
CRank: 5Score: 6290

i am sure you have a mic for the PS3.... hint hint... you can fill in all the swearing you want. Meet you on the battle field soldier.

4871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

already pre-order with day one delivery.... which also qualify me for all the bonus goodies.

4871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamer2010 and Mini101... I respectfuly suggest you both get your eyes check. Its already reported that crysis 2 looks very poor on the 360 and we already know the best platform for Crysis 2 and Dead Space 2 is on the PC (which are the versions I have with my badass GPU).

lol I did notice Gamer2010 that you could only attack MGS4 and not the other elite games on the PS3 since nothing on the 360 can compare...

4871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Regardless of the content of the article.... its been know for yrs now that the 360 has peaked and cannot produce any improvement from the visuals department. Dont get me wrong... the 350 have some great games I want to play but it just cannot match the PS3 from a graphics, particles and lighting just to name a few.

Dont think I am correct... some me a game... any game that is on the same level as MGS4, KZ2, KZ3 and dare I add the epicness of Uncharted (all of them). Face i...

4872d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

So how much money did they pay you to say that... or you just feel like being clueless. No game on the 360/PS3 can top a first party game for the PS3. Enough said... just a reminder... they have to dummy it down for the 360.

4872d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I second that... this will be the reason I can stop playing BFBC 2. Plus this is built from the ground up for the PS3.... so you know that means online epicness.

4872d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I fully agree with you. I was not a fan of the half ass graphics of R2.... the developers clearly step up their game on this one. It looks impressive. Killzone 3 and R3 the best of show on any of the home consoles.

4872d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

But first Killzone 3 day one... the PS3 is really flexing its processing might.

Whether or not it can surpass the 360 in total sales this Generation... it's clear the PS3 is the best graphically (physics, particle effect etc) console. Nothing to date looks as good as MGS4, Killzone 2, Uncharted (2 and 3) on the 360. It just will not and cannot happen. If a 360 fanboy disagree than please show me which game can.

4872d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I highly doubt Crysis 2 on console can even come close to the graphical presentation that Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 will produce. It clear no third party developer can hold a candle to PS 1st and 2nd party developers. Plus we all know the game play and story elements will be top notch.

Plus I will get Crysis 2 for the PC as I did for Dead Space 2.... the console versions are just not up to par to the PC version.

4872d ago 19 agree7 disagreeView comment

I always find it funny when 360 supporters can only draw on lazy or unqualified programs on the PS3 version, as their reason for 360 being superior. Yet today and counting they cannot produce not one game that can top MGS4, Uncharted (all of them) and Killzone 3 in term of a combined effort in graphics, physics/particle effects and other all running at the same time as smooth as a new born ass.

Humor me please and name just one or are 360 fanboys going to take the Wii excus...

4874d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got mine pre-ordered and ready for combat. Like I said this is Sony's Halo and some.

Let be real here... the best version of Crysis 2 is the PC version (which i will be getting). I did the same for Dead Space 2 by getting the PC version.

4874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This games gets better and better. I hope it gets the full support of PS3 owners that it deserves. This franchise is our Halo. Day one buy for me.

4874d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Games like Crysis 2 and Dead Space 2 will be bought by people like me for the PC since I want the best graphics version. We all know that the console version (be it 360 or PS3) will be inferior to the PC.

These days I am only buying console exclusives since only then are the developers truly pushing the system. My next purchase is Killzone 3.

4874d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
4882d ago Show

So making the characters even bigger is your graphic improvment. I guess Gears 4 with characters taking up the entire screen will be graphic EPICness for you. Got to love 360 fanboys. you guys are the best.

As I said no noticeable improvement graphically for this game. At this rate the blind can play this game since if you shoot and you sure as hell will hit someone.

4882d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

I am not a fan of 360 but come on man... what nonsense are you posting. Just enjoy your PS3 like I am and stop the pointless rants. At the end of the day none of us fanboys are being sent a check from microsoft or sony for pushing their hardware. so give it a rest.

4882d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I see you pride yourself is disagreeing with me but make your sound argument to prove your point. Once again 360 has great games but graphics beast it is not. The console is already maxed out.

For the morons disagreeing prove to me how the graphics have improved.

4882d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

the 360 graphically has been maxed out for over 2 yrs now. nothing wrong with that since it has great games but for 360 supports to think going from gray scale to a few add colors is a graphic improvement is sad. A real graphics improvement is Killzone 3.

4882d ago 2 agree15 disagreeView comment

Since this is really about which console can produce better graphics... the real lens of truth is which game if any on the 360 can compare to the physics, graphics etc of Killzone 3 for the PS3.

Its clear a game developed for 360 hardly ever works well on the PS3 (bug feast and freezing issues). This is one reason if it is multi platform I go with the best version which is the PC (my machine is a beast with a bad ass GPU) and I will invest in first and second party games f...

4882d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Plus piracy is a huge reason why the 360 is selling so well in the USA, since its so easy to mod and pirate 360 games. So its generating sales for Microsoft as so many now have have two or even three of the system in their home.

4882d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment