CRank: 5Score: 15740

LMAO, I love it when people spaz out over gifts. I remember being a kid and getting something I thought I would never get, LMAO. The only thing we could have done without is him dry humping the box after his dance.

5275d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love this game!!! When I got it at Gamestop the clerk said "Have you heard about this game?". I was like "Yep, sure have, been waiting on it". And they said "Everyone who has bought it said it's the hardest game they have ever played". So I told them I was proud to have a game worth the money that won't be beaten in 2 days or even a week. As stated by other articles, the game isn't for everyone, but if you have a true love of epic role playing games then you wi...

5327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, with this game being so good that is a very good question. If you own a PS3 then you had to buy it, but if you own a 360 you have two options. I guess more people chose door #1 rather than buying it...

5448d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, now this is a nice bundle!!! If I didn't already have a PS3 and both of the games, I would defintely get this bundle without question!! Excellent move by Sony. This is an eye-opener for sure.

5450d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't think that with the PS2 and it's games still selling as well as they are that Sony will do the backwards compatible thing fully just yet. Sure initial model PS3s like the 60GB model had it, but I think Sony realized after the PS3 was released that alot more people still bought the PS2 because of price and massive game library, so they took the backwards compatibilty out of the PS3. Now, a couple of years later they are thinking that more and more people are moving over to the P...

5452d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awwwww, Angelina is mad....WHO CARES??!!!! She needs to get over it and realize she isn't getting any younger and that newer stars are better suited for these roles for the newer generation according to the directors. The current generation only see Angelina on the news adopting kids from third world countries, not playing Lara Croft in the summer blockbuster movie. The directors want people the younger people can relate to to sell as many tickets as possible, and since Megan is in both Trans...

5458d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FF is the RPG king because they kept giving the fans more and more of them, as where other awesome games like Legend of Dragoon, Crystalis, and more were solo games with no sequels. I do think had they made prequels/sequels to many other titles like Square did with FF then they would be just as awesome if not better than the FF series of games.

5461d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's nice to see celebs who have time to actually play video games and talk about them. Regardless of the platform they choose, being a gamer is the main thing.

5462d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only game that even concerns me at all and not even that much is MW2. If they want to be anal and drop Sony, then I say let them. They must also realize that once they see the impact it will have on their sales (yeah we know it won't seel as much as the 360 version, but it will sell alot) they may want to jump back on ship and Sony may not let them. Or when Sony does do a price cut later this year they will want to work it out and Sony may not let them. Like I said before, Activision will...

5464d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awwww, is someone mad. Keep your games and your attitude dude. Make your own console that only plays Activision games, we don't care., do something other than complain. If you cut Sony, Sony will cut you...but I bet you bleed more.

5465d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All this means is M$ got mad at his statement at E3 and cut Konami another big check and they told Kojima he had to be a huge part of the game or else. Nothing more, nothing less.

5469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's a "direct competitor" with KZ2 why not show it fully to the public, but yet we get a closed door session answer. Nice...and ummm, yeah. Does it really matter if it does "look" like it, does it offer everything else KZ2 has? I doubt it. Closed doors....LMAO. Blown away....more like blown. There were only a few people getting "blown" in that room and we know who they were....LOL.

5471d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He took it on obviously because it's the true sequel to part 3 and it finishes the story. It's Kojima's vision and story, so it's only fitting he close it as he sees fit.

5472d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same here, it's a top 3 for me as well this year. I've been wanting it since I seen it the first time.

5473d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmmm, lets see.....uhhhhhh, we accidently made the page in advance, then we accidently uploaded the page (which takes a manual effort), next we accidently fell to our knees in front of Steve and Bill, and the we accidently swallowed. Coincidence? I think not.....LMAO.

5473d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I love a good racing game just as much as the next person, but when you solely have a racing game series that you update for the fans, there is only so much you can do shy of new cars, new tracks, new graphics, and new mechanics. You have to balance the realism with the fun or the fans get irritated because of the realism making it too anal and difficult. But you want to keep some of those aspects of realism while at the same time keeping it fun and reminding the player it's really a game. Ra...

5474d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to play this one. From the gameplay it looks like God of War mixed with Devil May Cry. Should be awesome!!!

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not make the game in retrospect to the original animated Hobbit movie? The original rocked!!!

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO@17, you are telling Sony fans to go buy games? Are you jealous of InFamous because it is a top notch game? Yeah, ok butt pirate, climb back under your rock and bootleg some more 360 games to show your support for M$. Did you hear about the new project M$ is working on exclusively for you? It's called Project Swallow. They figured since you stay on your knees they might as well profit from that also.

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why couldn't they just leave it at "We won't develop for the PS3", instead of pwning themselves with the too complex comment...LMAO. Lazy devs have NO cause to complain about anything. If you put forth the effort you get the desired outcome, if not, you get what you deserve. I really doubt any PS3 owner will cry because Valva won't make games for the PS3.

5475d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment