The Shinbun Ecchi lover


CRank: 23Score: 215120

Hm, his reasoning is pretty good. I mean I wouldn't want to watch a video of Isaac wandering through hallways and frozen tundra for three minutes and nothing happening. Of course they're going to try and stick a whole bunch of action in there to show off the game's combat and creatures. Still looking forward to the game.

4151d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hmm, I had to pick up the basic version of the game after I found out that my Wizard's edition was cancelled. Besides that annoyance I have been finding the title a breath of fresh air compared to the number of boobie RPGs that are out now. Sure they have their place but occasionally a classic experience like this one needs to be released.

4151d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've been on the fence about playing this one. I loved the first game but ever since I saw that this was more of an expansion than a sequel I didn't want to jump on it right away. Though from what I've read here and elsewhere it seems like I'm missing out on a great extension to the Corpse Party story.

4151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man this would be great if they did end up making some sort of Earthbound for the Wii U, even if it was just a collection of the already released games. Biggest question is, will it ever be released in the West?

4158d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't see anything wrong with the Cyberpunk trailer. It was as that ZacE guy said, striking and posed a better image than a boring generic guy getting shot up. Along those same lines I didn't have an issue with Hitman: Absolution's nun trailer either. People are getting way to PC nowadays.

It's not like she's stripping or posing or anything. She's sitting in a red-light district, probably living/working there due to her cybernetic implant addiction,...

4163d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really does suck for Vita owners. Sadly I spend more time playing the PSP games brought over by companies like XSEED or Aksys than I do trying out some of the latest Vita games. Many of them happen to simply be ports of the better PlayStation 3 version of the game, so I don't want to play the watered down version even if they offer it with the PS3 version itself.

Also as you mentioned a bit lower, there actually are a lot of Vita games being developed in Japan, however...

4165d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

Eh, it might be. I really can't see Beyond being as great of a game as it could be considering it is limited to David Cage's terrible ideas of what a game is. I'm sure there will be some more big games though at this point.

4165d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

It is probable that the company will announce the PS4 before the end of this year and I have a feeling that, unlike the PS2, the PS3 won't be seeing such a long life-span after the next generation comes around. I do agree that the company should try and support the Vita a little more with actual unique titles rather than ports, but it has such a small install base that even Sony seems to be worried about developing exclusive titles for the system. In the end they'll do what is profita...

4165d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It really is just pathetic that so many people are up in arms over this thing. I like how this guy mentions that people complaining now are just hypocrites who only want to complain when things are in their favor but then blast anything else. Would a male torso have looked better? No it would have been boring and bland and like a chunk of blood covered tan clay. Unless they just make it of the guy's swimming trunks or something, then no one would complain because guy sexualization is &quo...

4165d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at where the game is based however. The whole first area of the game featured nothing but zombies walking around in bikinis and swimming trunks. They could have gone a lot worse with the statue's sexualization and given what is in the game and just in general, those breasts are not overly "enlarged", but instead they took what is a standard starting zombie's torso and made it in real life.

Am I going to buy this myself? No, I wouldn't want it myself...

4165d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bloody mans torso = A okay

Bloody womans torso = hate and venom

It is a game involving killing zombies with freaking any weapon available and guess what, the first game featured zombies of both gender running around in swimsuits. So what people? C'mon now...

4165d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Really people? This is freaking stupid now. Everyone is so PC over the littlest thing now. If this had been a bloody man's torso it wouldn't have raised an issue. How about a bloody man's junk flopping around in a collector's edition? This is absolutely ridiculous now.

4165d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Because why not? Despite what some people like to believe, the industry has become more welcoming and it is more enjoyable to play video games than ever before. Despite some stigmas, video games are pretty much as widely accepted as watching movies or reading a book in some regards.

4165d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

One thing to know about these surveys is that first of all, the people taking it are called "Common Sense Media" which seem to be a website oriented to concerned parents, which is fine but also oriented towards people who seem to have little to no actual video game knowledge. As we saw out of that White House conference, the government knows that they can't just scapegoat video games as the source for this violent trend. Instead there needs to be more mental health assistance an...

4165d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It really is a major drawback for the game. Imagine playing this game with four players on the couch. It would be absolutely crazy and like a hardcore version of smash bros.

4166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good to see Biden not act weird in any way. I doubted that there would have been any negative consequences out of this anyways, but I'm always happy to see that things didn't go south. Plus like someone earlier said, the best thing that the industry can do is be open and talkative about the situation with anyone (minus Fox News) that wants to talk to them about the issue. The more the public sees the government speaking with these people and not levying restrictions on them afterwards...

4166d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meh, it's an alright list but I still can't see Journey as that great of a game and definitely not the Best PS3 title this past year. I never was enthralled by the online despite the fact that people always clamor how "great and emotional" it is with playing with someone who can't communicate in any way and often just screws up your game.

4168d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

As far as the competition list there goes, it's pretty much only

Wii U, Xbox 720, PS4 and Steambox. The Project Shield is good in theory, but either won't be released at any point or barely make it above super niche level. The Ouya may sound great, but it's a flash in a pan that many people ended up overhyping and will be forgotten about by most of the mainstream audience by the time E3 rolls around.

4169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, while I'm very happy that they announced Pokemon X and Y yesterday, I was thinking that the announcement was to reveal Pokemon Snap 2. Imagine what they could do with the GamePad... it'd be amazing.

4172d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love for Nintendo to create one another Super Mario RPG, not the Paper Mario ones but with an actual story like the classic. Unfortunately I'm not sure they'd ever do that again... they don't even make RPGs themselves anymore unless you count Fire Emblem and that is a SRPG more than anything else.

4172d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment