
CRank: 5Score: 9170

if you look at the link at the top of the page for the story there is a plus sign click on that and vote the site down like u would a commenter...never heard of this ps3home site...another wannabe big site blogger that spews fanboy crap

4783d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ludicrous speed GO!!!!!!

++bubs for the great reference

4783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If all they got were name and address and email address then where is this threat...so your saying with basic info that most people can get from facebook/the regular old yellow pages, that they can steal my identity...........right...... at most you might get extra spam and junkmail..OOOHH NOOO, another no name site takeing advantage of sensationalist journalisim....really.....peop le fill out contest forms with more info just for a free t-shirt, trust me i know from experience

4783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ya ever think that maybe it took sony that long to trace the logs to discover exactly where the intruder went...i mean i figure a network that can handle a 70+ million load of people on it is pretty complex and may take a bit more than a cursory look to find problems.

and your cc info was encrypted and hence pretty close to impossible to even look at
for example most CC info uses 256bit encryption which would litterally take decades to crack without the keys DECADE...

4783d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

networking not being my strong point pretty sure it goes vulnerablity in access to application server and to my understanding they could fake a legit application trying to access psn database, since the application server has full trusted access your shit gets stolen and totally bypasses all the firewalls in between

edit: cgoodno said it better

4784d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lemme answer for b1663r since he only has one bubble

as said by b1663r
" i only have one bubble and am obviously a raveing fanboy i listen to sourceless and biased info cause it enables me as a troll.. did i also mention i have selective hearing and rrod didnt happen nor did the live problems that were persistant for two weeks during christmas..."

4786d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ kayle
since sony said they didnt lose any CC info then what did the hackers really get that cant be gotten in any local phone book??..i mean really Passwords and usernames can be changed as can security questions so your saying hackers can look at the yellow pages and steal your identity?
shouldnt the government be looking in to yellow book then.............

4786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wait seriously is this a typo they are gonna fine sony USD$ 1044...........so sony might get fined by taipei a grand...thats it....man thats...thats HILARIOUS...that country must be real hard up for money i could pay sonys fine for them right now

4786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well said mrbeatdown there is a huge lack of thought like this on n4g

4787d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well actually kramun the TOS will end those court battles there is no fault on sony

sony encrypted your cc info (you have to encrypt that info before any CC company will even deal with you sooo thats taken care of)

THE HACKERS are the one that stole your info not sony. for a court case to win aginst sony the plaintiff will have to prove that sony didnt protect info to the best of thier ability (which im sure they did)
everything can be hacked the...

4787d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

exactly replay and there is people saying that most wont know until end of billing cycle for their CC...hello ONLINE BILLING.. im able to keep track of every use within five mins on my online statement....never had a problem with unknown charges EVER...its everyday stuff you should be checking people (the responsible adults on n4g anyway)

4787d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

encrypted CC information from any company is at least 256 bit encryption without the other key it would literally take decades to crack encryption like that by force DECADES.

its hard to tell anything from these stories it could be they got the cc info stolen another way or the fraud is from the psn problem either way its imposssible to tell

4787d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

people just want someone to blame, and since the hacker is faceless and sony is not thats just who will get the blame sony...i dont worry about the hack i use psn cards so my cards are safe, i can change my passwords then no big deal. people are blaming sony like they invited this guy in. anon hacked mastercard some ass hat hacked psn shit happens people blame the perpetrator not the victim

4788d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony uses verisign if imnot mistaken for thier credit card transactions...really it doesnt matter what company they use as far as that goes all companies that do CC transactions require CC data use at least 128bit encryption which means any hacker that steals data or attempts to view it has a snowballs chance in hell of actually view said CC#......

4788d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ death

they didnt know when it first happened, discovering a true intrusion on the network probably did take them a day or two, hence the second statement that came out where they had said they had an intrusion, then they do emergency maintenance to fix said intrusion problem....

it works in a logical order shit happens how can it be sonys fault when the hacker is the one that caused the shit storm thats like me breaking in to your house and robbing you blin...

4789d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

whoopty doo cross game chat yeah thats well worth the 60 bucks a year.. sooo other than that how is it "plain superior" as you put it i dont see any differences between it and psn besides that and a fee.....

4789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you still agreed to the EULA when you signed online with PSN the first time

"SCEA does not warrant that the service and content will be uninterrupted, error-free or without delays."

its a free service be happy they provide it with out a fee...just think you could be forced to buy a subscription to play online

4790d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

sony doesnt need to do anything to make it "even" its a free service.. and now before people start mentioning psn+ lets have a math lesson
50$ per year for psn plus
365 days in a year
equal to .14 cents (roughly) perday
6 days out of service for sake of argument

84cents guys thats it thats what theyd would have to reimburse for this outage (if it lasts plus one day even)

get ...

4790d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is what your talking about ive posted this on three seperate articles but hey why not four

No warranty is given about the quality, functionality, availability or performance of Sony Online Services, or any content or service offered on or through Sony Online Services. All services and content are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” with all faults. SCEA does not warrant that the service and content will be u...

4790d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

a disagree... really....this is copied from sonys own EULA...its a legally binding contract as far as the law is concerned if you want to connect to PSN you have to agree to it PERIOD. if you dont sure you can crack your console do what you like or what have you but keep it off PSN hence your not missing the service anyway

*Plate full of disagree persons ass with all the trimmings BOOYAH!!*

4791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment