
CRank: 6Score: 27730

You have got no clue what ObviousTruth and the Destructoid writer are talking about.

1st point....
"My point is, you clearly referred to Sony fans only, not fanboys in general."

This is exactly who Destructoid and OT are talking about. Sony fans who defend whatever Sony does and is incapable of finding fault in anything they do. It's not an article about Nintendo or Microsoft, nor their consoles. This is clearly targeted towards Sony and blindly ...

5440d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

as long as they are using ingame assets, then they are not bullshots. It is from photomode. And so what if it's a higher resolution pic. First of all it's a greater size to show the detail, secondly both the 360 and PS3 have upscalers. So, this pic, can be just that. An upscaled pic used to showcase the attention to detail.

Do you really have to troll Forza news. I'm going off of fact. They have it on their site that they don't use bullshots. And all you can give me is a pic wi...

5441d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The pics are taken from photomode, which when the game comes out, every gamer is going to have access to the same game. And as long as the gamers can do the same thing as the developers, then it is not Bullshots.

@Andyo: In photomode, you can blur the foreground or background. You can do that right now with Forza 2. But i'm guessing you are not really a Forza fan, and just are someone whose sole purpose was to come in here and bash the game. Because if you are a forza fan, the...

5441d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Infamous innovated on the mechanic by making it more free form. But Crackdown been had you scalin buildings. I think InFamous actually has an ode to crackdown in it, or is that Prototype.

Anyways, Crackdown just has to be more of Crackdown. The game was a gem, and i enjoyed every second. It was the first game to make me really feel like a super hero. And finding all those orbs was hard as hell, but enjoyable. And when i got my upgrades and started scalin buildings and doing the...

5441d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

it was totally awesome, but the only thing that sucked was that sometimes the cat's would end up winning the race, and that kinda defeated the purpose. But with Forza 3, you can set all the parameters to have a true cat and mouse game. It's going to be awesome.

I can't wait for this game to come out.

5441d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game is going to be awesome. And i love Turn10's car enthusiasm. I swear they probably get high off of exhaust fumes. LOL, but maybe i do too....

5443d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

why is that so hard to believe. These are most likely taken from the photomode. Which i see no problem in using that because it will be in the game and the gamers can have their pics look that good. So please stop trying to sway people by saying they are bullshots, when they are not.

Same for GT, if they use their photomode shots, then i'm fine with that because it's ingame and not misrepresenting the game. As long as the gamer can get that same kind of gameplay and results, th...

5448d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Forza developers maybe using the photomode, but they already came out and said that they do not use Bullshots. Photomode is part of the game, sorry to burst your bubble. So when you take a pic while playing the game, that's what it's gonna look like. Thankyou....

5449d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

they are not bullshots of the game. Not only that, GT5p is not native 1080p, it's upscaled. So enough with your crap....

5467d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that was a horrible example, and the shadows aren't even interacting. Horrible example, and to much bloom.... causing over exposed look....

This articl isn't about the GT frachise, it's about Forza 3....

5467d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the trailer still had GT's trademark missing tiremarks.... And a thing about the massive number of cars. I played GT4 and i hated when i got the Model T, and Nike concept car. You can't even use them in races. I don't want a whole bunch of useless cars. I want cars that i actually want to race with. I'm sorry, but that has always been my complaint with GT, not only that, but the fact that they count the several different models of the same car as different cars. No, give me the best model and...

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they even have advanced tire modeling, check out the vid at the Forza website

5480d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Turn10 said it themselves, there are no bullshots. Check out Forza's website. read the pitpass.... All the way at the end they tell you that the shots are all ingame.

5480d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

except, i wouldn't use Infiniti. I would use Mercedes, they have fiber optic wiring, so you couldn't even install an aftermarket radio by yourself. it's really sad. And now with the newer BMW's, you can't even change your own oil. The pan is completely sealed.

You can still tweak an Infiniti, remember, it's basically an upscaled Nissan, same as Lexus (though it takes a little more effort). I wonder how it is for Audi, because VW's are pretty accessible in the tweaking department,...

5543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is a Pro Halo Article. I mean, I'm sorry if you've been waiting for KZ2 all your life, but most of the people here are here because of H3.

Go find a pro KZ2 article and post to your hearts delight.

We don't need your elitess bull here. Or go to the Openzone. Many of the gamers that bought H3 are getting their money's worth. You and all your friends that bought PS3's just for one game can go and do just that; enjoy your one game, your "War Perfected". ...

5556d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

for the great discussion. This is how i wish N4G was at all times. Where people can discus gaming and their different view points without getting all out of hand with it.

It makes me kind of look forward to posting comments on this site more.

I hope we get more people here that are of the more mature gamer sect.

game on people....

5557d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Think about it, the developers see these articles and know that what they are doing is great for their community and game as a whole. Plus, their hard work is not going unnoticed.

I think Bungie would be happy to see this article. It would be like a pat on the back; job well done.

Know what i mean. Fans of the series also appreciate the article. You have haters, and they are going to do their job, and that is to hate. But real fans of the game really do like articles...

5557d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what you said, "This just proves that Halo Wars was bought more for the Halo 3 maps than the actual Halo Wars game."

You said that people where buying HW just for the map packs, and not that they weren't playing it.

The only thing is, though, that comment indirectly implies that people either returned the game or aren't playing it, that the only reason for the purchase was for the H3 map pack.

So i do apologize for taking it out of context, but...

5557d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

that HW is number 7 on this online gaming list. A RTS is #7. That means people are playing it. So many people are playing a RTS to make it #7 on the shooter happy console. That is an impressive feet.

That is the main point i wanted to drive home.

But the H3 map pack didn't need to be bundled in with HW to drive H3 back up to #1, it's been battling everything from CoD4, Cod: WaW, GTA: IV, and Gears 2 for how long now.

It's just that people (not directly s...

5557d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

because they want the government to stay out of their business so that they can do whatever they want, no matter how unethical.

Take these banks for instance. Did you know that the CEO's are getting bonuses. Now why give bonuses if your bank is failing and you need the help of the American people to bail you out. I mean, if we (the people) were filing for bankruptcy, how helpful would they be to us...? I know, there is a difference, because I'm one person and the affect i have on...

5557d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment