CRank: 5Score: 27040

can't shake the overwhelming feeling of familiarity, they say this about god of war and yet call of duty gets a free pass? Come on! God of war games are of the highest quality, so let it go!

4140d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is this gonna be a laggy piece of sh*t online like Crysis 2? Cuz that one was horrible!

4148d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

But but the forzas highest rated sim this gen!! Yeah right get out of here! When I saw that gif I though it was real for a second! Everyone always critizes what gt does wrong yet never give it credit for what it does right! Forza is a piece of shit and well all know it, its just the media hyping it up for nothing. Gt always be king!

4616d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah the atmosphere is bang on! That's why I said it's has great immersion. It just if you look closely, textures are flat, faces look plastic its just a very dated engine and it shows. Still gonna get the game do I just wish sometimes companies can use their own engines. Leave the Unreal engine to Epic only they know how to get the most of it.

4618d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Loved Arkham Asylum it was a really great game and this one looks even better the only criticism I have is that the UNreal engine has to go! It so dated it cheapens the game I find. I know graphics are not everything but in a game with this much immersion it can go a long way!

4618d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Fair enough with the pc games, I personally never played them cuz I stopped gaming on the pc after seeing how much it cost to keep up with it. I was referring more to the consoles as I am predominantly a console gamer now. I stick by my words Forza will never compete with gt because they don't have the same passion Kazunouri has for his games plain and simple. Is gt perfect? far from which game ever is? But play it long and enough and you'll see the extra work that was put into it. Li...

4627d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

There is no rivalry, one is the greatest racing franchise of all times, that has bridged the gap between car makers, gamers and car aficionados, sold over 60 million copies, and elevated it's creator to a respectable position not only in the video game world but in the car world as well. Now the other is a cheap knockoff brand that is already at it's fourth iteration and is nowhere near the level of prestige that its competitor or its creators have earned. Talk to me when the world se...

4627d ago 21 agree15 disagreeView comment

Socialist government= High taxe rate on population in order to fund all the programs that are offered free from the state. Everyone knows when you vote socialist you are expecting to pay for more taxes seeing how they want more programs.

4731d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment
4731d ago

Not wasting my time son just stating facts think what you want and defend that lousy company all you want but you havent gotten an exclusive game to play all year and your starved for anything good at this point.

4737d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

It prolly will xbox gamers are starved for games when was their last exclusive released this year? Theyll buy anything at this point their so desperate unlike ps3 owners who need a second job to support all the games were receiving Sad but true

4737d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Boycott all you want im def getting this amazing looking game day 1 while you guys wait for nothing. You should go after activision giving you the same rehash game year after year with 15$ map packs and shitty graphics, they are the bad guys not the ones giving you a brand new engine with great multiplayer to boot.

4739d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is so fake its to responsive we all know it lags much more than that

4743d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

well it did for the fps tell me another game that had fps cover and sliding into cover

4747d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Just goes to show how great of a game Killzone 3 was everyone is burrowing of it, the sliding, cover, great gameplay mechanics

4747d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

Whats the big day?? Are they refunding everyone who bought this broken game?? I know I'm glad I got rid of it traded it in for heavy rain at least my money is going to support someone who went out of their way to create something new. By the way BFBC2 mercs this game hard!!

5181d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thanks cornelius! Its exactly what i meant. I might hate on xbox but I always give credit where credit is due!

5185d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

They did this for Resistance 2 aswell, you could earn experience in the single player coop and multiplayer and all of these combined would give you your rank. I like this idea it rewards people for everything not just one thing and gives incentive to replay.

5186d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't get how you gamers still want to buy this outdated console when a far superior ps3 is out there! Jeez xbox is gimping the game industry stop buying it's worth sh*t!! Try me if you dare there is nothing that xbox has that's better than ps3. Nothing!

5188d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

Why is the xbox version of the UK review have a higher score??? They gave a 9 in the graphics for the xbox and an 8! for the ps3 version yet both reviews are a copy paste and give no reason for this difference?? What the f*uk IGN get your head out of your ass!! Battlefield looks great on both consoles and completely smokes MW2 online!

5208d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment