
CRank: 8Score: 53380

Keep in mind the developer who mentioned this is from Giants Software. Take a look at their titles and then consider how much weight you put on this guy's ideas.


Skiregion Simulator 2012 ftw?

4130d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're probably thinking of when he tortures the female scientist's wife - it was pretty difficult to listen to. Though Sir Hammerlock is also gay and it is inferred that his lover was killed by Jack too, iirc.

Regardless, any white guy getting bent out of shape over a white character using colloquial slang is effing stupid.

4130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hah, Nvidia is shopping for a distruptor? Nice.

4131d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

So is the image of the naked girl actually concept art from the game? Or was it just picked from google image search to get hits?

Cuz one of those answers gets the site downvoted.

4134d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great game and the music by New World Revolution is awesome beyond belief. Actually went out and bought their CD after playing the game.

BUT -- goddamn the voice of the main bird is terrible. Zero inflection and sounds like it was recorded over the phone. I'm not sure who's brother they got to voice him, but it was a total misfire.

Was kind of hoping they'd redo his lines in the Vita version...

Oh well, I'll buy it again for t...

4136d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Playing Ni no Kuni [is like] going on a strict diet for five years, then eating a cheeseburger"

Hahaha, best description of the game yet.

4150d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aahahaha, what has been seen can never been unseen.

4158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This. How in the world is this possibly news? "In the future we will tell you when future games are coming out."

4205d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fair enough, it was inappropriate to suggest you were padding your post count. Sorry, late at night posts get a little cranky sometimes.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, even if I disagree I appreciate you responding with something more than the normal N4G 'WHARBARGL' that we normally get.

4206d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Err... the basis of the article - "The result of an experiment to clone the world's nastiest bastard, he's literally inhuman; he has no empathy towards normal people" is out right false.

47 has limited empathy but the series *repeatedly* shows that he is capable of displaying emotions, and does at several key points. If the bad animation was suppose to be a gameplay mechanic, it would have to suddenly get good at times to show that 47 will sometimes identif...

4207d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the Vita version wasn't amazing by any means but it was a reasonable 6-7.

4208d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hear you, I play my Vita way more than my PS3. Heck, I find myself playing mediocre games on the Vita (like Lego LOTR) more than awesome games that I own for the PS3. It's kind of weird, but it is just so convenient and pleasant to sit on the couch playing the Vita while my wife sits next to me on her laptop while we watch Netflix on the PS3. Something about not dominating the entire living room to play a game is rather nice.

Also, I have a ridiculous backlog of Vita ga...

4208d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure how long, but it is awesome so far. Challenging but not bullet-hell level crazy. Definitely worth picking up!

Shame it isn't crossbuy... I'd love to play it on the PS3 too. Oh well, the Vita version looks and plays great so I'm not crushed. I just like free stuff. :p

4213d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game OOZES style. Not sure how it compares to the original PS2 one, but even the menu system in P4 Golden is amazing looking. I seriously took a screenshot of the save menu because I wanted it as a background.

It was a good week for the vita, between Sina Mora, PS Allstars, PS+ on Vita, and Persona 4 Golden, my Vita has been getting nonstop usage. Nice being reminded how great of a system it is when good games actually come out for it.

People can make f...

4213d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised how many people are excited for this functionality.
I mean, it is super nice, but I've had a logitech harmony remote that does exactly this for many, many years now so this is not exactly 'new'. Want to know what my steps are to play the PS3?

Press 'Play PS3' on the remote
Press PS button on controller
Play games

4221d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Clearly didn't follow the link. Shipping isn't anywhere close to 10 dollars. Face it, getting excited about an HDMI cable is just weird.

And my comments weren't meant as a rebuttal to your entire post. There's no point in me doing that since you're clearly quite excited for the Wii U. And good for you! Not my cup of tea, but whatever.

But it is clear that you were saying things that were just straight up wrong. Not opinions that I disagree...

4222d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also, that article you linked to only says that some PS1 games won't work because of emulation. This is a side effect of software emulation and unless the Wii U has the physical hardware for each of those systems, it will have to deal with the same issues.

If you discount the PS3s ability to play PS1 games due to a tiny number of incompatible titles or titles with copyright, then you have to invalidate the Wii U for not having 100% BC as well. Or, you could try jamming a ...

4222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A little site called Amazon has HDMI cables for cheap:

I know that Nintendo fans find the internet scary, but if Big Lots is the extent of your experience buying electronics, it says a lot.

4222d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

All PS3s can play PS1 games.

Also, where the heck are you ordering HDMI cables? If you're paying more than 5 dollars, you're an odd duck.

4222d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Terrible, terrible review from a terrible site.

Not dinging BOPS2, just the review and the site.Is the embargo even lifted?

4222d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment