
CRank: 5Score: 6570

I have to disagree... to craft a game that achieves a certain level of quality takes a lot of money to pay for the people to put in all that time and work. If a company doesn't get returns on that money then next time they won't put in the same amount of money and so the quality will go down. Sales are extremely important to quality.

I also have to disagree with you on the marketing of Killzone 2. Killzone 2 has been featured in the last three Sony E3 keynote speeches includ...

5561d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is ridiculous, the sales data that MS reports are part of their quarterly earnings report and there are >LAWS< which dictate how and what a company can report. The concept of MS reporting consoles replaced under warranty as sales would be a gross infraction of these laws which are there to protect investors and would be a massive misrepresentation which would be sure to land a number of executives in jail, especially for a company which is under constant scrutiny such as Microsoft...

5562d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

A story about a company that has only EVER made sony exclusives is going to publish *GASP* another sony exclusive! SHOCKING! Hey, here's another news flash: The sun will rise tomorrow!


5563d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, that's to create a "Games for Windows - live" account which can be synchronized with an "Xbox Live" account if you already have an "Xbox Live" account so your gamerscore etc will reflect both combined. Creating a "Games for Windows - Live" account however does not create an Xbox Live account. A psn account, whether created through the ps3, psp or on the internet, is a psn account. Tonnes of people on N4G seem to think that 20 million PSN ac...

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't need to own a ps3 or psp to have a psn account.

go ahead, create one.


5565d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

Great article, really enjoyed the read! Wish more of this type of stuff would be posted on N4G...

5569d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, according to a certain group of posters here on N4G, halo wars is selling just because it has the word 'halo' in it so the halo franchise can't be doing that bad if the mere mention of halo will bring in sales.


5570d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's happened to the Wii?! It sold 5x that many before the christmas rush started. Now it's on par with the 360!

5570d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment


Actually, I own over 350 cd's, over 700 DVD's, almost 100 Blu-rays, all of my computers run purchased copies of windows and all my consoles including the pc run purchased copies of games. I can see that you have such low moral caliber that you assume that everybody steals something and that actually means they have a 'life'. How utterly pathetic. I'm sorry but I believe in an equitable distribution of wealth and people deserve to be paid for the work that they do. ...

5571d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

if people want call of duty controls then go play call of duty. This is Killzone 2 and this game uses killzone 2 controls. The crybabies that are used to being on the top of COD leader boards need to adapt or get used to being on the bottom of killzone 2 leader boards. I like the controls as they are.


5571d ago 10 agree11 disagreeView comment

Consumers are just used to picking through $6.99 bins at walmart. Blu-ray disc and player prices still need to come down for wider adoption. I am an avid blu-ray supporter but I have to admit I am not spending as much as I used to spend on dvds because I think the prices are too high so I only buy the discs I REALLY want. I certainly am NOT going to pay a premium to replace a title I already own on DVD so those releases I am simply waiting on until they are cheap.

5571d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Piracy is a MASSIVE problem especially in these hard times. I expect to be paid for doing my job and developers deserve to be paid for their work. You hurt developers and especially gamers with every game you DON'T pay for. If you don't have much money, then WAIT. Games come down in price over time. There would be more games available, they would have a higher level of design and polish and they would probably be cheaper overall if developers were more profitable. People that pirate gam...

5571d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good sales for both sony and ms! Actually, I was more surprised at some other titles, brain training and halo 3 are both still in the top 40... those games have some legs!

5571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Andron666 Translation: I am a fanboy, not a gamer. True story.

I'm sorry, if someone gave me a ps3, 360 or wii for free, I would take it and enjoy the games moreso because of it.

5576d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

You guys seem to all be talking like psn members are all ps3 owners... you do realize that you don't even need to own a playstation product to create a psn account right?

go ahead, sign up whenever you like. Ownership of a ps1, ps2, ps3 or psp is not required.

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I go to my local gaming store every time. Walmart doesn't need my money, the specialty store that caters to one of my favourite hobbies does. Don't care if I have to wait 12 hours because of it.

5578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, it was only on shelves for 4 days... maybe if it had been out for the full 7 days it might have made that 200k... and at 166k, that's about 20% of the entire install base that bought the game in the first 4 days... I think that's better, statistically speaking, than halo did in the US. Japan loves it's rpgs...


5578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see how MS announcing that gold members now get a 25-50% break on DLC, orginals and arcade titles is flame bait? This is about as legitimate and relevant as news gets... there's even relatively positive comments from people that normally hate on the 360...

5578d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, a human eye with 20/20 acuity is capable of resolving 60 arc-minutes per degree in any direction. It is not capable of resolving greater arc-minutes along the vertical axis as compared to the horizontal axis at all as you imply. The most important measure for what the eye is able to percieve is pixel density across a given surface area where greater pixel density is always better (1280x720 has 17% greater pixel density). As an aside, the size of your display and distance your eye...

5580d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

510p, if true, is horrible. Just for the record though, the lowest defined HD source is 854x480 interlaced at 30 frames per second labeled as EDTV or 480i. The highest defined SD source is 720x480 interlaced at 30 frames per second. 510p is still horrible though.

5583d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment