CRank: 5Score: 10140

This is my first ever Socom game and so far im loving it, at first i didnt like it with all the lag and all, but now its a blast and this update will make it even better. I love how its very realistic and has a realistic feel to it.

5644d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is beyond me. I mean wow, i cant believe the hate this thing is getting lately. Infact I think the Hate for home is even greater for the hate of the PS3 during the 1st year it launched. Ill be completly honest with you. Im sort of glad Home isnt perfect and amazing because that would mean more people would be in home and less people would be playing and buying actual games.

Sure id love Home to be packed with features, but for now it does the job and does the job good. Personally...

5644d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the kind of marketing Sony needs to do with Killzone 2! I know sony wasnt directly responsible for this but they need to take notes! They need to market Killzone 2 like there is no tommorow. Im not talking about a little 5 second commercial, i mean i want to see Helghast Mountain Dew and doritos, I want to see a helghast shape pizza at Pizza Hut, They need to buy media coverage just like MS does with their 360 exclusives. They need to buy MTV time or something and have a special 2 hou...

5644d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seeing how Xbox 360 fanboys act on here and in public when i go to gamestop, kind of makes me ashamed to admit to people that I own a 360.. sad i know

5644d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This and Killzone 2 will be in tight competition for Graphics King in 09, those graphics are insane!!! WOW

5644d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im so sick and tired of hearing all the Home hate articles. I mean seriously, you guys make it sound like Home is the only thing the PS3 offers.. OMG I JUST HAD SUCH A BRILLIANT IDEA GUYS, Now read this slowly because i was very shocked about this also.. ok ready?... YOU CAN PLAY VIDEO GAMES ON THE PS3!!! OMG I know, its amazing isnt it!!

You guys that bash home and complain make it seem like Home is the only thing you can do on the PS3 and nevermind the fact you can play great ...

5644d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Remember a few weeks ago when the President of Square said the PS3 was just too hard to develop for. If i where these developers id be careful of saying that because when you have Devs like Capcom saying its not hard to develop for the PS3 and all the inhouse DEVS making amazing gamaes like Infamous and Killzone 2 for the PS3, it just makes Square Enix look bad and makes them look like they dont know what they are talking about.

Then again Square enix has been going down hill eve...

5644d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow, you owned lobster pretty hard lol. I dont see him posting after that ownage.. Bubbles for you my man

5645d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It really really bothers me seeing all the hate the PS3 is getting lately.. ill tell you why.. the Wii gets a completly free pass on having the crappiest game library probably in the history of gaming and noone on here even bats a eye. Yes Sony has made some big mistakes but you know what, they have more than made up for it. 2 years ago everyone complained and moaned that the PS3 had no good games so sony releases amazing games this year and some last year but its not enough.. all these media...

5646d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

I just dont get the logic.. The PS3 sold more consoles in 2 years then the 360 did but yet the PS3 is a utter failure and the 360 is the best and most succesful console on earth?! I just dont get the logic of these guys sometimes.

I honestly believe these guys forget all about the PS3 coming out a whole year later than the 360, now if the 360 and PS3 came out the same exact time and both where the same price and the 360 WAS STILL ahead by 7 million units, then yes the PS3 would ...

5646d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Or is Gears 1 multiplayer a lot better?! Its kind of funny, because some people i know that i talk to personally told me that Gears 1 Multiplayer was better than Gears 2, at the time i said they where crazy so i decided to play Gears 1 again and wow, they where right!!

I cant quite explain it, but Gears 1 is just more fun to play online for some reason. Ok first of all i HATE the matchmaking system in Gears 2, I loved the freedom more of Gears 1 where you can choose what game ty...

5646d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks but no thanks.. I have GT5prologue and Forza 2 to feed my Sim cravings and Motorstorm PR to feed my arcade racing cravings. I dont need Race pro and besides, in those Pics Forza 2 looks better

5646d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Its simple, have you ever tried downloading a movie from the PSN or XBox live marketplace?! it takes ATLEAST a good hour or more to download a movie just in Standard Def and to download a movie in HD takes literally between 4-7 hours. Im sorry, but your average family isnt going to wait that long when they can just get a physical copy of the disc.

Also Netflix will really help Blu ray. In a way MS has kind of helped sony by integrating netflix support for the 360 because for just...

5646d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmm. you fail my friend.. Its the third party games that are selling the best on the PS3.. COD4 sold 3 million on PS3, GTA IV sold 4 million on PS3, COD WAW sold over a million, Assasins Creed sold over a million, Devil May cry 4 sold over a million on PS3 and even sold more on the PS3.. Why would third parties abandon the PS3 when the trend shows that while PS3 owners might not buy many 1st party sony games they do buy 3rd party games in big numbers. your logic= failed

5646d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You act like this is news.. I think everyone and even their grandmother knows the PS3 is lagging in sales behind the 360 and Wii, im not saying anything bad about the PS3 because i think its a great system but its a fact and you cant deny that.

The PS3 will be fine just like the other consoles. I dont care what anyone says, the PS3 isnt going anywhere at its current price.. it needs a 100 dollar price cut on both SKUs and needs them fast

5646d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just to give it another try, and as much as i really really wanted to like this game, nothing about it draws me in and keeps me wanting to play. I got about 12% into the story and after that i havent touched it since, i think the pacing of the story is off and drags on to much, the multiplayer is fun for awhile but quickly gets redundant.

5646d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I come back to N4G after taking a week off and the Anti PS3 articles are still coming?! lol come on, yes yes we know the PS3 has terrible sales (Even though its selling at a slightly better rate than the 360 at its current life) and we know the PS3 has crappy games (even though the PS3 has a far better 09 line up and is right now on par if not better than 360 exclusives) we know we know, the PS3 has a 33% failure rate.. oh wait

5646d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

remember way back when myspace first launched and everyone at first called it pointless and stupid because "they rather hang out with friends in real life" and they where ashamed to admit they had a myspace?! well now a few years later, if you dont have a myspace then your considered wierd and not cool.. Home will end up the same way, the same people that say its pointless and boring i bet are the same people that spend hours in it everyday becasue like myspace, before you know it b...

5654d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your right, absolutly right.. Infact, online gaming as a whole is pointless. I mean why play games like Madden or NBA online when you can just do it in real life. Infact i say do away with gaming period, afterall its for losers with no friends.

I hope you sense the sarcasm there. So if you really believe what your saying, that online gaming is pointless also

5654d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

3d virtual world to play pool, bowling and chess. think of it this way, if you are so insecure with yourself that you cant admit you like Home, pretend Sony just gave you free pool,bowling and chess games at no charge. Me personally, I find Home to be amazing and love game launching into warhawk and pool is very fun and addictive

5654d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment