
CRank: 5Score: 9170

* stares at agree/disagree*


*head explodes*

4714d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

and when this game pass crap starts to get widespread it will be the exact reason i will have to give up this beloved hobby of mine... games are expensive enough as it is....so lets add more cost to the shit

4720d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

meanwhile im sure sony and microsoft will just want to ignore the people that dont have high speed internet....

4733d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

console gameing will never die...i mean where do most of the blockbuster AAA games come out on...........consoles........ people want to own something TANGIBLE something like a game disc/cartridge/ mem stick whatever it is or will be....sure digital download is great but this issue came up during the olden hddvd-bluray war, DD cant and wont have enough market penetration to make the sales the physical media can. ie the parts of this country out in the sticks where i used to live with no high ...

4734d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

+bubs gamespawn

clearly thought out a rareity here on n4g........

but prepare for incomeing fanboy retardation argueing otherwise

4738d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

would anyone put it past them........look what happend with the original xbox support

4738d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

nahh a good deal is a good deal.. i mean really people that arent fantards..am i really gonna go spend the 60$ for one year XBL.....or am i gonna take advantage of a MS priceing mistake and get 3 times as much service for half the price......................... .....

yeah ill take option b and i use my PS3 WAYYYY more than my xbox.............


have fun dick measureing fanboys

4738d ago 31 agree9 disagreeView comment

if he really REALLY REALLY wanted otheros in there he shouldnt have upgraded his firmware, that right there proves he was doing it not for other os but to actually hack the ps3, if he really wanted to have other os dont do the firmware update, keep your other os and hacks offline.....the other os excuse is just a crutch for the hackers.....its your fault you upgraded to the new firmware that took it away, its your fault you agreed to the EULA that has clauses aginst hacking, its your fault yo...

4738d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

rate down the site with the plus sign next to the link at the very least...sooo many blogs being passed off as news.. in the olden days of n4g a no name blog was instantly shot down as any kind of contributing article

4741d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

how is it sonys failure when they did what they could to protect said info, people said they werent using latest server software, they were, data that was accessed and stolen was data you can get out of any phone book, oh no dont send me more junkmail to throw away and spam to delete, account passwords were encrypted, no harm no foul..the fuckers that hacked the system are at fault vega..........

with this sega hack they got everything they could ever want, if were compairi...

4741d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

that or consperacy theorists will start saying its the big Govt doing/instigateing the hacking so they can push the agenda of a closed and controlled internet...been alot of butting heads recently on net neutrality...could be the beginning of the end ya know...could be..

4741d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

my original 60gb kicked last november i got it replaced through sony for a slim with a bigger hard drive ( i used the backwards compatiblity a good bit but i have a ps2 still hooked up so no big loss)

i played the fatty hard all the time but did manage to dust and blow it out a couple of times a month im pretty sure im what killed it though
last summer was particularly hot and my apartment had no ac i gamed it out all summer anyway im sure i over heated it and it f...

4741d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

DAMN i preordered it years ago too..lost the reciept years ago though after i thought it wasnt happening, friend of mine who worked at gamestop or whatever it was back then (babbages ebgames whatever) creditied towards another game..damn wish i would kept that bitch now

4743d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and if you will all direct your attention to the COD leaderboards on 360 (or PS3 for that matter) you will see just how many hackers/cheats/boosters we really have

4747d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

nope nope its all our fault apperently for going after the first thieve that made the house vulnerable in the first place they are punishing us for going after that fucker then sueing him in to submission

4749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*stands with krimsonrage waiting for email*

yeah i thought not.........

4749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you say that like they SHOULD regret takeing him to court.......
i say they need to go after them harder if anything geo shouldve been fined in to bankruptcy twice over imho..

hackers arent in this to defend anyone they are in it for said hackers own personal gain plain and simple

4749d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah exactly silentnegotiator but the second you mention that people phantom dissagree with you, i said the exact thing on posts during the downtime..the worst that comes of this is that i have to delete my junk mail a little more often and get to waste more paper throwing bullshit away

4749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i love the disagree i got on my post

ok person who disagreed dont update your antivirus and firewall software at all for the next 2-3 see how that goes

punks dont even reply why.........

4751d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

YES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN this is the future of gameing THIS IS THE KILLER APP kinect has been waiting for.........

and this is what makes xbox fanboys think kinect is awesome, i have yet to see any legitimate game from ms even get me to take a second look at kinect, now the hacks that people are doing with kinect are sweet...its soo sad that MS pretends they dont exist and push dance, excersice, and BS shovelware games on to people all the while screaming at the top of thei...

4751d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment