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Did you read that part in that CNN article where it says "evidently noone cares about blu ray and high def dvds so blu ray is a failure for the PS3" really?! wow what a idiot, blu ray is taking off more than DVD did at this point in its life.. or did you read the part where he also says "And Home is also a flop that noone cares about" lmao, Home not even out for 24 hours officially and already he said it was a failure. what a moron

5653d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

AFter you look at the big picture you clearly see the PS3 and 360 performed pretty evenly if you look at the whole year and also, the 360 was only at 18 million units sold in its 2nd year on the market. So seeing as how the 360 and PS3 are pretty much going at the same pace i guess the 360 is also a failure considering the PS3 is a failure as well, according to the "analysts" anyways

5653d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im still waiting for the explanation from you 360 fans that where reporting articles claiming such thing like "Gears 2 sells 2.8 million copies on day 1 in US alone" hmm, Gears 2 came out Nov 7th and in the whole month of november it sold only 1.5 million copies. Grant it better than what Resistance 2 and LBP did, but 1.5 million copies for such a amazing and hyped game like Gears 2 is a bit underwhelming dont you think?

5653d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Oh and food for thought, isnt it ironic that the 360 is well known for stealing 3rd party games from the PS3 yet the PS3 has the best 3rd party EXCLUSIVE to come out in 2008?! think about it, MGS4, thrid party exclusive which received universal acclaim from all major credible resources. Name one 3rd party exclusive game that the 360 has that has sold 4 million copies worldwide and has received such universal acclaim like MGS4 has, just one.

Oh and when you 360 fanboys make fun of...

5653d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

LBP sold a million worldwide in a month, thats not a "Flop" like this guy puts it. I have a feeling LBP will sell good around March and April of 09 and heres my theory.. When Killzone 2 comes out you will see a lot of new PS3 owners to buy the system for Killzone 2, well after a couple months those new PS3 owners will want something new to play so they will do more research as to what games they missed out on since the PS3 came out and they will want something different so its possi...

5653d ago 27 agree5 disagreeView comment

I want all of you to go to google and type in "Dont buy that Playstation 2 Time magazine article" what you will find is a Time magazine article from back in 2000 titled "Dont buy that Playstation 2" basically the article goes on to say that the dreamcast is the better buy because its cheaper, has better online capablities, better games and easier to develop for and also goes on to say that with the exception of having a DVD player the PS2 is really no different from the dr...

5653d ago 37 agree8 disagreeView comment

Ok give us your input, you say home needs more to do, what else do you want it to have?! i mean jesus, stop being so ungreatful and picky, its free! if you have friends on PSN you can just invite them to your space and chat with them, if you get bored with that go play pool, if you get bored with that go bowling, if you get bored with that play saucer pop out in the square, if you get bored with that play ice breaker and unlcock cool free stuff and if you get bored with that go play some ches...

5654d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No matter what Sony does they will always get crapped on. It really bothers me that the Wii can get a free pass on having the most crappiest game library not seen in years of gaming history. Or how MS can get away charging for every little thing including online play which should be free. MS even charges you $8.00 just to change your gamertag!

Im so sick and tired of people holding Sony up to impossible standards that NO console can live up to this gen. Home gives us a amazing 3d...

5654d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ok Home is a social networking APP meant to meet other gamers and socialize with them! It still blows my mind how you guys bash Home and are so ungrateful that Sony has given us this service free of charge. What did you guys expect from home.. You know what, since you guys are such experts maybe you should give input on what Home should be.. What, should we all be able to run around naked and shoot people, or maybe have cars to run over people? i mean lol, Home is a social networking app, a p...

5654d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Home is a social networking app for god sakes, what more do you want to do in home.. Buy virtual hookers, have virtual sex with them and shoot them with virtual guns?! i mean im getting sick and tired of hearing you fanboys say "home is so pointless all you do is walk around, talk to people, meet gamers and play pool and bowling" Ofcourse thats all you do!! lmao thats just like saying "halo 3 is so stupid, all you do is wander around, shoot people with different weapons and try...

5654d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment
5654d ago

LBP has long legs a million worldwide in under a month is good. I think it sold decently in Japan also. Oh and you 360 fanboys dont have much room to talk. Whatever happened to the "Gears 2 breaks 2.8 million sold in day 1 in the US" umm yea, the whole month of november it only sold 1.5 million copies, Call of duty world at war sold just about the same amount, i know i know, your going to say "but but Gears sold better than Resistance 2 and LBP combined" but thats not the ...

5654d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

haha "As wealthy as you are" oh please, your probably just another 360 fanboy who thinks hes a business analyst that "just knows the PS3 will fail" let me guess, you let MS rip you off by charging you to just play games online. I bet you even spent 8 bucks on xbox live just to change your gamertag.. give me a break, your a joke just like the other 360 fanboys on this site.

The stuff in Home is very reasonbly priced. The summer house as nice as it is, is only $...

5654d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only difference is the 360 is on its way out and the PS3 is just getting started.. Think about it, the first signs of a console thats on its way out is aggresive price cuts and being less aggresive about new upcoming game announcements for the next year.. 360 got aggresive price cuts and not really being aggresive about next year's game line up.

You have to understand that PS3s ONLY problem is easily fixable. Price. People want a PS3, EVERYONE i talk to says they want one ...

5654d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Thats one thing about this site, abunch of little 12 and 14 year old kids pretend to be Warren Buffet think they know a thing or two about how business operates. Ok first and foremost do you guys realize that Sony is making huge profits on both the PSP and PS2?! not only that but like any other console maker they make money on controllers, remotes, chatpads etc etc.. Another thing.. Sony also makes boatloads of money off blu ray royalties.. thats right.. Everything blu ray related if its play...

5654d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

We should start a petition and DEMAND sony make a new Twisted Metal!!
I say we all get together and protest in Home! lol but seriously, Twisted Metal Black was so awesome. Hell id be happy if they just did a remake of Twisted Metal black with updated graphics and add a killer robust online multiplayer.. PLEASE MAKE A NEW TWISTED METAL!! This gen is in dire need of a good, solid car combat game with good online multiplayer.

5654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im talking about PS3 exclusives this holiday

5654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look you guys just need to get over the fact that maybe other than God of war 3 and Killzone 2 that sony wont have that "one" big title that sells millions on day one, thats not how Sony does business and honestly its the smartest thing to do.

Instead of Sony putting all their eggs in one basket, they release a lot of games that sell millions between all of them. This is great news for Little big planet, you have to figure this game probably only cost like $30 million ...

5654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh and if the rumors are true and MS decides to just compete with the Wii next year, that will be Sony's dream come true and leave a wide opening for Sony to dominate the hardcore market. Knowing 360 fanboys, they wont be happy at all that MS will sell them out by releasing more family freindly games. I mean its already starting, look at the recent 360 ads on TV about the Arcade model and them showing those kiddie panda games, kung fu panda or whatever and the narrator says "Xbox 360 off...

5654d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

They kind of look like the same graphics engine that was used for that Eight days trailer some time ago.. Wouldnt be suprised if they just ditched the game eight days but use the same engine for Uncharted 2.. Which is a shame, that eight days game looked freaking awesome!

5654d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment