
CRank: 6Score: 27730

There are some really talented gamers out there. To be able to take what the tools the game gives you and expand on them is real talent. I think that this is totally awesome and news worthy.

The creativeness of gamers is infinite.

5722d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's completely possible. It just has to be passed by MS.

I.E. UT3, user-created content is completely capable, MS just doesn't allow all the freedom....

Don't know why, because Forza has it's cars, and Halo has Forge, but then again those are exclusives.

5725d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously you didn't read Jvillan's post, which all these are a response to.

5725d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what is FW, sorry but my pc talk shorthand is not that extensive, i have no idea what FW means.

5725d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

please read Navyguy's post. It makes perfect sense, and hits the nail on the head.

5725d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

and his studio would have to fund it themselves, cross game invites would be particularly more difficult to incorporate; cross game chatting is not even possible yet for PSN.

Be realistic, there are huge benefits to Live's infrastructure. It's unification has many benefits that would help the game.

Look at how you can use word of mouth, let's say that you and your friends are playing four different games, while utilizing cross-game chat; but you keep talking abou...

5725d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

rebuttal is full of twists that don't make any sense. Is Oblivion co-op enabled? NO, then why would you use that as your example. You can't just twist what he says to try and make a point.

Then you talk about games on your HDD, Live you can do that with Live Arcade games, big whoop. See how i just made your point worthless.

He was saying that when you do a cross game invite. your position is held so that when you boot up the game, you automatically join your fri...

5725d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

he did not bash PSN or PS3....

PSN and Live do have different infrastructures....

Here's a bone for the fan-boys....

Because of Live's infrastructure, they have to be more careful with user-created content. I.E. Unreal 3.

Now the benefit's of PSN's infrastructure give it more freedom with user-created content and sharing.

Now see, there are strengths, benefits, and weaknesses in both systems.

It is easie...

5725d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

such profound insight, as usual. This is great for gaming, i don't know what all the fuss is about.

Just think of it this way, the pressure that MS is putting on, can lead to another PS3 price cut. See how great this can be. That means more people on Live and PSN to play with.

How is this not a good thing. Please stop trolling and acting like you have stock with these companies. The blind loyalty is just plain stupid.

With the US economy on the roc...

5725d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

the game is shaping up to be awesome, i can't wait for November. I'm gonna loose a lot of sleep when this comes out. I was just replaying Gears 1 the other day....

It's a great time to be a gamer....

5726d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 has the more powerful CPU


360 has the more powerful GPU

Both within marginal realms of each other.

Won't actually equate to significant and/or drastic real world differences.

Fact.... PS2's cpu (6.2 gigaflops) had more than twice the gigaflops of the original XBox's cpu but did not equate to better graphics.

Fact.... All the numbers on the PS3 and 360 spec sheets are theoretical performance...

5726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 fans and fanboys are pretty sick. to think that they would intentionally do this is absurd. Oh you want to legitimize it for what. Bungie is huge, they don't need some kind of ploy to get attention. All they have to say is Halo 3 expansion, and they would be fine.

This is one of the lowest kinds of behavior i have been witness to. Now, i think that these console wars are getting out of hand. It's a missing child for goodness sake. How many Bungie employees have families of ...

5726d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's one of those exploding creatures

5726d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i wish i could give you more bubbles, but i can't, great post.... Very informative. I think i have to put you on my tracked list..... take care.

5726d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off, it was just a logical debate, he tried to get petty, and all i did was show how he failed. Then here you come doing the same thing. It is a simple yes or no question.....

I don't care about a stupid console war, i just don't like misinformation being touted as factual, and petty crap.

All you did was show your clear and utter obedience to the Sony conglomerate. I could care less, i just like fighting for the underdog. And since there are a lot of ps3 f...

5726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it would be stupid of me to not say that the cell is a powerful processor. But Xenon is no slouch. MS had IBM make that cpu specifically for the 360 with game development in mind. There are so many things that Xenon can do the alleviate the stress of making games that most developers don't dive deep enough to see what it can do.

Xenon is a beast as far as console gaming goes. The architecture is great for gaming, and it has a lot of proprietary components implemented in it....

5727d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

your response is actually worthless, i just thought i should bring that to your attention. All you did was prove that the facts he presented are Facts....

You did not present anything to counter them, but poorly placed and weak useless statements that you can't even say are witty.

Let's see:

Is the ps3 in 3rd place; Yes or No?

Has Nintendo made consoles with staying power long before Sony joined the console business; Yes or No?

5727d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This just an excerpt from their Soul Caliber 4 comparison (a recent game)

" the game is running internally with a whopping great 40 per cent resolution increase on the Microsoft console, with a native framebuffer of 1365x960 versus the standard 1280x720 on the PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 version also has an extra layer of lighting effects completely absent on the PS3 game - though the effect is rather subtle. They only manifest in the form of a touch of bloom and a good ol...

5727d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

bubbles to the both of you. Great posts, very well thought out and explained. Awesome.... haven't been on this site for a minute, because of all the rabid fanboyism, but it's great to comeback to the site and see some well intellectuals commenting. Great job guys.....

5727d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

let's see, Rage development issues is not with the 360's graphical performance, which they said, it's power is more attainable, but that it's the DVD format. It's a space constraint. The fact that the 360 does have more memory then the PS3 is a fact. Let's see 512 vs 522, no matter how you slice it, 522 is more then 512. Stop with the bull.

Look at the tech in SC4, the 360 version was actually toned down, i wonder why????

But i know, many of these fanboys want to...

5727d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment