Enjoying gaming regardless of platform


CRank: 6Score: 84970

It was in the UK.

3753d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Gotta get that residual somehow.

Maybe it could be Titanfalls "zombie" mode.

3753d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

What is wrong with owning both and having a preference? I own both and prefer the XBOX One so far.

This will likely go back and forth throughout the generation as good games release on both sides.

Right now, for me, I prefer the games available on the One at the moment.

Resogun, Warframe, Outlast, and such are decent, but I prefer Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, and Forza 5.

Crazy isn't it? Someone prefers something y...

3758d ago 5 agree30 disagreeView comment

Love the Harmony remotes!

Had the 360 version for almost seven years before some of the buttons eventually wore out.

3758d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Kinect works great. Ever heard of having options?

Some people just don't like to use the Kinect even if it does work.

Giving people options is not a bad thing. Jeez.

3758d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That was pretty awesome.

Kind of bored with the PS4 at the moment as there really isn't much to play as I have already played the multiplats on XBOX One or PC.

Killzone is beautiful but not my cup of tee and the free to play games aren't that great. Playstation needs a killer app and fast.

Infamous looks like that killer app.

3759d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

You are right, but comparatively the 360 had more features at launch in the form of media than the XBOX One does now.

You could play music with your games, rip cd's to the hard drive, stream media (music, video, pictures), and read video, music, and pictures from a USB stick.

The XBOX One does not support any of that except for streaming video and music and you have to do it a certain way that is not intuitive.

The PS4 doesn't do an...

3759d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with the game thing on the PS4. Just got one last night and there quite literally is nothing to play on it besides the multiplats that I have either gotten on Pc or XBOX One already.

Even with PS+ there really isn't a whole lot of anything to do on the PS4.

I downloaded DC Universe, Outlast, Warframe, and Resogun. They are OK games, but nothing like Killer Instinct, Forza or Dead Rising. XBOX definitely takes my vote for launch games.

3759d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

A fellow grammar nazi, I see.


3765d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or you could save up and have the best of both worlds. The PC indie scene is truly incredible. PC has it's own exclusives and amazing graphics. A lot of control options. Use any gamepad or peripheral you want as there are literally hundreds of input options that work on PC.

Also, PC's are really easy to build if you spend more than ten minutes researching how to put them together.

The consoles have great exclusives. I like what the consoles o...

3765d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the scoring system as well... ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffuuu.

3766d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand why this is such a huge issue for people...

Get a charging station with rechargeable battery packs, or get rechargeable batteries.

I use rechargeable batteries and slap them in the charger when I am done using the system, that way I know I have fully charged batteries in my controller.

I do miss the indicator, but it is not the end of the world. There are other more pertinent things that need to be worked on first.

3767d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

My highest is 26. Very frustrating game.

3768d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They should really change the name from Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate to Dead or Alive 5 Pretty Much Porn.

3768d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, I didn't have any long queue times last night. Played it for at least four hours and it only took me a minute to five minutes between matches. Nothing out of the ordinary.

3770d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think at least 27 people care.. lol

3770d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

That looks really fun.

3771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow I got goosebumps watching that. So much epic in there it is almost too much, almost.

3772d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lay off the drugs.

3773d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

It doesn't work at all. No matter what I do, even 'sideloading' does not work.

3773d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment