
CRank: 6Score: 49110

Disc Less as in Every single game on the system is Disc Less. Even when you buy a install it and never need it again. Never need to carry around your game library again...That's the future of gaming and Sony will eventually catch up. Sure Sony has games you can download and play without disc...But I'm talking about as a standard.

In order for it to be a standard you need DRM. It's not complicated.

Everyone who complains bout MS pushi...

4010d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

People talk about the ps4 having better ram & slightly faster gpu performance. Yet there must be magic under the hood for the xbox one because it's been stated that the xbox one can do 4k ultra HD gaming and the Ps4 CAN'T. I try to tell people there is more to tech than sheer numbers...Architecture plays a bigger role along with your software tools & other system resources. Normally MS comes out bragging at E3. They just showed games and didn't really tout how the xbox one...

4010d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


Your 100% wrong kiddo. On current gen consoles you can't buy a game, install it on your console, and play it without the disc in the drive. You can't go to a friends console, not bring the disc and play your game. You can't share your games with 10 friends/family in different states and NONE of your friends need the disc and they all have access to all your games!

Ps4 can't do that either unless they enable DRM and unless they go alw...

4011d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Titanfall, Killer Instinct, Ryse, Halo 5, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3,Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Forza, and Sunset Overdrive.

10 reasons why I have to get the xbox one. No way am I going an entire generation without playing those blockbuster innovative next gen games!

I'm a big Call of Duty fan and on top of the 10 must have exclusives that I want to play, COD Ghost will always give the xbox one exclusive early downloads for new maps, etc...

4011d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


"sony currently way ahead in pre orders so why do they have to catch up to ms?"

When I say catch up and have disc less games, I mean exactly that. In order to do that they need to have DRM in place and need to support that. It needs to be a standard for it to actually work when you buy a game and never have to use the disc again. Sony will eventually do it, and all YOU sony fans will say how great it is! Late to the party! LOL

4011d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

I haven't Internet less gamed in over 7 years. I would assume it would be a requirement moving forward into the next generation. If your a person with no Internet, you are stuck in the past and the future is leaving u behind

4011d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment

If you haven't noticed, I only comment on articles in the Xbox one section. And my comments are my opinion and feelings directly pertaining the the direct article being discussed. trolling? No that would be all the Sony fans commenting in the Xbox section acting like they used to love Xbox but yet their comment history suggest otherwise. Lol

4011d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'll gladly pay 100 dollars more for disc less gaming, family share, Skype 1080p built in, Snap mode with tv, games, movies, and Skype, and voice & gesture commands that can detect individual fingers and facial expressions.

Plus I can now play Halo, dead rising, forza, gears, and Titanfall.

Super excited

4011d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Great read. Sony fans will never like these type of articles. Clear to the point and it clearly shows the advantage of having disc less gaming. Sony will catch up to Xbox next gen and have disc less gaming and these same pigeons will say how great it is. Lol

4011d ago 16 agree22 disagreeView comment

Polls mean nothing. The Xbox one Facebook page has over 40,000,000 LIKES. That should tell you all these Sony boys who talk the loudest means zero in the real world. Polls get a couple thousand votes. First you have to care enough to vote. Sony has way more trolls that care about who wins a poll. This ain't no presidential election. Who cares about trolls who vote on polls to give off the illusion that Sony is going to sell more. LOL... Lets see sales after they are released. Sony ha...

4011d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

@Pigeons LOL

I come here for all the gaming news in one place and to read all the comments. Pure Comedy and it puts a smile on my face and I get a good laugh every day. You know that laughing and smiling every day is good for your soul.

I speak the REAL. From a Real Gamer who actually puts his money where his mouth is. I buy EVERY game that I want to play on EVERY system. I have pre ordered a ps4 and 2 xbox ones thus far for Day ONE. ...

4011d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

Ps4 is the ps3 with better graphics...That's IT!

Xbox One is revolutionary and when the Metal Gear Solid dev says that there is little difference if any at all...I would believe him as he has always taken the stance of quality over anything! But he's not alone saying that and sony fans will continue to shout out the numbers that Sony as threw their way! Pigeons

4011d ago 4 agree28 disagreeView comment

It's sad because it's obvious from reading comments on this site (which is 90% sony fans) that many are surely lacking in education and definitely need to be educated.

Many of you spew nonsense like the ps4 is 50% more powerful then you post links to websites that only talk about the Ram being faster & the gpu being faster. Those are stats on paper and not real world calculations. Developers have already been saying that it's a slight difference "IF ANY...

4011d ago 2 agree32 disagreeView comment
4012d ago
4012d ago

I was at Gamestop today and I asked them how they feel about the Xbox One and the trade in restrictions. He said that he pre ordered an xbox one and was at E3. He also stated that Microsoft is ALLOWING people to trade in their xbox one games. Once someone installs the game to their console it uninstalls it from your console. He said he actually talked with MS rep at E3 and they have notified Gamestop that they will indeed allow trade ins. That is part of the reason you need to be always onlin...

4013d ago 1 agree39 disagreeView comment

I was at Gamestop today and I asked them how they feel about the Xbox One and the trade in restrictions. He said that he pre ordered an xbox one and was at E3. He also stated that Microsoft is ALLOWING people to trade in their xbox one games. Once someone installs the game to their console it uninstalls it from your console. He said he actually talked with MS rep sat E3 and they have notified Gamestop that they will indeed allow trade ins. That is part of the reason you need to be always onli...

4013d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

As soon as I clicked the link and saw the So Called news is from a Sony Playstation website, I knew it was garbage. LOL...Keep feeding your dedicated Sony fans this nonsense. The fact of the matter is the xbox one games looked better than the ps4 games and now they are attempting to do damage control by fabricating this nonsense. Microsoft clearly stated that the games shown at the E3 press conference was running on Xbox One hardware.

What is funny is that Sony knows that th...

4015d ago 11 agree66 disagreeView comment

When me and my group of 10 family members share games via xbox one...We only need to buy 4 games each and yet we will get access to all these games. Heaven on Earth!!!!! Thank You Microsoft! That's what I call a next gen feature!
Assassin's Creed 4
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
The Crew
Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3
The Division
Dragon Age Inquisition ...

4015d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Although the Xbox One is less powerful than the PlayStation 4, it should actually be capable of more impressive graphical output. Game developers can shift some of the processing power to Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s cloud servers, and combined with the Xbox One’s local processing prowess, deliver superior games.
And as technology progresses, the Xbox One should only improve -- cloud servers should become ever more capable. Meanwhile, broadband Internet speeds are steadily in...

4015d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment