CRank: 5Score: 27040

Well I know what a stupid gamer is and that's usually the one that plays xbox and loves to get his wallet raped!

3976d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I would be too if my mom bought me a shitty console like Xbox. Jeez!! Poor you must have suffered severe trauma from the lack of Blu-Ray, wifi, RROD, Paying for online, huge power brick, double a batteries in the controller, disck swapping, paywall apps, no worthwhile games in the last 4 yrs, kinect!!! I had none of these problems with my playstation! :)

3978d ago 16 agree17 disagreeView comment

Really?? And how so? Your telling me it doesn't come with one character? Your telling me you don't need Gold to play it?? These are all lies and not facts?? Please enlighten me good sir! Since your clearly know more then me.

3978d ago 13 agree21 disagreeView comment

F2P!! Lol thats a good one! Not only you gotta pay for the characters, you gotta pay for Gold to play this supposed "f2P" game!! It's like paying twice!! LOl What a joke!! At least on ps4 F2P games are indeed F2P! Good for you Microsoft you deserve all this hate!! Karma is indeed a real bitch remember 2006? Yeah! Deal with it!! Only thing is you won't comeback from it you got no clout in the gaming world!

3978d ago 16 agree40 disagreeView comment

People keep saying Xbox 180 won with games, well ima tell you one thing: Reputation. I trust Sony to not only deliver in the games but also over deliver in quality! Proven with a solid track record of 3 generations of Playstation consoles! Xbox?? Don't make me laugh, when was the last time they released something worthy? Please people it's a Marathon remember! Were in the 7th year of the Ps3's lifecycle and they just released a masterpiece and still got 2 AAA before the year is ou...

3979d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well assumptions or not it's all irrelevant because in 6 yrs from now xbox will be a distant memory in the game industry and hopefully disappear. Mark my words it's gonna cause trouble with the kinect.

3979d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well because thats the one that comes with it in the box, and knowing Microsoft and their reputation will prolly be the only one that would work with it.

3979d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

Logistically speaking it sounds like its gonna be a disaster! Your gonna have all these xbox 180's with kinects all tangled up and connected. Then what happens if you have the wrong one for the wrong console can't find it after? Console won't work! Sounds pretty lame to me!

3979d ago 3 agree21 disagreeView comment

But how can it be played at evo if a kinect always has to be connected?

3979d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

Look at that hardware sales!! Get wrecked xbox!! A cancer to the video game industry since it's inception!

3979d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because your an idiot who has piss poor taste in gaming and loves to get raped as a consumer? Maybe that's why you signed the petition?

3981d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Very well said! Hit the nail on the head! Also don't forget the bloated projects from a cost perspective (RE 6)

3981d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Good let's hope it disappears forever and doesn't come back! Nobody wants to deal with the cancer that is Xbox anymore!

3982d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@thrust: Man you got some piss poor taste in gaming if your buying an xbox one!

3982d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Get wrecked Xbox!! Disappear from the gaming landscape we don't need you!! Sony consoles are always the greatest consoles!!

3982d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Been with Sony since the beginning! Will be with Sony till the end!! Greatest consoles ever made!

3982d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I played league of legends to see what the hype is all about really don't see what makes it so special.

3982d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Could...should...would! Simple answer: It won't! Hasn't in the past and sure won't in the future! You want quality console gaming; Get a Playstation console!

3984d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The tech they put in the 360 had made that console obsolete even before it came out! @shivvy RROD Proved that!

3991d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Moar money!!!! Xbots must be the richest gamers in the world if they love to keep spending money for whats free on the other console!Scratch that their not the riches jsut the stupidest! I mean you really must have piss poor taste in gaming if you chose a 360 over a ps3! Charger pack you hear yourself??? How about recharge battery from the start! Jeez demand a bit more quality would you??

3991d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment