CRank: 5Score: 8150

GT5 is highly anticipated and all, and I'm definitely getting it (only racing game I'll buy these days), but racing games just don't really ever take the crown because racing has a somewhat limited appeal, and there's only so much room for improvement (you can only drive a car in so many ways). LBP2 has a much broader appeal because literally Every Gamer from hardcore to casual can find something appealing in it. If it has some innovative move integration, it's a no braine...

4999d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even the person who provided the evidence admitted that the 'hype' wasn't ever that, just a few expressions of hope. A: Once the game went multiplat and B: Once more footage was released, PS3 fans gave up on it long ago. We don't need that to be the Gears Killer, UC2 has done that 10 times over.

4999d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

DS3's don't go flying out of people's hands now. Having a gyroscope in the controller wouldn't even make it all that useful for thing like waving wildly, just for position and orientation tracking.

5005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Positive press from msm/marketing campaign = same thing, MS can basically pay off msm, unfortunately independent journalists can have a less assailable integrity or may be too partisan to be swayed.

Great value is debatable, the cost is not exorbitant, but it's also not cheap by any standards, given the present line-up of game offerings, it cannot be reasoned to be a worthwhile invest for anyone who is over 12 basically.

Thus far there really has been much ...

5014d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It seems that because of the fact that the game is on rails and doesn't have to do much real time processing, the graphics look pretty good. Too bad the experience looks like total crap. A: They look like buffoons, B: they have minimal control, it's not even all that clear they were aiming despite what the guys says C: Lag was fairly apparent, D: It doesn't do anything to integrate full body movement, at least have them jog in place during the movement part or something.

5017d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

The more I see it, the more I realize nothing compares. I though the first game was a revolution, this is astounding.

What are the GOTY contenders so far (including games we know will be on the list but aren't out yet):

GOW3, ME2, RDR, GT5, SC2, H:Reach, and this, LBP2.

How anyone could fail to see that this is a far superior leap in gaming than any of those is beyond me. This is not to knock those games, but this game is just so much ...

5018d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That all comes down to game design. Most games that would have four players wouldn't be games that require all four people to have two hands. The only four player games in existence which require that level of controller sophistication are fighting games, e.g. smash brothers, which everyone would rather play with a traditional controller anyway. I'd say shooters too, but those have largely been relegated to just having online multiplayer, or maybe at home 2 player, at most.

5023d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How could anything possible be a knock off of those two games at the same time. That doesn't make any sense.

5039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOWIII and UC 1 and 2 don't just "have some platforming elements" they are huge parts of the games' structures. PS3 has a lot of nicely blended genres. Aside from that, LBP and Ratchet do just fine. Nintendo doesn't have very many platformers beyond Mario. Unlike shooters, this isn't an over saturated genre.

5046d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The article is three sort paragraphs, and all of them are talking about Mario. It alludes once to the idea that they'd be satisifed with some other quality platformer, but clearly these guys don't even know their own system. Braid is a brilliant platformer and so is trine. True, these aren't full retail games, but it's not like there's nothing on Xbox in the way of platforming.

This article fails.

5046d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

How retarded do you have to be? That's not mapping him at all, it's just showing a video of him. Notice how the people who are playing clearly already know all of the dance moves, so it appears as though they are 1 to 1 when they aren't. The game shows no error tracking. When I see someone make a realtime error while playing this game and see that show up on screen, then I'll believe that its working.

Kinnect videos are clearly fake because they never show wha...

5051d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You can't make a human being on a DVD"


5051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Between remaking and remastering/rereleasing. The film industry creates a lot of crappy remakes, that are distinct films from the originals, the gaming industry thus far has only remastered and rereleased certain works that have not been altered in anyway except as to improve their graphics. It's also a load of BS to complain about something that doesn't really happen all that often.

5056d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would be a much better OS. The battery problem could be solved if there were in fact two separate batteries or at least programming that treats one battery like two different power supplies, one for phone operation and one for PSP operation, so the phone basically lets you know you can no longer use it as a PSP if you really want to keep using it as a phone for any reasonable period of time.

5059d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

An xbox game gets a taste of Jim Sterling's bullshit.

Don't believe anything he says, but now you guys know that when PS fans were calling his bullshit we were right all along.

5060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Borderlands seems to suffer from many of the same problems as this game.

Lackluster exploitation of cel-shading (if you're saving all that space, at least do something new with it).
Lack of story.
Lack of mission diversity.

That's not to say Borderlands is bad, I own and enjoy that game, but I can't say I wasn't slightly disappointed with it, and from what I can tell I'd feel the same way about this if I cared enough to inv...

5060d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're retarded, it was a parody commercial which was put together to make that point. Clearly you are completely socially and culturally illiterate and so is everyone who agreed with you. Fanboys are so dumb, they can't even recognize who or what is the butt of a joke.

5066d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Does not mean that you can't drive the car from within, it means you can't look around inside the car.

The premium cars allow you to look around at every inch of the interior so that you can see what they did to replicated the original car. Since they didn't do that for the standard cars, you can't look around in them. You can still drive the car from behind the steering wheel though. I really don't understand what's so hard to get about that.

5068d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Heft does not = clunky. That the controls are heavy and slowed down a bit does not make them unmanageable. This is the same complaint that people lodge against Killzone 2, and no one's buying it. If you play the game for more than 15 minutes, the controls become very familiar and it feels good in your hands. Not every game has to be 60fps hack & slash/shoot em up mayhem. Some people like a game that paces itself. As a matter of face, a lot of people do.

5071d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it only costs 20 bucks and it's in a genre that I'm a big fan of, and which reviewers or people who aren't familiar with the genre don't respond to well when things are too rough too early on, then sure (genres of choice here being certain kinds of RPG and Strategy Games). I think I might get Alpha Protocol when it hits the bargain bin, and I'm considering getting End War right now.

5071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment