a complaint about that? Oh, you don...

3922d ago 14 agree26 disagreeView comment

Not only is the xbox one less than the ps4 with your simple math....But you can't even compare the ps 720p eye toy with the 1080p kinnect 2.0....Not just the obvious difference, but there are a plethora of differences too long to list!

Clear choice for serious gamers!

3922d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

yea but can you buy a ps4, fifa, 1080p Kinnect 2.0, Forza, Ryse, TitanFall, Dead Rising, and Halo?

Oh yea, for those that say that NOBODY wants Kinnect....You are wrong. I wouldn't call 25 million gamers who purchased kinnect 1 as an add on is NOBODY!

While that is only 1/3 of the user base, it's simply because add ons by nature don't sell 1 to 1.

How did Sony's eye toy do btw? LOL...LOL.... 10,000 units maybe?

3922d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Only problem is we are only a couple months away from launch, yet a game like TitanFall is 6 to 7 months away and looks WAAAAY better. I would be a little worried, optimized or not. It's getting close to launch time.

Now on the flip side, they actually had a demo at E3 playing on xbox one HARDWARE and it looked great.

So I don't understand how it could look so crappy on the ps4 so close to launch. Isn't the ps4 have more RAW SPECS??????????

3922d ago 8 agree27 disagreeView comment

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment