The Shinbun Ecchi lover


CRank: 23Score: 215120

So we're meant to take advice from some unknown person's unreliable roommate's half-blood sister about some strange scam job she pulls off on a computer? Clearly spam of course but c'mon at least try.

3964d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hm, using Fox News in the video for saying how violence is always blamed on violent video games is real low hanging fruit. Fox News is pretty much the trash of televised news and will do anything to keep their talking heads spouting BS and keeping people in the dark about important factors.

3964d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been playing this since it came out on Tuesday and I really cannot get enough of it. Sadly I thought I'd know nearly every character except for the originals but there have so far been about eight of them that I have never seen before playing this title. Cannot recommend it enough.

3999d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Talk about an odd looking game, but considering the price isn't too bad I might give it a shot once I finish PxZ.

4003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As far as the Xbone is concerned, unless they come out at E3 or sometime soon and really clarify the whole "fee" thing there is no way that I'll be picking up that console. I'd much rather just go for the PS4 at this point and maybe even the Wii U instead. Hell, I bet the Xbone will be the most expensive console this market, even more than the PS4 since it bundles that dang Kinect with it.

4036d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

He pretty much confirmed the fact that there is going to be a fee. I don't see why they are even bothering with dancing around it at this point. We already know at this point that it is going to be terrible, but candy-coating garbage is still going to result in garbage.

4039d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Eh, this sounds interesting enough but I still cannot get over the train wreck that I found Lost Planet 2 to be. Even with new developers behind the reigns and the new things this guy is talking about, I can't find myself interested in this one in the slightest.

4053d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just can't find the appeal of games like this. I mean, it's fine for those who like it but even after watching the first ten minutes or so and skipping through a bit of the rest, this one just isn't for me.

4057d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It sounds like it's a decent enough game, but probably way too similar to the first to have it's own game. They probably should have just skipped this quick cash-in and just worked on making a full fledged Dead Island 2.

4069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait, so they just ported it over without even bothering to modify the text size? I pity people who have smaller TVs and want to play this game.

4099d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Mmm, I never experienced all of the bugs that people complained about. I loved Dead Island so I'm really looking forward to this one even with it being the same gameplay features with new areas and enemies.

4099d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's still a shame that Tecmo refused to market this game at all, not to mention not provide the Japanese dub. I've got the game myself already and it still is pretty good, but Ayesha's voice actress is far from the best. I do like where they are going with the game's combat system though.

4105d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's terrible. How do you not finish a game for review. Even if you are stuck you try and power through it for the sake of your audience. The people who have to review games should try to at least put the effort in to finish things and give their readers a fully-informed opinion. Sad that they had to buckle under the pressure and now they have to release a patch to change one letter.

4110d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wasn't as active in checking online gaming news or forums back when God of War 3 came out, but was any of this "outrage" raised back when you used Poseidon's Princess as a freaking doorstop? She literally was in chains and you cause her to die brutally just so that Kratos wouldn't have to hurry through a door.

This has always been a thing with God of War, never has Kratos ever treated anyone differently. Man, woman, demon, he doesn't care you'r...

4110d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell, even in the video review they linked, if you watch all the way to the end he references the mini-game where you screw the two girls and "finish" and then one of the girls says she wasn't done and Sessler says that it wasn't his problem. Real good job there Sess. What a hypocrite.

4110d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still refuse to go back to this game mostly by principle alone. You can't release DLC after an ending like that so no.

4112d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

I haven't seen much in the way of advertising for this game. They're either not too big on this title because it is a prequel or I've been missing everything they've been showing off. Gears of War 3 was shown off everywhere by now and this is coming out in two-three weeks with little fanfair.

4118d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just can't see it. If they do that they will lose so many sales that it isn't even fathomable. I know for a fact if they make it so that you cannot play used or rented video games on the console then there is no way I'm going to drop my money on a console that limits my freedom so heavily. I may have liked the 360 the best this generation, but I'll gladly transfer to the PS4 or simply the PC if that rumor turns out to be true.

4142d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll say this, while the console games haven't been really looking great lately, I really cannot wait until the FFXIV Reborns is released so I can try out all of the improvements they've made to the MMO. I'll give them this, Square Enix can make the best looking CG trailers in the entire business.

4150d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh Bleszinski, you know what the game was and you were right there marketing it just as hard as a d******s game back when it was released. Don't try to toss blame around now that it sold terribly and is a black mark on the company.

4150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment