
CRank: 5Score: 9170

bank details were taken but in ENCRYPTED form..all credit card companies require at the very least 128bit encryption or something equal to it like the Crypto that sony used to break that type of encryption with out the keys by brute force would take DECADES

My credit card expires in december...no worries there

as far as the other info that was stolen... OH NO THEY GOT MY NAME ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL...so i can surf facebook and my local yellow ...

4771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not about defending anything its about retarded ass blogs of fanboys that they pass off as news look at it like this

if you have auto pay its your responsiblity to keep money in your account to cover said charge OR turn it off so you dont get over charged.. now bearing in mind that if the psn problems never happend youd get charged anyway and you wouldnt care...why does it matter now that you get billed for it when if you canceled youd still get your on...

4772d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ thats just prime

well its still not sonys fault...they just didnt go in to your account and take the money you had to have given them access to bill you for said service/item... if you didnt want the charge the CANCEL THE AUTO BILLING OR DONT SIGN UP

acting like they held a gun to your head............

4772d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

bane your an idiot and should really take some journalisim classes...who is really at fault if they cant figure out how to stop reoccuring billing on thier own credit card they THEY THEMSELVES signed up for.....and you go and automatically blame sony....yeah definately retarded... people who sign up for auto pay are on just that AUTO PAY you dont want it to charge you then dont be lazy and remember to pay it each month.......

be a responsible adult and ya know maybe go call...

4772d ago 17 agree9 disagreeView comment

ok but raiin is right how did they steal info from a 10 year old database that the story says is from psn in 2001 if psn didnt start up till 2006


4772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they def dont care but on the otherside of the coin WHOOPTY DOO they published data that included NAMES AND ADDRESSES...so they make a big story of the hackers publishing what is BASIC DATA you can get OUTTA THE PHONE BOOK...i mean its 2500 names and addresses... so basically the took the average towns yellow pages and photocopied it........what a joke...how is that to be worried about..in addition to that its from a 10 YEAR OLD DATABASE

a good percentage of it is probably ...

4773d ago 24 agree4 disagreeView comment

@ pixelated army

im going to believe you cause you have one bubble, and everything that people with one bubble say should be taken as the gospel........../s

4774d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

sue them for provideing a free service, that you willingly submittied your info to, be secure with your shit people dont use a CC if you dont want the possibilty of getting it stolen use a psn card. problem solved

be happy you can even afford internet to sit on your couch and play why people across the world suffer

this site is retarded down vote them

4776d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

*and now sit ups before zod
..1 before zod
..2 before zod...........*

4776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*kneel before zod, or after zod...........*

4776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

n4g has quality control winter click the plus sign by the url under the story link you can vote the web sites and the story

4777d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

search stones throw away too that way you can kill two birds with one stone....HAH..

4777d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CC numbers were encrypted as was the user ids the only thing they got were addresses
(oh no they hacked info the couldve gotten from the yellow pages now they can steal my identity /s)

.... without access to the encryption keys (which the hacker doesnt have) it would take decades to break the encryption by force....my credit card expires this december...i doubt there is much if anything to worry about... be a gamer not a fanbitch yoda

4777d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


ways to make 2$ back
-lemonaid stand
-panhandleing at your local corner store
-hold will work for food sign at interstate off ramp
-ask random people for change to make a phone call at a pay phone(they still have those?) shouldnt take more than five mins
-press elevator buttons for people at local hotel receive tips
-collect underpants

man ...

4777d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how about a math lesson snaz
psn+ 50.00$/year
365 days in said year
equals out to 13.6cents perday
those two weeks your crying about
a whole WHOPPING 1.91$
your crying about LESS than 2 dollars

so heres what ya do, go search your car and under your couch cusions and when you find about 2$..call it a gift............


ungrateful kids..........

4777d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just got an email from best buy saying their database with email addresses and names and regular addresses with phone numbers was comprimised (ill post an image on a reply once im done at work) they arent giveing me any free best buy merchadise, no free anything, just an email saying sorry...

now at least with psn haveing lost the same info im getting free merch from the psn store and a free month subscription for a paid service...yah im not seeing how im getting screwed ...

4777d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

who uses HULU or Netflix anyway...bittorent people its free and i can get any show/movie i want in any resolution i want for free........ music and video piracy FTW....but im against gameing piracy...ironic isnt it...or hypocritical....BAHH one of the two

4778d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

al-queda is a multi cell terrorist group just cause you get one leader doesnt mean squat. they are all trained to operate independant of central leadership..think a multi headed hydra no matter how many you cut off it just keeps comeing...

if anything itll tick off the rest of em so much they will rally and its on like donkey kong as they say....besides does anyone really trust the 20+different mainstream media stories about it....REALLY

4778d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

besides the fact that the type of info that got stolen can be found in several easy to access places already i will list a few


and boom i now have equal info to what was taken if i visit any of these places

ignore the facts flankhim its better you dont get into any trouble out here in the real world where you should watch all your info you give to any...

4778d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

leigon you can get the type info that got stolen from anywere *look at above post* if anyones doing a shit job its ourselves with our own info. no database is 100% hack proof PERIOD.. EVER.......mastercard, visa, now sony, apple, disney, everyone and their mother has gotten hit why worry about this one time...im sure you have a cell phone.

did you now that att,tmobile,sprint,and verizon can all share your personal ino except your cell number with outside sales??? yeah its ...

4778d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment