
CRank: 6Score: 27730

That Lambo is insane.... Audi and VW are doing amazing things. Car porn to the 10th power..... I want that Audi Body Kit.... Pure Art!!!!

i can't wait for this game to come out....!

Sorry for the screaming, but i just can't hold back the excitement.

5403d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was always interested in this game.... I miss really good 2D games... and Trials HD is freakin awesome. It is so addictive, and i only played the demo..... Now i'm hooked and i have to buy the whole thing.... Man, i can't save not a single penny at this rate.

5404d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are very professional with their reports and dont' show any bias or favortism. They say exactly what they find. I don't know how so many people can argue with facts, but it's a continuous thing on this site.

I mean, if you don't care about this technical stuff, then why'd you come to the article. More then that, hopefully i can say, why'd you read it? I know there are many people on this site that don't read the article.

And then we have the hypocrites. Many tim...

5411d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh, he'll be here. There's no Forza or 360 related article he won't show his Trolling face at. And unfortunately, you might also see his usual supporters, that conveniently always say...."Grey is right."

It's so tired and lame, and i don't get it. Why bother, his comments aren't even constructive in the least. I understand constructive criticism, but his are just blatant attacks to try and convince fans of the games related to the article, that the game sucks or is not ...

5411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your boy Grey there is a blatant Troll.

And you know what they say, beware the company you keep.

And honestly, if you want people to respect you, then why come in here saying that the only reason it did X is because it had Y.

The game is a good game, Bungie are great developers, and there is an insane amount of fan/gamer support. That's the winning formula right there.

Coming in here and trying to take away the merits of this achievement by ...

5411d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

for this game to come out. It's going to be awesome. I always played Halo with a more stealthy flare. And the handgun is the best for that. I loved the Handgun in Halo: CE. It's about time they brought it back with it's explosive rounds. This is a must buy for me. I already pre-ordered it, and as a bonus i get Sergeant Johnson.

Totally can't wait....

5414d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

No one is saying the game is without fault. Some people are just overly excited. But when you come in here to rain on Forza fans parade and compare it to GT, then you are not going to get anything you were hoping for.

Who cares if he said it will be the "definitive" racing sim. Do you really think that matters to people who only have 360's. They won't be playing GT, so to them it can be that.

And you didn't address Xi when he brought up the issue of that pi...

5417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simple and subtle, but at the same time dramatic. Can't wait for this game to come out.

5418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But don't start generalizing and say "Americans", that's an over-simplification. A very unwanted one at that.

I agree with many of the bullet points. But i don't care about the advertising, because most of it is game related, and sometimes there are things i like. Like the Nissan 370z theme and info. Plus the VW info, and now a Honda documentary. I enjoyed all of those.

But they are very easy to ignore. The thing is, you will always see advertising.

5426d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How could you hate this game....

Check this video out.... It's awesome, and it's all in the name of fun. Be forwarned, it start off slow. All the action comes in after about a minute and seven seconds.

5428d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I personally think Halo looks great. And at sometimes, looks incredible....

Here are some pics from the multiplayer, which we all know is usually downgraded from the campaign, and they look awesome....

In game baby, in game, and un-retouched.

5428d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Kigmal was addressing DChalfont. you probably didn't see him because he only has one bubble.

But he wasn't addressing you.

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at the "Gotham Knight". What's not more American then Batman, well besides Superman.... LOL, but I thought "Gotham Knight" was great.... That's not including my bias towards Anime, as you can probably tell from my Avatar....

But, I thought the Halo Universe was great, as i said before, i have all the books, and have read them all. I can totally see an animated series as the next step.

Check out one of my earlier posts. I added the "Haloi...

5428d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember the "Animatrix" and the "Gotham Knight". It's kinda like those.

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo could completely fall into the Anime Universe.

Have you ever watched "Haloid". If you haven't, then here's a link:


I think that was awesome what he did with that.

I could totally see one of the Spartans kicking some A$$, like in "Haloid". Plus, most people don't realize that there was more then one Spart...

5428d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love Anime, and i loved what they did with the "Gotham Knight", "Animatrix", and "Chronicles of Riddick".

@ MasterFro.... could you elaborate a lil' bit more as to what you are not interested in? If it's not anything Halo, then you are trolling. But if it's because it is Anime, then that's a more reasonable argument. I know, not everyone loves Anime. Hopefully you are not trolling....

I have read all the Novels, including the graphic n...

5428d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is being used as an additional statement. But it doesn't distinguish one or the other as a separate entity. The sentence clearly states that it is the only console with a timer feature <---- you could just kill the sentence there and that's a true statement. They then added another feature which is an addition to the first one listed, but it all hinges on the fact that they have the timer which makes the sentence true.

MS probably didn't want people to think that that was i...

5428d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

With the way the world works, the mistakes people make, and sometimes just through unfortunate situations not everyone has that option.

Could you say that to a single parent....

Let me stretch that question out a lil bit more. How about a single parent that became that way out of tragedy, like: a car accident, natural disaster, illness, terrorist events, and the military.

Can you tell them that they are not good parents because they might need such assi...

5433d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We get racially discriminate followers.... I will report you too....

One person thinks he can say racially charged things, so another things he can follow....

It is the 21st Century.... I guess the anonymity of the internet empowers the immature to say whatever comes to their minds. Just leave....

If you have nothing productive to contribute, then just leave. You give N4G a bad name and gamers altogether.

5433d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Right, that is a racial stereotype(not a serious one, but one none-the-less), a stereotype of African Americans.... Right.... You should be the one to speak to people when you are even more offensive.

I'm going to report you, and hopefully you get banned. I mean, i know you'll probably just make another account, just hopefully, and I'm hoping you learn something from this.

Keep your hatred to yourself. Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should. Geez...

5433d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment