
CRank: 5Score: 5010

Wow!! A real article not bashing the PS3, but actually praising it.

Oh no, the sky is falling!! It's the end of the world!!

Everyone run!!

5642d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many different ways can you say I hate Sony?
Another mindless articles that just FAILS.

Why not compare Netflix to the PSN rental service or the rental of Blu-ray titles from Blockbusters.
You would actually compare the price of a Blu-ray to a rental?
Now that is just dumb, what are we teaching in our school systems these days.

I never see any Sony guys creatiing article to compare to 360 stuff. It is always the other way around. Why ...

5642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are joking right?

You would rather for them to be picked up by a bigger development company so they can continue to make mediocre games that no one is intrested in?
The real problem is there are too many IPs on the market as is. Everyone wants to be a game developer these days and the majority of the games are utter crap. How does that help anything. How many FPS shooters does one console need to have? It reminds be of the the days when ever company had to make a...

5643d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And here we go again.

How many different ways can you say I hate Sony?
These articles are pretty sad. They remind me of that pathetic dude who gets dumped by the hot chic, but he can't just move on. So instead at any given opportunity he bashes her to make himself feel better. How sad. All his friends know that he is a loser and he screwed it up.
I don't regret buying a PS3 and I haven't seen one game that I just had to have on the 360. So I am comfortable wi...

5643d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're kidding right? Next you will tell us that it is the PS3 fault that gas prices were high and it is the reason why the American dollar is **it. Just admit that there are too many developers out there and now when development costs rise the bad are weeded out. Just because they made a good game in the past doesn't mean much. Pac Man was a excellent game in it's time, but you don't see Namco fans using that as an excuse for failures like Death by Degrees and Breakdown. ...

5644d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

The funny thing about this article is that I just commented on this yesterday. If Microsoft chooses not to use Blu-ray and go with a new format it will definitely cost the consumer. If not in dollars it will cost in convenience. Either Microsoft will make the next box a pure gaming console or they will try to do the movie thing by digital distribution. Either way Blu-ray is here to stay so it would make more sense to just use it. In Japan they are already working on new resolution that do...

5645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do get the point that Sony is not doing good right now, but why?
It's a simple thing as economics. The economy sucks right now and that means that the PS3 is or was about $200 too expensive for the average household to be able to afford. So Sony gets no love for their pricing and those gamers who can afford to buy it get no love out of pure jealously. It is the same as the poor hating the rich and a disdain for the products that rich people can afford. In this case though the imp...

5647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this video suppose to get me pumped up for a game that is being released almost a full year from now?
This is about as useful as both of those fake Tekken 6 vids they showed back in 05 and 06. Does anyone even care.
I will get the game day 1, but the advertisement is pointless.
Why not wait until there are real features to show for the game instead of this mismashed jumble of video? I don't need another teaser video. I was teased back in 05.

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was just thinking the same thing right before I read your comment.
I want to see that engine being used on a mario styled platform game. Something different and unexpected. I'm sure with that engine a platformer would indeed be pixar quality? Not exactly but close enough.

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love me some Tekken, but I wish they would just let the previews and statements die. We've been waiting on this game since well before the PS3 was released and I am tired of waiting. All the useless interviews for a game that is still a year away is annoying. Yes I know that I don't have to read them, but I am a Tekken fanatic so I can't help it. I really am tired of playing Dark Ressurection. :(

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree Street Fighter III third strike needs a HD update with online play. I own the Japanese Dreamcast version and the PS2 Anniversay Edition. I tried to play the PS2 version with the PS3 effects on and it was blurry and butt ugly. I believe that Capcom should not try to redraw the game, but simply increase the resolution of the sprites. I know that they have to the original drawings and artwork in archive. I don't want Udon anywhere near that game because their art style just doesn'...

5660d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say this game is a flop. It's just one of those titles that will have a cult following like:
Shadow of Colossus
Every Extend Extra
to name a few.

All of those games were quality titles but were not best sellers.
They didn't get the recognition until later.

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me the problem is the price of the disk.
I remember right before Blu-ray came out I could go to Target or Best Buy and pick up a new release for $14.99-$15.99 single disk and $17.99-$19.99 for the double disk. Now because of the price of the Blu-ray the double disk have went up to $20-$22 as a new release.
Anyway, Blu-ray is just too expensive. I refuse to pay $26 and up for a movie. $20 is the sweet spot for me. I own a PS3, but I only have 2 Blu-ray movies. I have the...

5664d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Enough with the teasers, can we just play the game already. The hype died about six or seven month ago or when Street Fighter IV was announced.

Oh yeah, Boarders Bookstore has the Street Fighter Tribute art book from Udon for $39.99. It's roughly 319 pages of art. A little costly , but pretty cool!

5682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This review and what others think of the game reminds me of the Gears of War. That was a beautiful game, but many people felt it was too short. However the length of that game didn't effect it's reviews or what people thought of the game. Why a double standard here? Not every game needs multi to me considered value. I can see where if the game is only 6 hours that maybe the price should have been cheaper like GT Prologue, or it should have some free episode DLC to make up for being so sh...

5683d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

^^What?! This game is intended for those of us who think outside the box. It is a game for creative minds, and people who can appreciate creativity. Some will find it cool, others won't.
Sorry you didn't enjoy the game after a a night or two. Me on the other hand, I feel like it was best spent $60 in a long time. The presentation and graphics are flawless. Many people will hate on this game simply because the Nintendo or Microsoft camp didn't come up with it first, and others wil...

5696d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I don't get is the part about the developers getting a chance to work on something new and different? Who cares? I mean if the game sucks or lacks appeal, then what is the point?

The sad thing is Nintendo is stingy with their different properties which overall holds them back. Fine example is Mario Paint. If they would have worked on Mario Paint over the years and then combined that with Wii Music they might have came up with a title on par with Little Big Planet. Tha...

5697d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was the best retort I have read in a long time. Bubbles for you.

A year or two ago people were complaining about the ICO 2 demo that was changed to Shadow of the Colossus. They were complaining that it would have been cool to play it as it was. Now Sony starts to release these thing and people complain that it is not a complete game, or a game at all. Just shut up and enjoy itor what it is!
A reminder of how beautiful the next team ICO game will be.

5716d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a weird situation a double edged sword if you will. On the one hand Namco can get a wider fanbase by going multi platform, but on the other hand the already established fanbase has to wait an additional year for a games that was promoted all the way back to E3 06.

With that said thanks I am starting to loose faith in Namco these days, just look at what happened to Soul Calibur IV other than graphics the game actually took a step back in value with the majority of it ex...

5716d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tekken has been the leading 3D fighter for years with Virtua Fighter at a close second. Although VF has a superiorfighting engine, it is that fact that holds it back. VF has a cult following and only the hardcore players can truel master it. Casual button mashers will not get any reward playing the game and that is where Tekken shines. Although it takes more skill to combo and juggle than say Dead or Alive, Tekken is more forgiving and flashy than VF.

Those who say that af...

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment