
CRank: 5Score: 3370

My wife and I pay $40 a year for both of us to have a membership card. We easily save that much just on gas, and several hundred more a year on other purchases.

It's obviously not for everybody, but how does saving money make us an idiot?

"but their idiots"

Incidentally if you're going to call other people idiots you might want to make sure you're not making a foolish grammar error.

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think that title is really fair. There is no evidence Nintendo is artificially limiting supply to create a shortage. They're just choosing to send the majority of their product to areas where they make a higher profit, which is good business sense.

The weakness of the dollar means this will happen more and more.

5824d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Games that were easy to copy was only one of many reasons the Dreamcast failed. The DS games continue to sell well despite easy to pirate games.

5944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where do people get the idea that casual gamers don't buy games? Look at the DS--Nintendogs has sold over 17 million copies, the two Brain Training games over 21 million combined, Animal Crossing almost nine million. Why should the Wii be any different?

5944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"developing for the Wii is mostly a losing proposition even though it has the largest user base by a long shot."

Why? Developing for the Wii is cheaper, and even third party games are selling better on the Wii than on the PS3.

5944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I don't see why you should get any disagrees, the statement is true."

I disagreed with him, because it's insulting the way he uses the word "mature". Just because somebody doesn't play video games 40 hours a week and enjoys simple, casual games doesn't make them immature.

5944d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The world is bigger than just the US. The European release date is February 29.

5946d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How are you already drawing the conclusion that No More Heroes won't sell? It sold about 10% more copies in its first week of American release than Carnival Games did, and it hasn't even been released worldwide yet. Also a dozen third party games have sold more than Carnival Games on the Wii, so it's not exactly the poster child of Wii success.

5946d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jeez, people are never satisfied. They complain that the Wii doesn't have any hardcore games. Then when the Wii gets hardcore games they hope it doesn't sell well. Then if it doesn't sell well they'll complain nobody buys hardcore games on the Wii.

5946d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is probably being sold at at least a $50 loss still. Recent figures showed PS3 manufacturing cost was *almost* down to $400, but that doesn't factor in store profit, shipping costs, advertising, etc.. I haven't seen Wii manufacturing costs in a long time, but it was being sold at a $50 profit at launch, so it's probably safe to assume $100 per system by now.

More than a billion in profit so far for the Wii on consoles. Over a billion in losses for the PS3 on consoles. Fa...

5946d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have other problems with the car analogies. For starters all cars (more or less) drive on the same roads and use same kind of gas (OK, two kinds--but diesel is readily available as well). It's cool if you own a rare car, but that doesn't work so well with a game console because nobody will want to develop games for it.

The other problem I have is it generally presumes the only reason people don't get the more expensive item is price. Who in their right mind would choose a Honda...

5946d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everything in electronics gets cheaper generation after generation, with the exception of game consoles. Consoles always seemed to debut at around $300, until this generation. Not only did the PS3 and 360 not get cheaper, they actually got more expensive. Microsoft, and particularly Sony, became so obsessed with competing with each other and chasing the hardcore market they've lost a lot of customers due to price.

Game consoles are essentially computers, so consider this: In 1995...

5946d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Presumably the bike pedal would be used with an exercise bike. Personally I think a racing game where speed was controlled by how fast you pedal would be pretty cool.

5947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Always nice to see people disagree with basic math. LMAO

5947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I use rechargeable batteries in my Wiimotes, but I thought I'd calculate how much it would have cost me to run them on AA batteries.

* The Wiimote runs for 36 hours and 43 minutes (36.72hr) on a pair of AA alkaline batteries
* A pack of 48 alkaline batteries is available at Costco for $11 ($0.23/battery)
* Assume an average of two hours of play per day
* The Wii has been out for 439 days

[(878hr play time) / (36.72hr run time)] * ($0.46 per battery ...

5947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I paid under $20 for an extra eight AA rechargeable batteries for my Wii remotes--I already have a charger (who doesn't?). It takes me under 30 seconds to swap the batteries. What's the big deal?

5947d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man, you get screwed on batteries. I buy 48 alkaline AA batteries for $11 at Costco here in the US.

5947d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Apparently you're unclear on the concept of third party games. Motorstorm, Resistance, and Uncharted are all Sony titles. If we counted first and second party titles Nintendo would beat Sony by even more (16 to 7).

5949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

For those keeping score at home, that's five 3rd party million+ sellers for the Wii, vs. four for the PS3.

5949d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"It will be hard for 3rd party to make a lot of money on the Wii."

Are you aware that 3rd party games on the Wii have outsold 3rd party games on the PS3 by about 31M to 23M copies? Yet nobody worries about 3rd party developers making money on the PS3. So strange.

What? That can't be true, you say! But it is... go add the numbers up for yourself.

5949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment