CRank: 5Score: 10140

I usually make long comments but im going to keep this one short and simple. Mark my words, this time next year you will be seeing articles with titles that will go something like "PS3s heroic comeback" or "PS3 comeback kid"

Bottom line is this, its only a matter of time. Once the PS3 gets a $100.00 price cut on top of God of war 3 and Killzone 2, PS3 will be on top

5658d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

First let me say that This is the very first socom game i have ever played because during my PS2 gaming days i wasnt into online gaming at all i was more into action adventure single player games, but now im pretty much all about onling gaming. I bought Socom confrontation the day it came out because of the headset and hated it because it was very laggy at the time. Ever since the last patch the game plays really smooth and it doesnt take long at all to get into a match, this game is very ver...

5658d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

umm if not through FW update and not through PS store download, how else is possible? I think the disc idea would be pointless, if it was up to me i would make it mandatory through a FW update so there wouldnt be a chance of people not atleast having it on their system and wanting to try it, they could always delete it if they didnt like it that or Download it from the PS store.

oh and im in the beta and ITS AMAZING! The summer house is so beautiful, Pool and bowling are fun and ...

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game comes out 3 days after Killzone 2, no way in hell this will sell as well as Killzone 2. I think you guys underestimate Halo fans, you 360 fanboys that think this is going to sell millions on day one just because its a Halo game have another thing coming. Dont get me wrong it will sell well over time, maybe 500,000-800,000 units over its lifetime, but ive seen some on here say that Killzone 2 wont sell well because of Halo wars?! really lol, i think you guys are underestimating the K...

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony also owns the PSP and PS2 and both of those are generating big profits for sony and both are still selling very very well for sony and also sony makes boatloads from blu ray royalties from movies and players!

Do you guys realize the only reason the PS3 is priced the way it is because of blu ray?! and do you guys also realize that once blu ray gets less expensive for Sony to develop that they can then be in a position to lower the price of the PS3?! and do you guys also reali...

5658d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Going to midnight launch for this baby, Blu ray/PS3 all the way!! Dont worry 360 fanboys im sure you guys still have your HD-DVD add on.. oh wait

5658d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you guys realize that no other console brand in the history of video games has lasted more than 4 years in terms of sales and support?! NES,SNES, Gamecube, N64, all sega consoles and original xbox didnt last more than 4 years, Playstation consoles last a decade or slightly more.

My point is this. MS knows 2009 is the 4th year, they know the 360 cannot produce anything that looks, sounds and plays as good as killzone 2 and even God Of War 3. They decided to go with just standar...

5658d ago 20 agree14 disagreeView comment

ok 360 fanboys that are claiming "OMG PS3 DEAD" umm you guys do actually realize that sony makes more profit in their gaming division then MS does right?! Lets look at the numbers shall we.. Sony also owns the PSP and PS2 and ALSO makes a lot of money on blu ray royalties. for instance it probably only cost sony $50.00 tops to make each PS2 and they are still selling a lot of PS2 monthly at $130.00. the PSP probably cost sony tops $100.00 per unit to make and they are still selling ...

5658d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

PSP sold 40 million worldwide in what, 3-4 years?! How is the PSP a failure like everyone says it is? sure it doesnt have a good attach rate with its game but im pretty sure the PSP is making a good profit for sony now and they are still selling very solid every month, how is the PSP a failure?! just because it doesnt sell as good as the DS doesnt make it a failure, im not that familiar with the hanheld market as I am with the console market.. but is 40 million PSPs sold in 3-4 years time a b...

5658d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

but yea, i really think Home is going to be huge. infact once the PS3 gets a solid price cut, I could see Home bringing in casuals to the PS3 just like the Wii brought in casuals.. Im already starting to see people on home (mostly girls) that say they are just using their brother's PS3 or their cousins PS3 and say they really arent into gaming but really like Home. So yea, Home is going to be huge no doubt.

5659d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I also own a 360 and use to be hooked on live but since i got Home 2 weeks ago, i literally havent touched my 360 since! dont get me wrong i also play a lot of games on my PS3 but this Home is just something else. Fun and addicting and very relaxing as well. The new summer house is just beautiful, and soon they are going to let you put up your own tv in your home space and share movies that you have stored on your PS3.

I think As it is home is amazing! the only thing is i hope th...

5659d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Honestly, how can MS compete with this?! what do they have for 2009 so far?! oh yea Halo wars and Halo 3 recon.. lol wow, looks like MS is adopting what i like to call "The Nintendo Doctrine" which basically means keep releasing rehashes and spin offs of your biggest franchise aslong as suckers keep buying them like Nintendo does with Mario and now what looks like MS is doing with Halo. shame

MS has one big problem, they put all their eggs in one basket. They are just s...

5660d ago 44 agree4 disagreeView comment

Do you guys realize that even in the PS2 era you didnt have to switch out discs!!! Switching disks is so mid 90s lol, wow the 360 is a awesome console afterall, its actually a time machine as well!! Thats like going back to VHS and having to rewind lol.. I really hope Sony doesnt work out anything with MS and doesnt let them use blu ray.

5660d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

They show the flamethrower!! The animations of the helghast when they are on fire is absolutly amazing!! WOW, just like in the target trailer, beautiful animations!

5660d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea i mean afterall isnt EGM an 1up the same company and dont i recall a EGM cover issue a year or so ago with a picture of a PS3 and a tomatoe being thrown at it and the term "battlestation" was written on the magazine cover?! I mean these guys are a joke, every single beta tester i know says this game is amazing. I dont mean they just say its great and move on, they go out of their way praising it saying its the best shooter they have ever played and so far every preview has been ...

5660d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did it seem like it was so hard for them to compliment this game, i mean wow that Lisa Sanchez girl said she didnt like how the Helghast look the same and how they have red eyes?! really?! lol come on now, and how the red eyes give away the helghast to easily or how their is not enough variety in enimies.. hmm even Gears didnt have THAT Much variety in enemies, they where all just the same locust with different head gear it seemed like and COD4 had the SAME enemies throughout the game!

5660d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everytime I go to gamestop i see rows and rows of this game used, meaning people traded it in, i never see ANYONE playing it on my PSN friends list or my 360 friends list anymore, the people that have played it realized it was overhyped garbage. I feel sorry for those that get suckered in the hype yet again and pay $20.00 for this crap.

as the saying goes.. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that last comment was aimed for N4PS3g not you, sorry man i put wrong name in

5661d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Fair enough.. prove me wrong then if your so confident im wrong.. name me ONE console in the history of video games that has lasted for more than 5 years that still sold well and still had great games made for the system?! just one console! you cant do it because sony knows how to look toward the future.

I dont think im right I KNOW IM RIGHT and yes I do have a 360 my gamertag is RagingBull2584 and Gamerscore is 3100 and i can honestly say Home destroys the NXE, NXE is a joke! t...

5661d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Im still waiting for someone to name me one console in history that has lasted and still sold and received support for more than 5 years?! lets see.. NES Launched in 88, in 92 the SNES came out and NES was no longer supported, Genesis lasted for 4 years, SNES lasted for 4 years, Gamecube lasted for 3 years, Xbox lasted 3 years, and so on.. the ONLY consoles in gaming history that have stood the test of time are Playstation consoles! the ONLY ONES!

Sony has been through this befor...

5661d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment