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Read the article again... right now the struggle N is having is the balance of WiiU power and cost. That is the single greatest reason why no real specs have leaked yet. Hell... they will be giving out revamp Dev kits soon hence the reason why Ubisoft for example, was ask how powerful the WiiU is... they could not answer.

One thing is 100% clear... its more powerful than the PS3. The question left to answer is by how much (once N commits to a final spec)more powerful will it ...

4732d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep which tells me they are really listening to what the 3rd party developers need to make AAA games for the WiiU. The difficult part for N is at the end of the day and listening to what developers are telling them.... is no getting a balance of power and cost so the mass (core and casuals) can buy it in large amounts from day one. Price point can make or break the success of a console.

4732d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well... time will tell. For the first time in a long time Nintendo is going about their new console right with going to the 3rd party developers and not showing anything about 1st and 2nd party games.... in a sense letting the 3rd party run first and in the lime light. Very smart and hence the reason they currently have a much larger lineup of games that previous generation of Nintendo consoles never had.

Put once again time will tell. I have a PS3 and if all I have been read...

4732d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow... the writer of the article clearly being misleading.

He wrote "He finished by saying that Nintendo's new console may not be able to necessarily outperform the other consoles out now because the Wii U is more about balance than pure performance." which was grossly incorrect when you read what Miyamoto actually said.

Miyamoto words "So I don’t know that we would be able to sit here and say that it’s going to necessarily dramatically out...

4732d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Silly human... if in 2011 you do not have the ability to play dvds or blu-ray media in your home then maybe you need to think about disposing of your vhs player and go to BestBuy and get your ass some new technology for your living room... yes that also goes for your cassette player you still walk around with on the street wearing your bell bottom pants and fish tank pimp shoes.

As for me... I already own a PS3 and a DVD player... if I need to watch a movie... I have options....

4739d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

This is the very reason why Nintendo is keeping all critical information close to the chest with the Wii U... why make it easy for Microsoft to steal some ideas for its next console.

4739d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

At this early stage in WiiU development... it has surpass the other Nintendo consoles in 3rd party support...

Good job Nintendo in making 3rd party support your primary objective (no mention of any 1st and 2nd party games yet). It seems day after day more developers are making public statements they are bring their key IPs and new games to the console.

4740d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

How silly you are going to look come next year. If Ghost Recon Online is any indication of the online infrastructure to come... I am very pleased. I did watch the developers Q/A and watch the demo they should plus listen to their approach with online strategy.

4740d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agree... I have a PS3 and if all looks well... will be getting the WiiU also.

4740d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is wrong with you people...so lets play your silly game shall we... so if the PS3 is 300% more powerful than the WiiU then the WiiU 2 will be 100% more powerful than the PS4 so lets all wait even more years for future tech with no set timeline since what is coming will be less powerful when the future tech comes around... Idiots!!!

That is the life cycle of tech my friend... something will always be more powerful at some point. Does that mean you will skip out of the cur...

4740d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The concept of the Wii U controller I like and can think of many kool ways to implement it for both casuals and gore gamers.

I am still waiting on the specs for the Wii U, an in-depth look at their plan for Wii U online space and also how serious are they in developing for the hardcore gamers...

It is already a given that Wii casual user will upgrade to the Wii since all their peripherals will work. This gen I was force to purchase a PS3 (up to that point I h...

4745d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo did nothing this E3 to give core gamers any sort of interest in the Wii U... What they have done is clearly give the 86 million Wii owners a reason to upgrade. Not a bad business model since it also means they are making sure their current Wii base do not gravitate to the 360 as a viable HD option.

What remains to be seen is if Nintendo can get once loyal Nintendo fans, like myself, that got frustrated with the Wii and went to 360 and/or PS3 for our HD gaming needs....

4745d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I will reserve my comment till I see official full specs of the Wii U. At this point we still have the rumored specs from the same source that called it 100% current on the controller...

If the specs on the console is inline with what is being rumored, then I am not concerned with what PS4 or XboxNext will bring a few years from now. If the Wii U is just about the same or even less (what would be an epic fail on Nintendo part to get core gamers) then like the Wii... core game...

4745d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


4747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am one of them that got frustrated and bought a PS3... It marked the first time in my gaming history that I bought a console that was not from Nintendo. If what is now leaking out is true... it will be a day one purchase for me to complete my gaming experience which will be with two great consoles, PS3 current gen and WiiHD next gen..

The thought of playing metroid prime, Zelda, starfox (loved starfox adventure) etc in native 1080p with a robust interactive world with mass...

4748d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I feel the same.... This is the first generation I have every not bought a Nintendo gaming console. The Wii made me look the other way and I bought a PS3. If what I am reading is correct and the games that will come and running in 1080p natively.... move over PS3, WiiHD will take me back to my roots.

Tuesday is going to be Epic!!!! live stream website already bookmark.

4748d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So if your logic is wait for the next best thing then with the rate of how technology keeps changing... we will be waiting forever. If you like Nintendo franchise games (1st and 2nd party) you will be getting the WiiHD... If you a diehard Xbox and PS fan, clearly you are... then waiting for those consoles makes sense.

It is just silly for you to keep posting that if these are the specs for WiiHD then the next coming of Xbox and PS will be that more powerful. With that logic t...

4749d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

anything release today will be crap in 5yrs so what is your point. Thats just how technology is... state of the art to today and old tomorrow. You either love Nintendo franchise games or you dont. Its that simple put please stop the stupidness about "in 5 years from now the WiiHD is going to look like crap".

4754d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Larger not even close to casuals... but I will give you the loyal aspect and willing to invest money into games. But Wii has clearly proven that Casual gamers is larger than hardcore from a global stand point. Bare in mind that these two groups do also intersect.

4754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Clearly you have not been looking at financial sites etc. It already been reported that Nintendo has exceeded any previous records of spending on new technology. Look it up. that alone tell me this is no minor blip of an upgrade.

4754d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment