
CRank: 5Score: 5520


Yeh, Crysis and what else? Because, honestly I can´t remember any other one right now..."

and every multiplatform title that exist? i never said PC has the best exclusive lineup, i believe that title belongs to the PS3 but for a game like crysis which is over 3 years old can still best games today is a huge feet.

"And like I said before… to run Crysis in its full glory you need to spend lots of cash and have your PC in the...

5352d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


lol stealth trolling? you said you just got a ps3 but going through your comment history

"379 days 4 hours ago
i own both ps3 and 360, a high end lcd tv, and am not impressed with ps3 over 360 at all. that may change in the future, but as of right now, 360 wins every time. oh and by the way, not a fanboy, just a fan of good entertainment haha"

"442 days 19 hours ago
who copied who?
sony has copied xbox live,...

5353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

4got to hit reply
EDIT: this reply thing is so gay

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because he forgot to take his fanboy goggles off :P

5353d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

actully the PS3 and 360 have g cards camparable to 1 7800GTX which is like 4 years old....


dude, just stfu, you sound like you never played a dam PC game in your life, Play crysis and tell me than game is not detailed to bits. You can argue that PS3 has the best line up this gen, i will agree to that. but to say it can best a PC with 10 times the ram 10 times the GPU RAM and 10 times the resolution you are just fooling yourself.

5353d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


5353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 sales spikes as 360 owners buys PS3 to watch HALO!!

5353d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


"90% of the posts on N4G are from PS3 fans that are either crying about media bias or trying to convince everyone how happy they are that they purchased a PS3. lol

It's getting rather sad."

Yer its pretty sad that "90%" of PS fans are talking out against bias retarded articles while sheep's or the other side of the paddock bends over and takes what ever the farmer stick up their ass.

$50 to play online? sure,

5353d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Jimmy Riddle

so if was to say "i made yo momma scream all night long". would that be me promoting my sexual life or trash talking your momma?

There is a major difference between trash talking and promoting and Turn 10 is definitely not promoting...

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


there's nothing wrong with comparisons, it just when you do such an unfair and ridiculous comparison between 2 games, it feeds ammunition to the fanboys and turns them into trolls!!!! "OMG TEH FORZA 3 HAS BETTER DIRT THEN YOUR BELOVED 2 YEAR OLD DEMO!!!! THAT ITS, FORZA 3 PAWWWWNSA GT!!!!"

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FACT: GT5 will sell better than forza 3

FACT: GT5 will look better than forza 3

FACT: GT5 will play better then forza 3

if you disagree than you are a 360 fanboy, if your not i will prove that you are.

have a nice day! :D

seriously there is nothing wrong with this fanboy war stuff i find it greatly entertaining and great for the industry. It makes dev work harder to make the best games they could. The only thing that annoys me a...

5356d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL at all the fanboys who never played a real racing sim in their life!!

Seriously if any of you want REAL 100% racing sims check out, GTR evolution, live for speed and Rfactor. The graphics are pretty dated but throw in a nice steering wheel and you'll get the most realistic driving sim ever.

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember NFS shift is also on PC, so they might be using the pc version to compare? and for PC you can turn the res AA AF all up so it'll looks way better than any console racers.

The Devs who made NFS shift are the same who made GTR evolution the most realistic racing sim ever!!! check it out if you have a PC.

EDIT: i tried shift on a mates PC and i must say its very good, the driving is much better than any racing games out atm but the damage is very last gen. if ...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Agreed, its funny how its always the 360 fanboys who claims exclusivity on multiplat games. Shows you how desperate they are...

5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

then leave :D

5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 fanboys are goin crazy about it cause they get a semi exclusive game for their system to brag about.

Ps3 fanboys are going crazy because M$ and their big fat check book shafted them again.....

5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Splinter Cell is meant for Xbox and it will show"

Gimped on PC confirmed?

i'm not a big fan of steath games especially Splintercell, but i've notice alot of console ports to PC are gimped, like some of them don't even have AA or AF and have extremely horrible textures(GTA4, Red faction etc...) hopefully they don't mean "Splinter Cell is meant for Xbox and it will show" literally or else pc gamers will be looking at a gimped version.....

5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

actully.......there is a reason why PC games cost lesser than console games. PC developers don't pay for licensing fees to release games on PC, so technically MS makes nothing from these games unless they own the company.

By your logic, since SONY owns PS2 and PSP then we should count all their exclusive too right?

"This just makes fanboys complain how its not "CONSOLE" exclusive. Who cares? Do we own ANY of these companies to care?"


5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 exclusive list looks even smaller if you own a decent PC and a ps3.....hopefully i will be getting a ps3 next year, need to catch up with some true exclusives.

5359d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL that's a hilarious analogy.....

5363d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment