I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.


CRank: 5Score: 54610

You know right before this Hideo was like "First, I show you tentacle hentai porn from Japan" and got this shot lol

1676d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of Fortnite MT's are cosmetic. There are literally no pay to win MT's. I wish all games went with this model.
This is exactly why Fortnite is successful. Someone can't just put their parents' credit card into their system, rack up a bunch of MT's to beat everyone else easily. Fortnite isn't that great, they just know how to do MT's properly. I can't stand it when losers who play games all the goddamn day long have advantages because their weapons ...

1684d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know right, this is basically clickbait.

1686d ago 28 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bethesda is just a publisher. The devs are the same ones from Doom 2016 and they're amazingly talented. The fact that the game is being delayed tells you the publisher actually wants this to be good and is willing to throw money at development to make sure it's actually finished. Bethesda is learning its lesson from the mess that was Fallout 76.

1692d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are fewer things on this site creepier than digital characters banging. Nude mods are a bit creepy, but this gross artificial characterization of sex and relationships is unsettling to say the least.

1694d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're right about everything you listed. Those are all feature related, and the features just grew every game. If features made the game, GTA 5 would be best just because it has the most features. GTA Vice City has the most charm. The characters are super memorable, the music was the best of any game ever from a licensing standpoint, I mean you just can't beat the time period, the Scarface tributes, the hilarious radio talk shows (best ever by far) the voice acting, the dialogue, it ...

1698d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Honestly, a hidden gem just released - Wreckfest!
It's the most fun you can have with your pants on!
I can't sing this masterpiece's praises enough. I've had more fun with it than any other racing game I can remember, and I've played them all.
We need to support smaller developers like this. The game has been in alpha stages for years so it's unbelievably polished, and it gets regular patches. I still haven't encountered any serious glit...

1699d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Jeebus Cripes, I thought videogames being a scapegoat was something completely outdated. I thought we were past this when GTA 3 was being blamed on people's hooliganism, as if people were going to start running over hookers on the street if they played a videogame. Please. That was 2003, and a massive amount of research has shown zero correlation between videogames and violent behavior.

1717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted was May of 2016. Over 3 years ago. Sony has had years of exclusives that have their own greatness in their own right, just like Gears 5 is its own thing, and is great in its own right as well. It isn't the "Uncharted of X-bone" or whatever. It's not an answer to anything. It's its own thing.

A common question people have is "If we played all the previous Gears games, do we even need to play the new one or is it more of the same?" ...

1719d ago 37 agree8 disagreeView comment

God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, all have better game design, story and level design.
Gears graphics are cleaner with higher resolution and FPS but the fidelity and art direction just isn't there. Nothing is as pretty as God of War.

1719d ago 105 agree75 disagreeView comment

Whether the game has an 8.9 or 9 out of 10 from one website is irrelevant. Gears overtook Fortnite on X-bone so Microsoft is happy with its financial performance.

Why else would people be upset about silly review scores -_- go play the game if you enjoy it.

1719d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The actions of each character are so bizarre and unrealistic, NO one acts that way. Usually it's the third playdate that the kids start burning you with cigarettes.
And the patronizing view of homeless people as being the most virtuous people in the fucking world who can do no wrong and are always the most moral people, give me a break.

1719d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's early, this may be patched in at some point. I think the game is rather polished given the delays they went through to get this out.

1729d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a simulation game, very weighty to the cars, I can't believe how perfect the driving is. Feels just like Test Drive Eve of Destruction on PS2, the last great Demolition Derby game.

1729d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Problem is they never did a GOTY edition where all DLC was included. If you looked they had over 61 pieces of DLC. I never bought the game because of all the DLC you had to buy to get all the cars, it was insane. They needed to do an all in one game with all cars and it never happened. So disappointing.
Also the simulation style mode was better but your opponents didn't adjust their driving to sim mode enough, they were hard as hell just like in arcade mode driving. Same as time...

1729d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For those who don't understand how addiction works, the reason watching someone else smoke doesn't make you want to smoke is because YOU AREN'T ADDICTED TO CIGARETTES. It's people who used to smoke who will be dying for another cigarette when they see other people smoking that will be affected.
For young impressionable people, it simply makes smoking cool. Ask people who smoke why they started and you will get several different responses, some of which will be becaus...

1732d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is no official bezel for the console yet. The picture on this article is a photoshop much like other photoshops of consoles over the years, all of which look ridiculous.

1738d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was impressed by literally all the other character designs. So you're wrong -_-

1738d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

See, this is where waiting for games to go on sale has huge advantages. Instead of buying right when they come out, wait a long time and chip away at the backlog. The games will plummet in price eventually and pick them up then. This allows you to pay way less for games and actually attack your backlog.
Also be pickier with which games to buy. Buying everything seems fine till you realize a lot of it was just over hyped or mediocre at best.

1739d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm so happy I preordered and got a discount, this game looks amazing. Simulation Demolition Derby!

1739d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment